25 research outputs found

    Provisional Aesthetic Crowns on a Dowel/Post

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    Privremene krunice upotrebljavaju se kao sredstvo za zaÅ”titu zuba ili zubi na kojima se provodi trajna protetska terapija, a funkcija im je viÅ”estruka: bioloÅ”ka, estetska i mehanička. U radu je prikazan slučaj pacijentice s nedovoljno ispunjenim korijenskim kanalom gornjega srediÅ”njeg sjekutića opskrbljenog nepravilno postavljenim i pogrjeÅ”no indiciranim konfekcijskim kolčićem. PoÅ”to je kolčić izvađen prikazana su tri načina izradbe estetske krunice na kolčić koja će poslužiti kao privremena krunica za vrijeme trajanja endodontske i trajne protetske terapije. Prikazani načini izradbe privremenoga rada s intraradikularnim sidrenjem moguće su smjernice u estetskom pristupu kombiniranoj endodontskoj i protetskoj terapiji prednjih zuba.Provisional crowns are used as a means of protection for a tooth or teeth on which permanent prosthetic therapy is performed. Their function is multiple: biological, aesthetic and mechanical. The paper presents the case of a female patient with insufficiently filled root canal of the upper middle incisor, and an incorrectly placed and erroneously indicated prefabricated dowel. After extraction of the dowel, three methods are presented for construction of an aesthetic crown on a dowel, serving as a provisional crown during endodontic and permanent prosthetic therapy. The presented methods for construction of provisional work with intraradicular anchorage represent possible guidelines for an aesthetic approach to combined endodontic and prosthetic therapy of frontal teeth

    Verletzungen der orofazialen Struktur in der ausgewƤhlten Stichprobe der Handballspieler

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    Injuries of the orofacial tissue frequently occur in many sports, and the possibility of orofacial injury during the sports season amounts to 10%, and throughout a career 33% to 56%. The aim of the present study was to determine the frequency and seriousness of injury of the orofacial structure in a selected population of top handball players (Croatian National Team). The study was carried out via a questionnaire which each player completed(15 players). The total number of injuries of the orofacial structure was 132 injuries, i.e. 8.8 for each player during his career, During the last year 8 injuries have been recorded, which corresponds to the average of several years. The most frequent injuries were lacerations of the lips, tongue and face, which comprised almost 79% of all injuries. The frequency of injury also depends on the position in the team, and consequently goalkeepers were most often injured, followed by field players and then pivot players, while wings were the least frequently injured. Medical intervention was needed in only five cases. When comparing the injuries reported in this investigation with those received by the Croatian Premier League water-polo players similarity was observed in the frequency of injuries to the orofacial structures and also the lack of protective equipment during matches. Injuries which are relatively slight and only occasionally require medical intervention, have a non stimulating effect on the utilization of protective equipment - mouthguards. All injuries to the teeth could be prevented or at least diminished by use of a mouthguard. This study, on such a small but specific sample, has proved that the need has arisen for a further study on a considerably larger sample of handball players.Verletzungen des orofazialen Gewebes kommen in vielen Sportarten vor. FĆ¼r den Sportler steht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, eine orofaziale Verletzung abzubekommen, bei 10% pro Sportsaison und bei 33%-56% in der ganzen Sportkarriere. Das Ziel dieser Studie war, die HƤufigkeit und die Schwere der orofazialen Verletzungen in der ausgewƤhlten Stichprobe der Leistungshandballspieler (kroatische Nationalmannschaft) zu bestimmen. Die Studie wurde mittels eines Fragebogens durchgefĆ¼hrt, den jeder der 15 Spieler ausfĆ¼llte. Es wurden im total 132 Verletzungen der orofazialen Strukturangemeldet, d.h. 8,8 pro Spieler in seiner Karriere. In der letzten Saison kamen 8 Verletzungen vor; eine Zahl, die mit dem Durchschnitt von mehreren Jahren Ć¼bereinstimmt. Die hƤufigsten Verletzungen waren Lippen-, Zungen- und Gesichtsrisse, die zusammen 79% aller angemeldeten Verletzungen machen. Die HƤufigkeit der Verletzungen hangt auch von der Spielposition ab, so dass Torwarte am hƤufigsten verletzt wurden, von Feldspielern und Pivotspielern gefolgt, wƤhrend AuƟenspieler ziemlich wenige Verletzungen abbekamen. Ƅrztliche Intervention wurde nur in fĆ¼nf Fallen nƶtig. Vergleicht man die in dieser Studie beobachteten Verletzungen mit den Verletzungen von Wasserballspielern der Ersten Wasserballliga, sind die Ƅhnlichkeiten in der HƤufigkeit orofazialer Verletzungen sowie in der mangelden SchutzausrĆ¼stung beim Spiel bemerkbar. Die ziemlich leichte Verletzungen, die nur ausnahmsweise Ƥrztliche Hilfe ben6tigen, wirken nicht stimulierend auf den Gebrauch der MundschutzausrĆ¼stung. Alle Zahnverletzungen konnten mit so einer Mundmaske vermieden oder zumindest vermindert werden. Da die Ergebnisse dieser Studie auf einer kleinen aber spezifische Stichprobe interessant sind, erwies sich der Bedarf nach weiteren Studien auf einer bedeutend grĆ¶ĆŸeren Stichprobe der Handballspieler


