20 research outputs found

    A Comparison Analysis of Surrogate Safety Measures with Car-Following Perspectives for Advanced Driver Assistance System

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    Surrogate Safety Measure (SSM) is one of the most widely used methods for identifying future threats, such as rear-end collision. Various SSMs have been proposed for the application of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), including Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS) and Emergency Braking System (EBS). The existing SSMs have been mainly used for assessing criticality of a certain traffic situation or detecting critical actions, such as severe braking maneuvers and jerking before an accident. The ADAS shows different warning signals or movements from drivers’ driving behaviours depending on the SSM employed in the system, which may lead to low reliability and low satisfaction. In order to explore the characteristics of existing SSMs in terms of human driving behaviours, this study analyzes collision risks estimated by three different SSMs, including Time-To-Collision (TTC), Stopping Headway Distance (SHD), and Deceleration-based Surrogate Safety Measure (DSSM), based on two different car-following theories, such as action point model and asymmetric driving behaviour model. The results show that the estimated collision risks of the TTC and SHD only partially match the pattern of human driving behaviour. Furthermore, the TTC and SHD overestimate the collision risk in deceleration process, particularly when the subject vehicle is faster than its preceding vehicle. On the other hand, the DSSM shows well-matched results to the pattern of the human driving behaviour. It well represents the collision risk even when the preceding vehicle moves faster than the follower one. Moreover, unlike other SSMs, the DSSM shows a balanced performance to estimate the collision risk in both deceleration and acceleration phase. These research findings suggest that the DSSM has a great potential to enhance the driver’s compliance to the ADAS, since it can reflect how the driver perceives the collision risks according to the driving behaviours in the car-following situation. Document type: Articl

    Safety Monitoring System of CAVs Considering the Trade-Off between Sampling Interval and Data Reliability

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    The safety of urban transportation systems is considered a public health issue worldwide, and many researchers have contributed to improving it. Connected automated vehicles (CAVs) and cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITSs) are considered solutions to ensure the safety of urban transportation systems using various sensors and communication devices. However, realizing a data flow framework, including data collection, data transmission, and data processing, in South Korea is challenging, as CAVs produce a massive amount of data every minute, which cannot be transmitted via existing communication networks. Thus, raw data must be sampled and transmitted to the server for further processing. The data acquired must be highly accurate to ensure the safety of the different agents in C-ITS. On the other hand, raw data must be reduced through sampling to ensure transmission using existing communication systems. Thus, in this study, C-ITS architecture and data flow are designed, including messages and protocols for the safety monitoring system of CAVs, and the optimal sampling interval determined for data transmission while considering the trade-off between communication efficiency and accuracy of the safety performance indicators. Three safety performance indicators were introduced: severe deceleration, lateral position variance, and inverse time to collision. A field test was conducted to collect data from various sensors installed in the CAV, determining the optimal sampling interval. In addition, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was conducted to ensure statistical consistency between the sampled and raw datasets. The effects of the sampling interval on message delay, data accuracy, and communication efficiency in terms of the data compression ratio were analyzed. Consequently, a sampling interval of 0.2 s is recommended for optimizing the system’s overall efficiency

    Study on the Extraction Method of Sub-Network for Optimal Operation of Connected and Automated Vehicle-Based Mobility Service and Its Implication

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    There have been enormous efforts to implement automated vehicle-based mobility (AVM) by considering smart infrastructure such as cooperative intelligent transportation system. However, there is lack of consideration on economical approach for an optimal deployment strategy of the AVM service and smart infrastructure. Furthermore, the influence of travel demand in service area has been ignored. We develop a new framework for maximizing the profit of connected and automated vehicle-based mobility (CAV-M) service using cost modeling and metaheuristic optimization algorithm. The proposed framework extracts an optimal sub-network, which is selected by a set of optimal links in the service area, and identifies an optimal construction strategy for the smart infrastructure depending on given operational design domain and travel demand. Based on service network analyses with varying demand patterns and volumes, we observe that the optimal sub-network varies with the combination of trip demand patterns and volumes. It is also found that the benefit of deploying the smart infrastructure is obtainable only when there are sufficient travel demands. Furthermore, the optimal sub-network is always superior to raw network in terms of economical profit, which suggests the proposed framework has great potential to prioritize road links in the target area for the CAV-M service

