2 research outputs found

    A Configurational Approach to Model Triglyceride Pure Component Properties

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    In this contribution, a new model to predict the thermodynamic properties, namely enthalpy of fusion (ΔHf) and melting temperature (Tm), of pure triglycerides (TAGs) is presented. Different contributions to these properties could be expressed by means of repetitive structural attributes deduced from molecular structures. Carefully formulated configurational and geometrical simplifications enabled to attribute physical meaning to most of the parameters. Overall, the number of adjustable parameters is successfully minimized to less than half compared to the well‐known model proposed by Wesdorp in “Liquid‐multiple solid phase equilibria in fats: theory and experiments” (1990). Comparing both models revealed that the new model surpasses the reference model considering desirable prediction quality, thermodynamical consistency, and the number of adjustable parameters. Practical application: The successful description of the phase behavior of TAG mixtures is crucial to understand complex phenomena in fat‐based products. This objective is based on reliable predictions of pure component properties and non‐ideal mixing in liquid‐ and solid‐phases. The newly formulated model gives reliable descriptions of experimental data and predictions of unknown data of TAGs — both thermodynamically consistent. Those are of benefit as prerequisite for any meaningful effort to predict the solid‐liquid phase behavior of TAG mixtures as well as crystallization kinetics

    On the Relation of Entropy and Enthalpy of Fusion in Triglycerides

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    This contribution presents an extensive literature survey of the calorimetric properties, namely enthalpy and entropy of fusion, of alkyl‐based molecules. Building on the well‐known linear correlation of the named properties to the carbon number in n‐alkanes, saturated fatty acids (FA), and saturated monoacid triglycerides (TAGs), the calorimetric properties of TAGs are reviewed. No straightforward correlation using a single ordering parameter, i.e., carbon number, can be derived for TAGs. This is not surprising due to the complexity of this particular class of molecules differing in alkyl‐chain distribution over the glycerol backbone and chain saturation. A linear correlation of enthalpy and entropy of fusion is evident for molecule classes for which both properties correlate linearly with the carbon number, e.g., n‐alkanes. Despite the complexity of TAGs, it is possible to establish a linear correlation between enthalpy and entropy of fusion even though no underlying single ordering parameter can be identified. A linear fit reveals discrepancies between saturated and unsaturated molecules but independence of polymorphic forms and chain length differences in mixed‐acid TAGs. Moreover, the slopes of the linear fits for data on n‐alkanes, saturated FA, and saturated mono‐acid TAGs are found to be in the vicinity of the melting temperature of polyethylene