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    Background: Injuries are common during sport activities, a part of which is also injuries to the stomatognathic system. According to the data from literature orofacial injuries are frequent, but relatively minor. World Dental Federation has listed basketball as a medium-risk sport in sustaining orofacial injuries. The purpose of this investigation was to determine incidence, type and severity of orofacial injuries during basketball and frequents of mouthguard use. Subject and methods: The sample consisted of 195 athletes who actively participate in basketball, 60 amateurs/non-professional and 135 professionals. Results: A total of 2 265 injuries to the stomatognathic system were documented in this research; 200 (8.8%) of those injuries refer to the non-professionals and 2 065 (91.2%) to the professionals. The most common injuries are lacerations and contusions of soft tissue (a total of 2 208 or 97.5%), followed by dental injuries (a total of 57 or 2.5%). Out of all recorded laceration injuries 59.8% lacerations of soft tissue occurred during practice (12.6% amateurs and 87.4% professionals), while 40.2% of them occurred during games (2.5% amateurs and 97.5% professionals). Of a total of 57 dental injuries recorded during an athletes career, in 78.9% it were the professionals who suffered an injury, and in 21.1% of them the amateurs. Out of a total of 195 basketball players only 1% (2 players - one professional and one amateur) frequently used mouthguard during practice and games, while 93.3% of them never tried to wear a mouthguard. Such low percentage of mouthguard use in basketball players reflects poor awareness and education of athletes and coaches, as well as insufficient role of dentists in education. Conclusions: Orofacial injuries during basketball are not severe (80% lacerations), and therefore do not stimulate the use of a protecting devices even their use will totally diminish this type of injuries

    Die Inzidenz von Orofazialen Verletzungen bei den Basketballspielern in der Mittelschule