    Effect of the Changeable Organic Semi-Transparent Solar Cell Window on Building Energy Efficiency and User Comfort

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    Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are one of the most important sustainability technologies for building energy, and the semi-transparent solar cell is one of the most promising photovoltaic systems for building integration because it can generate electricity and is transparent with a range of beneficial optical properties. On the other hand, the utilization of semi-transparent solar cells for a building facade is limited, as the optimal transparency and power conversion efficiency (PCE %) of the solar cell vary according to the purpose of the space, facing orientation, and number of occupants. This study designed a changeable organic semi-transparent solar cell window (COSW), in which the transparency can be altered by adjusting its temperature and solvent vapor pressure. A simulation test with the proposed COSW was conducted to examine the effects of the proposed window on energy consumption, electricity production, and occupant comfort. The results show that the proposed window has a huge potential for energy conservation and occupant comfort. Compared to the double-glazed Low-E windows, the proposed window reduces the energy consumption by approximately 14.80 kW/m2 (53.29 MJ/m2), 11.51 kW/m2 (41.45 MJ/m2), and 15.02 kW/m2 (54.07 MJ/m2), for the south-facing, east-facing, and west-facing facades, respectively, and increases user satisfaction, particularly in spring and autumn

    A Comparison Analysis of Surrogate Safety Measures with Car-Following Perspectives for Advanced Driver Assistance System

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    Surrogate Safety Measure (SSM) is one of the most widely used methods for identifying future threats, such as rear-end collision. Various SSMs have been proposed for the application of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), including Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS) and Emergency Braking System (EBS). The existing SSMs have been mainly used for assessing criticality of a certain traffic situation or detecting critical actions, such as severe braking maneuvers and jerking before an accident. The ADAS shows different warning signals or movements from drivers’ driving behaviours depending on the SSM employed in the system, which may lead to low reliability and low satisfaction. In order to explore the characteristics of existing SSMs in terms of human driving behaviours, this study analyzes collision risks estimated by three different SSMs, including Time-To-Collision (TTC), Stopping Headway Distance (SHD), and Deceleration-based Surrogate Safety Measure (DSSM), based on two different car-following theories, such as action point model and asymmetric driving behaviour model. The results show that the estimated collision risks of the TTC and SHD only partially match the pattern of human driving behaviour. Furthermore, the TTC and SHD overestimate the collision risk in deceleration process, particularly when the subject vehicle is faster than its preceding vehicle. On the other hand, the DSSM shows well-matched results to the pattern of the human driving behaviour. It well represents the collision risk even when the preceding vehicle moves faster than the follower one. Moreover, unlike other SSMs, the DSSM shows a balanced performance to estimate the collision risk in both deceleration and acceleration phase. These research findings suggest that the DSSM has a great potential to enhance the driver’s compliance to the ADAS, since it can reflect how the driver perceives the collision risks according to the driving behaviours in the car-following situation

    Trajectory Data Analysis on the Spatial and Temporal Influence of Pedestrian Flow on Path Planning Decision

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    The modeling of walking behavior and design of walk-friendly urban pathways have been of interest to many researchers over the past decades. One of the major issues in pedestrian modeling is path planning decision-making in a dynamic walking environment with different pedestrian flows. While previous studies have agreed that pedestrian flow influences path planning, only a few studies have dealt with the empirical data to show the relationship between pedestrian flow and path planning behavior. This study introduces a new methodology for analyzing pedestrian trajectory data to find the dynamic walking conditions that influence the path planning decision. The comparison of the pedestrians' path shows that the higher proportion of opposite flows are, the greater they influence the path selection decision. In this study, we investigate the relationship between the opposite flow changes and path planning behavior and find the spatial and temporal ranges of the opposite flow that affects the path planning behavior. Lastly, we find the ratio of pedestrians that update their paths with respect to the opposite flow rate

    The City-Wide Impacts of the Interactions between Shared Autonomous Vehicle-Based Mobility Services and the Public Transportation System

