14 research outputs found

    Two-photon excitation with finite pulses unlocks pure dephasing-induced degradation of entangled photons emitted by quantum dots

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    Semiconductor quantum dots have emerged as an especially promising platform for the generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs. However, it was demonstrated recently that the two-photon excitation scheme employed in state-of-the-art experiments limits the achievable degree of entanglement by introducing which-path information. In this work, the combined impact of two-photon excitation and longitudinal acoustic phonons on photon pairs emitted by strongly-confining quantum dots is investigated. It is found that phonons further reduce the achievable degree of entanglement even in the limit of vanishing temperature due to phonon-induced pure dephasing and phonon-assisted one-photon processes, which increase the reexcitation probability. In addition, the degree of entanglement, as measured by the concurrence, decreases with rising temperature and/or pulse duration, even if the excitonic fine-structure splitting is absent and when higher electronic states are out of reach. Furthermore, in the case of finite fine-structure splittings, phonons enlarge the discrepancy in concurrence for different laser polarizations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Collective Excitation of Spatio-Spectrally Distinct Quantum Dots Enabled by Chirped Pulses

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    For a scalable photonic device producing entangled photons, it is desirable to have multiple quantum emitters in an ensemble that can be collectively excited, despite their spectral variability. For quantum dots, Rabi rotation, the most popular method for resonant excitation, cannot assure a universal, highly efficient excited state preparation, because of its sensitivity to the excitation parameters. In contrast, Adiabatic Rapid Passage (ARP), relying on chirped optical pulses, is immune to quantum dot spectral inhomogeneity. Here, we advocate the robustness of ARP for simultaneous excitation of the biexciton states of multiple quantum dots. For positive chirps, we find that there is also regime of phonon advantage that widens the tolerance range of spectral detunings. Using the same laser pulse we demonstrate the simultaneous excitation of energetically and spatially distinct quantum dots. Being able to generate spatially multiplexed entangled photon pairs is a big step towards the scalability of photonic devices

    Temperature-independent almost perfect photon entanglement from quantum dots via the SUPER scheme

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    Entangled photon pairs are essential for quantum communication technology. They can be generated on-demand by semiconductor quantum dots, but several mechanisms are known to reduce the degree of entanglement. While some obstacles like the finite fine-structure splitting of the exciton states can currently be overcome, the excitation scheme itself can impair the entanglement fidelity. Here, we demonstrate that the swing-up of quantum emitter population (SUPER) scheme, using two red-detuned laser pulses applied to a quantum dot in a cavity, yields almost perfectly entangled photons. The entanglement remains robust against phonon influences even at elevated temperatures, due to decoupling of the excitation and emission process. With this achievement, quantum dots are ready to be used as entangled photon pair sources in applications requiring high degrees of entanglement up to temperatures of approximately 80 K

    Temperature-independent almost perfect photon entanglement from quantum dots via the SUPER scheme

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    Entangled photon pairs are essential for quantum communication technology. They can be generated on-demand by semiconductor quantum dots, but several mechanisms are known to reduce the degree of entanglement. While some obstacles like the finite fine-structure splitting of the exciton states can currently be overcome, the excitation scheme itself can impair the entanglement fidelity. Here, we demonstrate that the swing-up of quantum emitter population (SUPER) scheme, using two red-detuned laser pulses applied to a quantum dot in a cavity, yields almost perfectly entangled photons. The entanglement remains robust against phonon influences even at elevated temperatures, due to decoupling of the excitation and emission process. With this achievement, quantum dots are ready to be used as entangled photon pair sources in applications requiring high degrees of entanglement up to temperatures of approximately 80 K

    Different Types of Photon Entanglement from a Constantly Driven Quantum Emitter Inside a Cavity

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    Bell states are the most prominent maximally entangled photon states. In a typical four-level emitter, like a semiconductor quantum dot, the photon states exhibit only one type of Bell state entanglement. By adding an external driving to the emitter system, also other types of Bell state entanglement are reachable without changing the polarization basis. In this paper, we show under which conditions the different types of entanglement occur and give analytical equations to explain these findings. We further identify special points, where the concurrence, being a measure for the degree of entanglement, drops to zero, while the coherences between the two-photon states stay strong. Results of this work pave the way to achieve a controlled manipulation of the entanglement type in practical devices.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Swing-Up of Quantum Emitter Population Using Detuned Pulses

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    The controlled preparation of the excited state in a quantum emitter is a prerequisite for its usage as single-photon sources - a key building block for quantum technologies. In this paper we propose a coherent excitation scheme using off-resonant pulses. In the usual Rabi scheme, these pulses would not lead to a significant occupation. This is overcome by using a frequency modulated pulse to swing up the excited state population. The same effect can be obtained using two pulses with different strong detunings of the same sign. We theoretically analyze the applicability of the scheme to a semiconductor quantum dot. In this case the excitation is several meV below the band gap, i.e., far away from the detection frequency allowing for easy spectral filtering, and does not rely on any auxiliary particles such as phonons. Our scheme has the potential to lead to the generation of close-to-ideal photons.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure