27 research outputs found
Remunerations and Burnout in Mexico
With the current pace of working life and the demands of a globalized world, more and more people are suffering from burnout syndrome. This has led Mexico to occupy first place worldwide in work stress. This research analyzes remunerations, psychological empowerment, and burnout in teachers of public institutions of middle higher education. Using a model of structural equations, it was observed that the results do not support the inverse relationship between compensation with burnout through psychological empowerment, hence the hypothesis was rejected
The Impact of Structural Empowerment on Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in Mexico
A major problem that has arisen in organizations of any kind is often related to job satisfaction. The objective of this empirical study is to determine the impact of structural empowerment on job satisfaction through psychological empowerment in middle-higher education teachers. Data were collected through a measurement instrument with previously validated items to a sample of 167 elements and were analyzed using structural equations. The hypothesis formulated is accepted. It is emphasized that the mediating effect of psychological empowerment impacts on job satisfaction in the proposed relationship
The Impact of Remuneration on the Organizational Commitment in the Mexican Context
Organizational commitment is one of the 18 competencies most demanded by employers for a good performance at a professional level. The most worrisome is that studies show that close to 80% of the employees in each company are not committed to their work. In this paper, remunerations, psychological empowerment and organizational commitment are reviewed. The objective is to analyze the current context of the problem, the theoretical perspectives of the literature on these variables, and to propose a graphic model subject of study that would be the beginning of a future empirical investigation
La satisfacci贸n laboral en instituciones educativas p煤blicas: una perspectiva te贸rica
Job satisfaction is becoming one of the main problems of organizations and is one of the areas of work behavior that has been more important in recent years. This theoretical paper reviews articles related to remuneration, psychological empowerment and job satisfaction. The objective is to raise and analyze three central axes that constitute this document: 1) the current context of the problem, 2) the theoretical perspectives in the empirical studies of the literature reviewed on said variables, and 3) propose a graphic model subject of study in future empirical research, considering the importance of this field of research for the administration of human capital in teachers. Emphasis is placed on the existent epistemological vacuum in the relationship of remunerations with psychological empowerment.La satisfacci贸n laboral se est谩 convirtiendo en uno de los principales problemas de las organizaciones y es una de las 谩reas del comportamiento laboral que ha tenido mayor importancia en los 煤ltimos a帽os. En el presente escrito te贸rico se revisan los art铆culos relacionados con las remuneraciones, el empowerment psicol贸gico y la satisfacci贸n laboral. El objetivo es plantear y analizar tres ejes centrales que constituyen este documento: 1) el contexto actual del problema, 2) las perspectivas te贸ricas en los estudios emp铆ricos de la literatura revisada sobre dichas variables, y 3) proponer un modelo gr谩fico sujeto de estudio en una futura investigaci贸n emp铆rica, considerando la importancia de este campo de investigaci贸n para la administraci贸n del capital humano en docentes. Se hace 茅nfasis en el vac铆o epistemol贸gico existente en la relaci贸n de las remuneraciones con el empowerment psicol贸gico
Elementos determinantes del compromiso organizacional en un hospital universitario de tercer nivel de atenci贸n (Determinants of organizational commitment in a third level university hospital)
Esta investigaci贸n busca identificar los elementos que logran tener influencia en el compromiso organizacional entre el personal profesional sanitario de un hospital universitario de tercer nivel de atenci贸n. El personal profesional sanitario juega un papel importante en el 谩mbito hospitalario y forma parte esencial de los resultados de la organizaci贸n, as铆 como del servicio que se brinda. Los antecedentes muestran c贸mo se han visto relacionados algunos elementos, como actitudes y percepciones individuales, con el compromiso organizacional en distintos contextos. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo dan soporte a las hip贸tesis planteadas, correspondientes a las relaciones positivas entre las actitudes y percepciones individuales con el compromiso organizacional del personal profesional sanitario en un hospital universitario de tercer nivel de atenci贸
Impacto de las soft skills en el servicio al cliente en el 谩rea de ventas
In the direct selling sector, customer service becomes a differentiator. There is a service triangle that has 4 elements, one of them refers to the collaborators, specifying that if the organization's efforts are focused on them, especially on the front lines, moments of truth and experiences for the client and organization will be of greater value. In this theoretical study hospitality and effective communication are presented as interpersonal skills (soft skills) in direct sales collaborators and the positive relationship you are with customer service, both soft skills as independent and customer service. as a dependent variable. This document will present the problem statement, the research objective and the theory found that supports the continuity of the study for the mentioned approach.En el sector de la venta directa, el servicio al cliente se vuelve un diferenciador. Existe el tri谩ngulo de servicio que tiene 4 elementos, uno de ellos hace referencia a los colaboradores, especificando que, si los esfuerzos de la organizaci贸n se enfocan en ellos sobre todo los de primera l铆nea, los momentos de verdad y las experiencias para el cliente y la organizaci贸n ser谩n de mayor valor. En este estudio te贸rico se presentan a la hospitalidad y la comunicaci贸n efectiva como habilidades interpersonales (soft skills) en los colaboradores de venta directa y la relaci贸n positiva de est谩s con el servicio al cliente, enmarcadas las dos soft skills como independientes y el servicio al cliente como variable dependiente. En este documento se presentar谩 el planteamiento del problema, el objetivo de la investigaci贸n y la teor铆a encontrada que sustenta la continuidad del estudio para el planteamiento mencionado
Importaci贸n de paneles solares para el mercado mexicano: un plan de negocios
La presente investigaci贸n dio como resultado el crear un plan de negocios para apertura de una empresa importadora de Paneles Solares para el mercado mexicano con un capital de 92,831.49 USD, con una trema del 25% anual a cinco a帽os de operaci贸n. Por lo cual el presente trabajo contesta a la hip贸tesis de investigaci贸n cumpliendo los objetivos planteados
Factores que inciden en la intenci贸n de permanencia de los empleados en una instituci贸n educativa
The employees permanence intention has a descending behavior in recent years, increasing the personnel turnover and thus raising the costs of recruitment, selection and training within the companies, reducing the profits and making the goal achievement more difficult, for those reasons, the main objective of this research is the study of some factors that are significantly related to the employees permanence intention in a public institution of education. Using the statistical program SPSS for the calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression and scatter graph, it was possible to analyze how the independent variables: organizational commitment, organizational environment and organizational support with the dependent variable employees permanence intention. Three hypotheses were proposed and only one of them was accepted.La intenci贸n de permanencia de los empleados se ha visto con un comportamiento descendiente en los 煤ltimos a帽os, aumentando la rotaci贸n de puestos y con ello elevando los costos de reclutamiento, selecci贸n y capacitaci贸n dentro de las empresas, mermando las utilidades y haciendo m谩s dif铆cil el logro de objetivos organizacionales, por lo cual, la presente investigaci贸n tiene por objetivo principal analizar algunos de los factores que se relacionan con la intenci贸n de permanencia en una instituci贸n p煤blica de educaci贸n. Utilizando el programa estad铆stico SPSS para el c谩lculo del coeficiente de correlaci贸n de Pearson, regresi贸n lineal m煤ltiple y diagramas de dispersi贸n de puntos, se logr贸 analizar c贸mo se relacionan las variables independientes: compromiso, ambiente y apoyo de la organizaci贸n con la variable dependiente intenci贸n de permanencia de los empleados. Se plantearon un total de tres hip贸tesis de las cuales solo se acept贸 una de ellas
Job Satisfaction in Teachers: Theoretical and Methodological Proposal
This paper analyzes the structural empowerment, psychological empowerment, and job satisfaction of teachers from public institutions in middle higher education in Mexico. The theoretical review covers the approach to the problem and discusses the variables and graphic models used in the study. It also presents the proposed hypotheses and the main methodological challenges encountered. It considers the importance of studying the attitudes and behaviors that influence the organizational behavior of the workforce. It focuses on a geographic area not covered in previous research