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    Orofacial injuries are common in all sports. According to literature, sports injuries occur frequently but are relatively minor, except in hockey, rugby and American football. The aim of this preliminary study was to determine the frequency, type and severity of orofacial injuries in basketball, and the frequency of using protective requisites in the high-school population. The survey was conducted on 53 high-school male students playing basketball during their physical education class who were asked to fill in a specially designed questionnaire. The total of 160 orofacial injuries was reported, or 3.02 injuries per player. The most common injuries were lacerations and contusions of lips, cheeks and tongue (156 injuries, i.e. 97.5%), whereas other types of orofacial injuries amounted to 2.5%. Just a fraction of high-school students uses a mouthguard though its application could completely prevent the incidence of lacerations and contusions.Uvod S obzirom na prirodu igre, koÅ”arka je jedan od najdinamičnijih sportova. Igrači moraju pokazati čitav spektar bazičnih i specifičnih funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti. Sve veći broj utakmica, zahtjevi za dinamičnijom i agresivnijom igrom, posebno tijekom faze obrane, bitan su čimbenik porasta broja ozljeda u ovoj sportskoj igri. Prema taksonomiji Svjetske stomatoloÅ”ke federacije (FDI), koÅ”arka se ubraja u sportove srednjeg rizika za razvoj orofacijalnih ozljeda pa, prema tome, koriÅ”tenje Å”titnika za usta nije obavezno. Ipak, neka su istraživanja pokazala da je incidencija orofacijalnih ozljeda u koÅ”arci i nogometu veća nego u američkom nogometu, koji je, prema taksonomiji FDI-a, klasificiran kao sport visokog rizika. Podaci o orofacijalnim ozljedama igrača u srednjoÅ”kolskoj koÅ”arci u Republici Hrvatskoj su oskudni. Stoga je cilj ovog preliminarnog istraživanja bio identificirati učestalost i ozbiljnost orofacijalnih ozljeda na temelju izabranog uzorka koÅ”arkaÅ”a trećih i četvrtih razreda srednjih Å”kola iz Zagreba i okolice. Metode Ispitivanje je provedeno na temelju kratkog upitnika koji su ispunila 53 učenika srednjih Å”kola, 13 učenika 3. razreda i 40 učenika 4. razreda koji treniraju koÅ”arku tijekom nastave tjelesnog odgoja u srednjoj Å”koli (tablica 1). Prije ispunjavanja upitnika, svi su ispitanici dobili upute i objaÅ”njenja vezana uz cilj i svrhu istraživanja. Rezultati, rasprava i zaključak Podaci dobiveni istraživanjem pokazuju ukupno 160 orofacijalnih ozljeda u razdoblju od četiri godine (prosječno 3.02 ozljede po igraču ) (tablica 2 i 3). NajčeŔće ozljede su laceracije (razderotine) i kontuzije (nagnječenja) usana, obraza i jezika (ukupno 156). To je moguće pripisati relativno slabijoj koordinaciji i agilnosti uzrokovanoj naglim porastom tjelesne mase i dužine ekstremiteta u razdoblju na kraju puberteta. Ozljede u koÅ”arci ovise i o igračkom mjestu u ekipi. U ovom smo istraživanju dobili da su između pet pozicija u koÅ”arkaÅ”koj ekipi najčeŔće ozlijeđeni igrači snažno krilo (igračka pozicija 4), s prosječno 10 ozljeda, zatim bek organizator igre (pozicija 1), s prosječno 5,5 ozljeda, krila (pozicija 3), s prosječno 1,71 ozljedom, te bek Å”uter (pozicija 2), s prosječno 1,35 ozljeda, dok su najmanje ozljeđivani centri (pozicija 5), s prosječno 1,14 ozljeda tijekom promatrane četiri godine (tablica 4). U dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima rezultati su malo drugačiji (Jerolimov, Seifert i Carek, 2001; Meeuwisse et al., 2003) pokazuju da su najčeŔće ozljeđivani igrači centri, zatim bekovi, dok se najrjeđe ozljeđuju krila. Ovdje obrađeni rezultati istraživanja u velikom se stupnju podudaraju sa spomenutim rezultatima navedenim u znanstvenoj literaturi ako se upotrijebi tročlana klasifikacija igračkih pozicija u koÅ”arci. Tako se i u naÅ”em istraživanju dobiva da su najčeŔće ozljeđivani centri sa 3,47 ozljeda, slijede bekovi sa 2,89 ozljeda te krila sa 1,71 ozljedom. Igrači su 37 puta naveli da su osjećali bol prilikom otvaranja/zatvaranja usta. Navedeno je 5 ozljeda temporomandibularnog zgloba i 20 slučajeva boli i ukočenosti miÅ”ića lica (tablica 5). Navedena su i 4 slučaja klimavih, izbijenih i/ili slomljenih zuba (2 klimajuća i 2 slomljena). Tri su igrača naznačila da su pokuÅ”ala koristiti Å”titnik za usta, ali ga samo jedan od njih redovito koristi (tablica 6). Iako većina igrača vjeruje da Å”titnik sprečava orofacijalne ozljede, samo ga 6% koristi, premda su Maestrello, deMoya i Primosch (1989) u svom istraživanju istaknuli da je incidencija ozljeda 6,7 puta veća ako se ne upotrebljava Å”titnik. Prema istraživanju Flandersa i Bhata (1995), orofacijalne ozljede čine 62% svih ozljeda tijekom koÅ”arkaÅ”ke utakmice. Rezultati dobiveni ovim istraživanjem, vezani uz koriÅ”tenje Å”titnika za usta, odgovaraju nalazima drugih znanstvenih istraživanja. Stoga možemo zaključiti da bi koriÅ”tenje Å”titnika za usta kod koÅ”arkaÅ”a srednjoÅ”kolske dobi trebalo postati obavezno. KoriÅ”tenjem Å”titnika mogle bi se gotovo u potpunosti eliminirati laceracije i kontuzije, dvije vrste ozljeda kojima je orofacijalni sustav najviÅ”e izložen. Istraživanje bi trebalo proÅ”iriti uključivanjem amaterskih i profesionalnih koÅ”arkaÅ”a radi prikupljanja opsežnijih podataka.Orofaziale Verletzungen sind in allen Sportarten Ć¼blich. LiteraturgemƤƟ kommt es oft zu verhƤltnismƤƟig geringfĆ¼gigen Sportverletzungen, auƟer im Hockey, Rugby und amerikanischen FuƟball. Das Ziel dieser Forschung war, die Inzidenz, den Typ und die StƤrke der orofazialen Verletzungen im Basketball festzustellen, und wie hƤufig die SchĆ¼ler die Schutzsportartikel benutzen. Die Studie umfasste 53 SchĆ¼ler aus der Mittelschule, die wƤhrend des Sportunterrichts Basketball spielten. Sie wurden gebeten, einen speziell entworfenen Fragebogen auszufĆ¼llen. Es wurden insgesamt 160 orofaziale Verletzungen angefĆ¼hrt, bzw. 3,02 Verletzungen pro Spieler. Die hƤufigsten Verletzungen waren Lazerationen und Kontusionen von Lippen, Wangen und der Zunge (156 Verletzungen, d.h. 97,5%), und 2,5% bezogen sich auf andere Arten der orofazialen Verletzungen. Nur ein Bruchteil der SchĆ¼ler benutzt einen Mundschutz, obwohl seine Anwendung die Lazerationen und Kontusionen vƶllig verhindern konnte

    Orofacial Injuries Reported by Junior and Senior Basketball Players

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    The increased popularity of sports, apart from being beneficial to health, also results in a larger number of injuries, a part of which are also injuries to the stomatognatic system. According to the data from literature orofacial injuries in basketball are frequent, but relatively minor. The World Dental Federation places basketball into the category of medium- risk sports for the occurrence of injuries to the stomatognatic system. The purpose of this investigation was to determine incidence, type and severity of orofacial injuries during basketball and the frequent of the mouthguard use in a selected sample of basketball players from the City of Zagreb and the Zagreb County. The sample consists of 195 athletes who actively participate in basketball, 61 junior and 134 senior players. A total of 2 615 injuries to the stomatognatic system were documented in this research, 529 (20.2%) of those refer to juniors and 2 086 (79.8%) to seniors. The most common injuries are lacerations and contusions of soft tissue 84.4% (21.5% juniors and 78.5% seniors), followed by temporomandibular joint injuries and oral muscles stiffness 13.4% (14.9% juniors and 85.1% seniors) and 2.2% dental injuries (3.5% juniors and 96.5% seniors). Only 6.7% of players (13 players ā€“ 2 juniors and 11 seniors) have tried to wear a mouthguard, while only one 1% of them (2 players ā€“ one junior and one senior) frequently used it. Total number of injuries shows that sports injuries are common during basketball. Average number of almost 4 injuries per player is relatively high. Dental injuries and temporomandibular joint injuries and oral muscles stiffness are relatively rare, only 16%. Lacerations and contusions of soft tissues represent 84% of all injuries and that minor injuries do not require professional care

    Verletzungen der orofazialen Struktur in der ausgewƤhlten Stichprobe der Handballspieler