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    When attempts are made to incorporate shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) into urban mobility services, public transportation (PT) systems are affected by the changes in mode share. In light of that, a simulation-based method is presented herein for analyzing the manner in which mode choices of local travelers change between PT and SAVs. The data used in this study were the modal split ratios measured based on trip generation in the major cities of South Korea. Subsequently, using the simulated results, a city-wide impact analysis method is proposed that can reflect the differences between the two mode types with different travel behaviors. As the supply–demand ratio of SAVs increased in type 1 cities, which rely heavily on PT, use of SAVs gradually increased, whereas use of PT and private vehicles decreased. Private vehicle numbers significantly reduced only when SAVs and PT systems were complementary. In type 2 cities, which rely relatively less on PT, use of SAVs gradually increased, and use of private vehicles decreased; however, no significant impact on PT was observed. Private vehicle numbers were observed to reduce when SAVs were operated, and the reduction was a minimum of thrice that in type 1 cities when SAVs and PT systems interacted. Our results can therefore aid in the development of strategies for future SAV–PT operations

    Integrated design framework for on-demand transit system based on spatiotemporal mobility patterns

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    On-demand transit is a flexible transit service designed to adjust the service schedule and route based on passengers’ dynamic demand. The operation of on-demand transit operates in accordance with physical and socioeconomic environments, and demand patterns. In order to meet the diverse mobility needs in urban areas, integrating different transit services is essential to improve both passenger convenience and operational efficiency simultaneously. We propose a data-driven design framework for an on-demand transit system that operates three types of services: planned-and-inflexible (PI), planned-and-flexible (PF), and unplanned-and-flexible (UF), each with varying levels of responsiveness to real-time demand. We classify historical demand data into three classes based on their spatiotemporal density. Then, we use the trip data of each class to plan and operate the PI, PF, and UF services. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated using real public transit data from Sejong city. Simulation studies reveal that the proposed system outperforms the existing on-demand transit system. Specifically, we observe that the PI and PF services, which are planned based on the historical spatiotemporal mobility patterns, highly compatible with requests that follow the major mobility patterns. At the same time, the UF service, which offers real-time routing without prior planning, covers areas and times beyond those served by the PI and PF services that do not correspond to major mobility patterns. Furthermore, we found that the proposed system is flexible enough to accommodate various real-world demand patterns by proving suggestions on the optimal vehicle operation for each service

    Analysis of Relationship between Road Geometry and Automated Driving Safety for Automated Vehicle-Based Mobility Service

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    Various mobility services have been proposed based on the integration of automated vehicle (AV) and road infrastructure. Service providers need to identify a set of road sections for ensuring the driving safety of an AV-based mobility service. The main objective of this research is to analyze the safety performance of AVs on the road geometrical features present during this type of mobility service. To achieve the research goal, a mobility service is classified by a combination of six road types, including expressway, bus rapid transit (BRT) lane, principal arterial road, minor arterial road, collector road, and local road. With any given road type, a field test dataset is collected and analyzed to assess the safety performance of the AV-based mobility service with respect to road geometry. Furthermore, the safety performances of each road section are explored by using a historical dataset for human-driven vehicle-involved accident cases. The result reveals that most of the dangerous occurrences in both AV and human-driven vehicles show similar patterns. However, contrasting results are also observed in crest vertical curve sections, where the AV shows a lower risk of dangerous events than that of a human-driven vehicle. The findings can be used as primary data for optimizing the physical and digital infrastructure needed to implement efficient and safe AV-based mobility services in the future

    Framework for Connected and Automated Bus Rapid Transit with Sectionalized Speed Guidance based on deep reinforcement learning: Field test in Sejong City

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    Nowadays, Automated Vehicle (AV) technology is gaining attention as a candidate to improve the efficiency of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems. However, there are still some challenges in AV technology including limited perception range and lack of cooperation capability in mixed traffic situations with drivers. The emerging Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) and Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (C-ITS) offer an unprecedented opportunity to solve such challenges. As a result, this study presents a framework for Connected and Automated BRT (CA-BRT), including a cloud-based architecture and a deep reinforcement learning system for Sectionalized Speed Guidance (SSG) system designed for CAVs. The proposed framework is field-tested in Sejong City in South Korea, where there are various road environments such as bus stops, overpasses, underground tunnels, intersections, and crosswalks. The driving performance of the proposed system is compared with different types of control scenarios, and the results from the field tests show that the proposed system improves the driving performance of the AVs in various aspects including driving safety, ride comfort, and energy efficiency with downstream information obtained from road infrastructures