149 research outputs found

    Topological interpretation of Luttinger theorem

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    Based solely on the analytical properties of the single-particle Green's function of fermions at finite temperatures, we show that the generalized Luttinger theorem inherently possesses topological aspects. The topological interpretation of the generalized Luttinger theorem can be introduced because i) the Luttinger volume is represented as the winding number of the single-particle Green's function and thus ii) the deviation of the theorem, expressed with a ratio between the interacting and noninteracting single-particle Green's functions, is also represented as the winding number of this ratio. The formulation based on the winding number naturally leads to two types of the generalized Luttinger theorem. Exploring two examples of single-band translationally invariant interacting electrons, i.e., simple metal and Mott insulator, we show that the first type falls into the original statement for Fermi liquids given by Luttinger, while the second type corresponds to the extended one for non metallic cases with no Fermi surface generalized by Dzyaloshinskii. This formulation also allows us to derive a sufficient condition for the validity of the Luttinger theorem of the first type by applying the Rouche's theorem in complex analysis as an inequality. Moreover, we can rigorously prove in a non-perturbative manner, without assuming any detail of a microscopic Hamiltonian, that the generalized Luttinger theorem of both types is valid for generic interacting fermions as long as the particle-hole symmetry is preserved. Finally, we show that the winding number of the single-particle Green's function can also be associated with the distribution function of quasiparticles, and therefore the number of quasiparticles is equal to the Luttinger volume.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Brillouin-zone integration scheme for many-body density of states: Tetrahedron method combined with cluster perturbation theory

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    By combining the tetrahedron method with the cluster perturbation theory (CPT), we present an accurate method to numerically calculate the density of states of interacting fermions without introducing the Lorentzian broadening parameter η\eta or the numerical extrapolation of η0\eta \to 0. The method is conceptually based on the notion of the effective single-particle Hamiltonian which can be subtracted in the Lehmann representation of the single-particle Green's function within the CPT. Indeed, we show the general correspondence between the self-energy and the effective single-particle Hamiltonian which describes exactly the single-particle excitation energies of interacting fermions. The detailed formalism is provided for two-dimensional multi-orbital systems and a benchmark calculation is performed for the two-dimensional single-band Hubbard model. The method can be adapted straightforwardly to symmetry broken states, three-dimensional systems, and finite-temperature calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    A variational Monte Carlo study of exciton condensation

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    Exciton condensation in a two-band Hubbard model on a square lattice is studied with variational Monte Carlo method. We show that the phase transition from an excitonic insulator to a band insulator is induced by increasing the interband Coulomb interaction. To examine the character of the exciton condensation, the exciton pair amplitudes both in k\bm{k}-space and in real space are calculated. Using these quantities, we discuss the BCS-BEC crossover within the excitonic insulator phase.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Symmetry-adapted variational quantum eigensolver

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    We propose a scheme to restore spatial symmetry of Hamiltonian in the variational-quantum-eigensolver (VQE) algorithm for which the quantum circuit structures used usually break the Hamiltonian symmetry. The symmetry-adapted VQE scheme introduced here simply applies the projection operator, which is Hermitian but not unitary, to restore the spatial symmetry in a desired irreducible representation of the spatial group. The entanglement of a quantum state is still represented in a quantum circuit but the nonunitarity of the projection operator is treated classically as postprocessing in the VQE framework. By numerical simulations for a spin-1/21/2 Heisenberg model on a one-dimensional ring, we demonstrate that the symmetry-adapted VQE scheme with a shallower quantum circuit can achieve significant improvement in terms of the fidelity of the ground state and has a great advantage in terms of the ground-state energy with decent accuracy, as compared to the non-symmetry-adapted VQE scheme. We also demonstrate that the present scheme can approximate low-lying excited states that can be specified by symmetry sectors, using the same circuit structure for the ground-state calculation.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Charge-density wave induced by combined electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in 1TT-TiSe2_2: A variational Monte Carlo study

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    To clarify the origin of a charge-density wave (CDW) phase in 1TT-TiSe2_2, we study the ground state property of a half-filled two-band Hubbard model in a triangular lattice including electron-phonon interaction. By using the variational Monte Carlo method, the electronic and lattice degrees of freedom are both treated quantum mechanically on an equal footing beyond the mean-field approximation. We find that the cooperation between Coulomb interaction and electron-phonon interaction is essential to induce the CDW phase. We show that the "pure" exciton condensation without lattice distortion is difficult to realize under the poor nesting condition of the underlying Fermi surface. Furthermore, by systematically calculating the momentum resolved hybridization between the two bands, we examine the character of electron-hole pairing from the viewpoint of BCS-BEC crossover within the CDW phase and find that the strong-coupling BEC-like pairing dominates. We therefore propose that the CDW phase observed in 1TT-TiSe2_2 originates from a BEC-like electron-hole pairing.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Slave rotor theory of the Mott transition in the Hubbard model: a new mean field theory and a new variational wave function

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    A new mean field theory is proposed for the Mott transition in the Hubbard model based on the slave rotor representation of the electron operator. This theory provides a better description of the role of the long range charge correlation in the Mott insulating state and offers a good estimation of the critical correlation strength for the Mott transition. We have constructed a new variational wave function for the Mott insulating state based on this new slave rotor mean field theory. We find this new variational wave function outperforms the conventional Jastrow type wave function with long range charge correlator in the Mott insulating state. It predicts a continuous Mott transition with non-divergent quasiparticle mass at the transition point. We also show that the commonly used on-site mean field decoupling for the slave rotor corresponds to the Gutzwiller approximation for the Gutzwiller projected wave function with only on-site charge correlator, which can not describe the Mott transition in any finite dimensional system.Comment: 5 page