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    Injuries of the orofacial tissue frequently occur in many sports, and the possibility of orofacial injury during the sports season amounts to 10%, and throughout a career 33% to 56%. The aim of the present study was to determine the frequency and seriousness of injury of the orofacial structure in a selected population of top handball players (Croatian National Team). The study was carried out via a questionnaire which each player completed(15 players). The total number of injuries of the orofacial structure was 132 injuries, i.e. 8.8 for each player during his career, During the last year 8 injuries have been recorded, which corresponds to the average of several years. The most frequent injuries were lacerations of the lips, tongue and face, which comprised almost 79% of all injuries. The frequency of injury also depends on the position in the team, and consequently goalkeepers were most often injured, followed by field players and then pivot players, while wings were the least frequently injured. Medical intervention was needed in only five cases. When comparing the injuries reported in this investigation with those received by the Croatian Premier League water-polo players similarity was observed in the frequency of injuries to the orofacial structures and also the lack of protective equipment during matches. Injuries which are relatively slight and only occasionally require medical intervention, have a non stimulating effect on the utilization of protective equipment - mouthguards. All injuries to the teeth could be prevented or at least diminished by use of a mouthguard. This study, on such a small but specific sample, has proved that the need has arisen for a further study on a considerably larger sample of handball players.Verletzungen des orofazialen Gewebes kommen in vielen Sportarten vor. FĆ¼r den Sportler steht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, eine orofaziale Verletzung abzubekommen, bei 10% pro Sportsaison und bei 33%-56% in der ganzen Sportkarriere. Das Ziel dieser Studie war, die HƤufigkeit und die Schwere der orofazialen Verletzungen in der ausgewƤhlten Stichprobe der Leistungshandballspieler (kroatische Nationalmannschaft) zu bestimmen. Die Studie wurde mittels eines Fragebogens durchgefĆ¼hrt, den jeder der 15 Spieler ausfĆ¼llte. Es wurden im total 132 Verletzungen der orofazialen Strukturangemeldet, d.h. 8,8 pro Spieler in seiner Karriere. In der letzten Saison kamen 8 Verletzungen vor; eine Zahl, die mit dem Durchschnitt von mehreren Jahren Ć¼bereinstimmt. Die hƤufigsten Verletzungen waren Lippen-, Zungen- und Gesichtsrisse, die zusammen 79% aller angemeldeten Verletzungen machen. Die HƤufigkeit der Verletzungen hangt auch von der Spielposition ab, so dass Torwarte am hƤufigsten verletzt wurden, von Feldspielern und Pivotspielern gefolgt, wƤhrend AuƟenspieler ziemlich wenige Verletzungen abbekamen. Ƅrztliche Intervention wurde nur in fĆ¼nf Fallen nƶtig. Vergleicht man die in dieser Studie beobachteten Verletzungen mit den Verletzungen von Wasserballspielern der Ersten Wasserballliga, sind die Ƅhnlichkeiten in der HƤufigkeit orofazialer Verletzungen sowie in der mangelden SchutzausrĆ¼stung beim Spiel bemerkbar. Die ziemlich leichte Verletzungen, die nur ausnahmsweise Ƥrztliche Hilfe ben6tigen, wirken nicht stimulierend auf den Gebrauch der MundschutzausrĆ¼stung. Alle Zahnverletzungen konnten mit so einer Mundmaske vermieden oder zumindest vermindert werden. Da die Ergebnisse dieser Studie auf einer kleinen aber spezifische Stichprobe interessant sind, erwies sich der Bedarf nach weiteren Studien auf einer bedeutend grĆ¶ĆŸeren Stichprobe der Handballspieler

    Slide in Centric on a Random Sample of Students of the School of Medicine in Split

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    Introduction: A slide in centric is defined as a slide from centric relation to maximum intercuspation. Understanding contact between natural teeth is important for longevity of the stomatognathic system, diagnosis and therapy planning. The aim of this study was to determine the difference in the length of slide in centric in population according to dental status, sex and previous orthodontic therapy. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on a sample of 33 students at the University of Split, School of Medicine (dental study). Results: Slide values do not follow normal or Gaussian distribution according to the Kolmogorovā€“Smirnov test (p<0.05). For that reason, they were represented by the median as a measure of central tendency. The arithmetic mean of a slide in centric is 0.95 mm Ā± 0.47 mm. A slide in centric was not present in only 10% of the subjects. A slide between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm to maximum intercuspation was present in 90% of the examinees. There was no statistically significant difference in the length of slide between the subjects who had all teeth and those who had missing teeth 1-4 (z= 0.507; p= 0.612). There was no significant difference in the length of slide between women and men (z= 0, p=1). There was no significant difference in the length of slide between the patients who underwent orthodontic therapy and those who did not (z=0.253; p=0.800). Conclusion: There is some controversy about slide in centric and its etiological role in the development of temporomandibular disorders. Slide in centric is very significant because it indicates occlusal instability and can eventually lead to temporomandibular dysfunction, which do not have to be of the same aetiology

    Comparative Investigation of the Fracture Strengths of Crowns of Three Different Non-metal Materials

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    Zahtjevi pacijenata za visokom estetikom tijekom rekonstruktivnih protetskih zahvata pospjeÅ”ili su razvoj novih materijala i tehnologija. Sile koje djeluju u postkaninom dijelu zubnoga niza iznose ā‰„ 500 N, pa i materijali koji se upotrebljavaju za izradbu nadomjestaka moraju izdržavati te sile. Svrha je istraživanja bila istražiti otpornost na lom triju nekovinskih materijala: 1. ceromer (Targis, Ivoclar-Vivadent), 2. ceromer ojačan vlaknasto ojačanim kompozitom (Targis/Vectris, Ivoclar-Vivadent), 3. nekovinski keramički sustav (IPS Empress 2, Ivoclar-Vivadent). Iz svake vrste materijala izrađeno je po 18 istovjetnih krunica na gipsanome modelu izbruÅ”enog prirodnog drugoga donjeg pretkutnjaka, prema uputama proizvođača. Isti je bruÅ”eni zub upotrijebljen za izradbu kovinskoga modela na kojemu su umetane krunice u univerzalnu kidalicu ZWICK. Tlačna je ploča modificirana s trnom dijametra 7 mm koji je djelovao silom na okluzijsku plohu pod kutom od 180Ā°. Sila je aplicirana do prvoga znaka loma, a iznos je zabilježen. Polovina je uzoraka prije ispitivanja termociklirana 1000 puta po 20 sekunda na temperaturi od 2Ā°C i 55Ā°C s razmakom od 40 sekunda između urona za temperiranje uzoraka. Izmjerena srednja vrijednost iznosa sile do loma za netermociklirane uzorke iznosile su za krunice iz ceromera 577,8 Ā± 113,4 N, za krunice iz ceromera i vlaknasto ojačanoga kompozita 923,3 Ā± 229 N, a za krunice iz nekovinske keramike 1208,9 Ā± 161,8 N. Mann-Whitney U testom utvrđena je znatna razlika između svih triju materijala (p<0,05) u iznosima opterećenja do loma uzorka. Termocikliranje nije znatno smanjilo iznos sile do loma uzorka. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da su sva tri materijala pogodna za izradbu trajnih nadomjestaka u području žvačnoga srediÅ”ta, jer svi mogu izdržati silu veću od 500 N.The demands of patients for high aesthetics during reconstructive prosthetic procedures accelerated the development of new materials and technology. Forces acting in the post-canine part of the dental arch amount to ā‰„ 500 N, and thus the material used for fabrication of the restoration must withstand such forces. The aim of this investigation was to study the resistance to fracture of three non-metal materials: 1. ceromer (Targis, Ivoclar-Vivadent), 2. ceromer reinforced with fibre reinforced composite (Targis/Vectris, Ivoclar-Vivadent), and 3. non-metal ceramic system (IPS Empress 2, Ivoclar-Vivadent). Eighteen identical crowns were fabricated from each type of material on a plaster model of a polished natural second lower premolar, according to the manufacturerā€™s instructions. The same tooth was used for fabrication of a metal model on which crowns were placed in the universal testing device ZWICK. The compressive plate was modified with a pin 7mm in diameter, which acted with force on the occlusal surface at an angle of 180Ėš. Force was applied up to the first sign of fracture, and the amount recorded. Half of the samples prior to the examination were thermocycled 1000x for 20 seconds at temperatures of 2ĖšC and 55ĖšC with 40 second intervals between immersion of the tempered sample. The mean value measured of the amount of force up to fracture for non-thermocycled samples amounted to 577.8 +/- 113.4 N for crowns of ceromer, 923.3+/- 229 N for crowns of ceromer and fibre reinforced composite, and 1208.9 +/- 161.8 N. for crowns of non-metal ceramic. Significant difference was determined by Mann-Whitney U test between all three materials (p < 0.05) for the amounts of loading up to fracture of the samples. Thermocycling did not significantly reduce the amount of force up to fracture of the sample. The investigation determined that all three materials are satisfactory for fabrication of permanent restorations in the area of the masticatory centre, as all withstand force greater than 500 N

    A Comparative Analysis of the Mandibular Cinematically Determinated Hinge Axis and the Referent Hoboā€™s Point

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    U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 48 ispitanika u dobi od 18 do 50 godina. Svakom ispitaniku je određena Å”arnirska os mandibule Lauritzenovom tehnikom i označena metalnom kuglicom promjera 1 mm na lijevoj strani lica. Hobo točka je određena mjerenjem i označena metalnom kuglicom promjera 0,5 mm na istoj strani lica. Za svakog ispitanika napravljen je telerentgenogram koji je precrtan na prozirni papir. Na svakom rentgenogramu su označene točke: porion, orbitale, Hobo i terminalna Å”arnirska os (THA). Spajanjem točaka porion i orbitale konstruirana je frankfurtska horizontala i izmjerene su udaljenosti između točaka Hobo i THA i između frankfurtske horizontale i točke THA. Statističkom obradom dobiveni su osnovni statistički pokazatelji i distribucija vrijednosti. Rezultati pokazuju da se u 68% slučajeva točka Hobo nalazi unutar radijusa od 5 mm od točke THA, pa je prema tome podjednako upotrebljiva za prosječno orijentiranje kao i ostale prosječne točke. Prosječna udaljenost točke THA i frankfurtske horizontale iznosila je 4,08 mm. Veliki pokazatelji varijabilnosti za obje promatrane varijable upozoravaju na potrebu individualnog pristupa svakom pacijentu.On a sample of 48 patients terminal hinge axis has been determined by use of Lauritzenā€™s technique. Terminal hinge axis point has been marked on the leftside of face of each patient with a metal pellet 0.5 mm in diameter. Hobo point has been measured and marked on the same side of face, for each patient, with a metal pellet 1.0 mm in diameter. Standard cephalometric roentgenogram was obtained for each patient. Cephalograms were traced on a transparent foil and points Porion, Orbitale, Hobo and terminal hinge Axis point (THA) have been marked. By connecting points Porion and Orbitale, Frankfort horizontal has been lined on each cephalogram. Distances between points Hobo and THA, as well as between Frankfort horizontal and. point THA have been measured. Measured values have been statistically evaluated. Results show that 68% of points Hobo are in diameter o f 5.0 mm from point THA. Accordingly to results point Hobo is equally usable for facebow mounting o f casts as well as any other arbitrary point. Mean value of distance between THA point and Frankfort horizontal in this investigation is 4.08 mm. Great standard deviation and coefficient of variation for both variables pointed out that each patient must be individually evaluated and treated

    Importance of Oral Hygiene and Maintaining Oral Health in Persons With Disabilities

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    This paper aims to approximate and facilitate the routine of daily oral hygiene for persons with disabilities, as well as to emphasize the importance of educating persons with disabilities and their caregivers about oral health as an essential part of overall health. Desk research of electronic databases was conducted with the aim of writing this paper, using the following keywords: ā€˜oral hygieneā€™, ā€˜dental plaqueā€™, ā€˜oral healthā€™ and ā€˜persons with disabilitiesā€™. Literature research has shown that persons with disabilities have poor oral hygiene, as well as that there is a lack of education among them and their caregivers about the importance of oral health and proper oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene can affect a personā€™s quality of life due to discomfort during eating, bad breath, poor self-esteem, pain, and disturbed sleep, which is a result of caries or other diseases of the oral cavity. Maintaining oral health is an essential part of overall health