164 research outputs found

    自分と子どものかかわりから自己理解を図る 保育授業の開発(第5報) ―中学校選択教科「技術・家庭(家庭分野)」におけるFlour Baby Projectの実践と検討―

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    本研究の目的では、全ての生徒が乳幼児との関わりを通して、親になるということを考え、自己理解を図る保育授業の開発にある。本報は、中学校家庭科でこの目的を達成するための第二段階として、中学校選択教科「技術・家庭(家庭分野)」を履修している生徒16名(第3学年女子16名)にFlour Baby Project(以下、FBPと称す)を実施し、その有効性を検討した。生徒は、①Flour Babyに対する愛着を持って土・日を含むFBPを行い、②世話に伴う様々な大変さから、③家族の協力の必要性を感じると共に、④「養育態度の反省」から、現在の自分には、子育てに対する責任と知識・経済力が欠如し、自立できていないために、親になることはできないという⑤「現在の自分に関する知識」を形成していた。しかし、最終授業で行ったディスカッションで終了後には、生徒は、「将来は自分も子どもがほしい」、「子育ては大変だがそれを通して自分も成長できるのではないか」という⑥「将来の自分に関する認識」に結びつく意見を記述していた

    Exploring the Base of the Volcano: A Case Study of an Active Stratovolcano, Mt. Zao, NE Japan

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    It is very important to explore the base of large volcanoes because older volcanoes with distinct petrological characteristics are sometimes hidden behind them. Such older volcanoes provide keys to investigate the change of magma genesis and tectonic setting during geological time. We newly found an older volcano in southern part of Zao volcano, located in Japan. We have investigated in detail the eruptive products outcropping in its southern part and found that some eruptive rocks with peculiar features form a new stratovolcano which is different from Zao volcano. We call this newly found volcano, the Hiyamizuyama volcano. We have performed K-Ar dating on the representative rocks, obtaining an old age of approximately 1.45 My. The rocks are calcalkaline andesites to dacites, having distinct chemical compositional features with respect to any other calcalkaline rock of the stages 2–6 of Zao volcano. Megacrystals and plutonic intrusions represent a distinct character of the eruptive rocks of the Hiyamizuyama volcano. The finding of this older volcano is also important in order to consider the long-term temporal variation of volcanism and magmatism in the northeastern sector of Japan

    アンテベラム期合衆国プロテスタントの信教の自由概念 : 反カトリシズムとの関係から

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学准教授 藤原 聖子, 上智大学教授 島薗 進, 国際基督教大学教授 森本 あんり, 上智大学教授 増井 志津代, 立教大学教授 久保田 浩University of Tokyo(東京大学


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    The incentive to the use of renewable energies, especially biofuels,replacing the fossil originated ones, became an alternative in application toglobal warming. Thus, among these distinguishes the biodiesel, mainly fromthe Jatropha curcas L. The objective of this assay is to present studies aboutthe use of this specie for fuel making, besides agronomical studies madeuntil this moment in view of discuss and confront them. To remark, theinformation about the cultivation is, in general, deficient and conflictive, on the productive, economical, social, political, environmental and energeticlevels. However, their sustainability is still not verified, and the researchabout the subject is eminent, not only in Brazil but also in other countries.O estímulo ao uso das energias renováveis com destaque para osbiocombustíveis, em substituição aos de origem fóssil, tornou-se uma dasalternativas frente à questão do aquecimento global. Para tanto, dentre estasse destaca o biodiesel, principalmente o de pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcasL.). O objetivo deste ensaio foi de apresentar os estudos referentes ao usodesta espécie para fins combustíveis, bem como estudos agronômicos realizadosaté o momento, de modo a discuti-los e confrontá-los. Observa-seque, de modo geral, as informações técnicas acerca da cultura são escassase por vezes conflitantes, tanto em seus aspectos produtivos e econômicoscomo sociais, ambientais, políticos e energéticos. No entanto, suasustentabilidade ainda não foi comprovada, sendo que seus estudos, sobtodos os aspectos são eminentes, tanto no Brasil como em outros países


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    In order to examine the thermal insulation method of soup cooking, we cooked two kinds of soup. The soup cooked by thermal insulation method was compared with the soup cooked by standard boiling method. ln sensory test, it was more aromatic and palatable than the soup by boiling, and some panels commented that it was rather mild. The measured values of pH, specific gravity, acidity and amount of dry weight of souble solids, total-N, formal-N of the soup cooked by the two methods mentioned above did not show any remarkable diffrece. Gas consumption in cooking the soup with the thermal insulation method was equivalent to approximateley one seventh to one third of that of the boiling method

    Triplon band splitting and topologically protected edge states in the dimerized antiferromagnet

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    The search for topological insulators has been actively promoted in the field of condensed matter physics for further development in energy-efficient information transmission and processing. In this context, recent studies have revealed that not only electrons but also bosonic particles such as magnons can construct edge states carrying nontrivial topological invariants. Here we demonstrate topological triplon bands in the spin-1/2 two-dimensional dimerized quantum antiferromagnet Ba2_2CuSi2_2O6_6Cl2_2, which is closely related to a pseudo-one-dimensional variant of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, through inelastic neutron scattering experiments. The excitation spectrum exhibits two triplon bands and a clear band gap between them due to a small alternation in interdimer exchange interactions along the aa-direction, which is consistent with the crystal structure. The presence of topologically protected edge states is indicated by a bipartite nature of the lattice.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Distinct morphologic, phenotypic, and clinical-course characteristics of indolent peripheral T-cell lymphoma

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    Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS) consists of a heterogeneous group of lymphomas. Patients. generally show an aggressive clinical course and very poor outcome. Although the 2008 World Health Organization classification of PTCL-NOS includes 3 variants, low-grade lymphoma is not Included. Of 277 PTCL-NOS cases recorded in our consultation files, we examined the clinicopathologic characteristics of 10 patients with T-cell lymphomas composed of small-sized cells with slight nuclear atypia. Eight patients showed extranodal involvement (5 patients, spleen; 3 patients, thyroid), and 5 patients were at clinical stage I or II. Histologically, all samples presented diffuse infiltrate of small lymphoid cells, with few mitotic figures. Immunohistologically, all samples were positive for CD3, and CD:20 Was detected in 5 samples. All samples showed a low Ki-67 labeling index (mean, 1.05%), and 7 samples were positive for central memory T-cell markers. Clonal T-cell receptor gamma chain and/or alpha-beta chain gene rearrangements were detected in all 10 patients. Five patients received chemotherapy, whereas for 3 patients, treatment consisted only of observation following surgical resection of the spleen or thyroid. Nine patients were alive at a median follow-up time of 19.5 months, whereas 1 patient died of an unrelated disease. The present study strongly indicates that T-cell lymphoma with small-sized lymphoma cells and a low Ki-67 labeling index is a distinct variant. Recognition of this novel lymphoma subtype, which should not be defined merely as PTCL-NOS, should be seriously considered