    Quantum Power Method by a Superposition of Time-Evolved States

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    We propose a quantum-classical hybrid algorithm of the power method, here dubbed as quantum power method, to evaluate H^nψ\hat{\cal H}^n |\psi\rangle with quantum computers, where nn is a nonnegative integer, H^\hat{\cal H} is a time-independent Hamiltonian of interest, and ψ|\psi \rangle is a quantum state. We show that the number of gates required for approximating H^n\hat{\cal H}^n scales linearly in the power and the number of qubits, making it a promising application for near term quantum computers. Using numerical simulation, we show that the power method can control systematic errors in approximating the Hamiltonian power H^n{\hat{\cal H}^n} for nn as large as 100. As an application, we combine our method with a multireference Krylov-subspace-diagonalization scheme to show how one can improve the estimation of ground-state energies and the ground-state fidelities found using a variational-quantum-eigensolver scheme. Finally, we outline other applications of the quantum power method, including several moment-based methods. We numerically demonstrate the connected-moment expansion for the imaginary-time evolution and compare the results with the multireference Krylov-subspace diagonalization.Comment: 42 pages, 22 figures, 2 table

    Thermal equilibrium emerging in a subsystem of a pure ground state by quantum entanglement

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    By numerically exact calculations of spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg models on small clusters, we demonstrate that quantum entanglement between subsystems AA and BB in a pure ground state of a whole system A+BA+B can induce thermal equilibrium in subsystem AA. Temperature TA{\cal T}_{A} of subsystem AA is {\it not} a parameter but can be determined from the entanglement von Neumann entropy SA\mathcal{S}_{A} and the total energy EA\mathcal{E}_{A} of subsystem AA calculated for the ground state of the whole system. We show that temperature TA{\cal T}_{A} can be derived by minimizing the relative entropy for the reduced density matrix operator of subsystem AA and the Gibbs state (i.e., thermodynamic density matrix operator) of subsystem AA with respect to the coupling strength between subsystems AA and BB. Temperature TA{\cal T}_{A} is essentially identical to the thermodynamic temperature, for which the entropy and the internal energy evaluated using the canonical ensemble in statistical mechanics for the isolated subsystem AA are almost indistinguishable numerically from the entanglement entropy SA\mathcal{S}_{A} and the total energy EA\mathcal{E}_{A} of subsystem AA. Fidelity calculations ascertain that the reduced density matrix operator of subsystem AA for the pure but entangled ground state of the whole system A+BA+B is almost identical to thermodynamic density matrix operator of subsystem AA at temperature TA{\cal T}_{A}. We argue that quantum fluctuation in an entangled pure state can mimic thermal fluctuation in a subsystem. We also provide two simple but nontrivial analytical examples of free bosons and free fermions for which these statements are exact. We furthermore discuss implications and possible applications of our finding.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Thermodynamic properties of an S=1/2S=1/2 ring-exchange model on the triangular lattice

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    By using a numerically exact diagonalization technique and a block-extended version of the finite-temperature Lanczos method, we study thermodynamic properties of an S=1/2S=1/2 Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice with an antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor interaction JJ and a four-spin ring-exchange interaction JcJ_{\rm c}. Calculations are performed on small clusters under the periodic-boundary conditions. In contrast to the purely triangular case with Jc=0J_{\rm c}=0, the specific heat exhibits a characteristic double-peak structure for Jc/J0.04J_{\rm c}/J \gtrsim 0.04. From the calculation of the entropy and the uniform magnetic susceptibility, it is shown that non-magnetic excitations exist below the magnetic excitation for Jc/J0.04J_{\rm c}/J \gtrsim 0.04.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, 1 algorithm + supplemental materia

    Topological property of a t2g5t_{2g}^5 system with a honeycomb lattice structure

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    A t2g5t_{2g}^5 system with a honeycomb lattice structure such as Na2_2IrO3_3 was firstly proposed as a topological insulator even though Na2_2IrO3_3 and its isostructural materials in nature have been turned out to be a Mott insulator with magnetic order. Here we theoretically revisit the topological property based on a minimal tight-binding Hamiltonian for three t2gt_{2g} bands incorporating a strong spin orbit coupling and two types of the first nearest neighbor (NN) hopping channel between transition metal ions, i.e., the hopping (t1t_1) mediated by edge-shared ligands and the direct hopping (t1t_1') between t2gt_{2g} orbitals via ddσdd\sigma bonding. We demonstrate that the topological phase transition takes place by varying only these hopping parameters with the relative strength parametrized by θ\theta, i.e., t1=tcosθt_1=t\cos\theta and t1=tsinθt_1'=t\sin\theta. We also explore the effect of the second and third NN hopping channels, and the trigonal distortion on the topological phase for the whole range of θ\theta. Furthermore, we examine the electronic and topological phases in the presence of on-site Coulomb repulsion UU. Employing the cluster perturbation theory, we show that, with increasing UU, a trivial or topological band insulator in the absence of UU can be transferred into a Mott insulator with nontrivial or trivial band topology. We also show that the main effect of the Hund's coupling can be understood simply as the renormalization of UU. We briefly discuss the relevance of our results to the existing materials.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure