18 research outputs found

    Klasifikacija tehnika bacanja prema njihovoj važnosti u judo borbi

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    Analysis of judo throwing techniques, as the most important attacking structures in a judo match, can help experts to improve training process. The aim of this paper was to analyse and classify throwing techniques from the aspect of their importance in judo match. For this purpose eight judo experts assessed the importance of throwing techniques in seven official senior weight categories for men. Sample of entities consisted of 40 throwing techniques and the sample of variables consisted of seven weight categories. Cluster analysis was used for the classification of throwing techniques. The Euclidean distance method and Ward’s method of cluster mergers was used. Differences between the established groups were tested by discriminant analysis. Unlike in some other classifications, a smaller number of groups was formed. According to the criterion of importance two main groups of throws were identified (group A and B). Group B contains the most important and the most applicable throws in current judo matches whereas group A contains less important throwing techniques. Group A has been divided into two statistically significant different subgroups and group B into three statistically significant different subgroups. The proposed classification clearly distinguishes throwing techniques according to their performance importance and provides a clearer insight into the technical structure of judo sport. The results of this research can be useful to judo experts for the selection of the most rational methods of the technical and tactical preparation and in the establishment of new and modern approaches to judo training.Analiza tehnika bacanja, kao najvažnijih tehnika u judo borbi, može pomoći trenerima u unapređenju trenažnog procesa. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati i klasificirati tehnike bacanja s aspekta njihove važnosti u samoj borbi. Osam eksperata iz područja judo sporta ocijenilo je tehnike bacanja prema njihovoj važnosti u borbi u sedam službenih težinskih kategorija za seniore. Uzorak entiteta činilo je 40 bacanja, a skup varijabli 7 težinskih kategorija. Tehnike bacanja su grupirane u homogene skupine pomoću klaster analize pri čemu je korištena metoda euklidskih distanci i Wardova metoda udruživanja klastera. Razlike između skupina bacanja, utvrđenih klaster analizom, testirane su na multivarijatnoj razini diskriminacijskom analizom. Nakon obrade rezultata utvrđen je manji broj skupina bacanja u odnosu na neke druge klasifikacije. Identificirane su dvije glavne skupine bacanja (A i B), od kojih skupina B sadrži najvažnije (najprimjenjivije) tehnike bacanja u judo borbi, a grupa A manje važne tehnike. Daljnjom analizom utvrđene su tri podgrupe unutar skupine B te dvije podgrupe bacanja unutar skupine A. Dobivena klasifikacija jasno razlikuje bacanja prema njihovoj važnosti i primjenjivosti te daje jasniji uvid u strukturu tehnika bacanja u judu. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu koristiti trenerima u odabiru najracionalnijih metoda za tehničku i taktičku pripremu judaša te za kreiranje novog, modernog, pristupa treningu juda

    The Dynamics of Development of Anthropological Characteristics during a Two-year Period in Non-sportsmen, in Boys Involved in Team sports and in Judoists

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    Rad prati tri grupe ispitanika (69 dječaka) tijekom dvije godine bavljenja organiziranom tjelesnom aktivnošću. Jedna grupa je ostvarivala svoje potrebe za vježbanjem u momčadskim sportovima (nogomet, rukomet, košarka i odbojka), druga grupa ispitanika bavila se judom, a treća grupa nije organizirano vježbala, osim na nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Radom se utvrđuje dinamika promjena antropološkog statusa kod tri praćene grupe ispitanika te povećava li se dinamika tih promjena kod dječaka koja se organizirano bave sportom izvan nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture još tri puta tjedno u judo klubu ili u klubovima momčadskih sportova (nogomet, košarka, odbojka ili rukomet). Promjene antropološkog statusa utvrđene su u preko 11 varijabli za procjenu antropometrijskih karakteristika, motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti. Analizirajući cjelokupan dvogodišnji trenažni proces može se s velikom vjerojatnošću zaključiti da se bavljenjem judom kod djece u predpubertetu značajnije i pozitivnije utječe na razvoj svih analiziranih sposobnosti i karakteristika nego kod djece koja su se bavila momčadskim sportovima ili se nisu dodatno bavila sportom. Dvogodišnjim praćenjem napretka ispitanika tijekom nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture potvrđeno je da se nastavom od 45 minuta dva puta tjedno ne može dugoročno značajno utjecati na razvoj antropoloških obilježja, a djeca će imati pozitivnije usmjeren razvoj funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti te čitav niz drugih pozitivnih učinaka ukoliko ranije započnu s bavljenjem sportom.The research comprised three groups of examinees (69 boys) who were observed during a two-year period in which they were involved in organized physical activity. One group was engaged in team sports (soccer, handball, basketball, volleyball), the second group was engaged in judo, whereas the third one was not involved in any extra organized physical exercise besides their regular school PE classes. The paper establishes the dynamics of changes in the anthropological status in the three groups and observes whether the dynamics of changes increases in boys who are involved in organized forms of sports besides their regular PE classes – three times a week in the judo club or in team sports clubs (soccer, handball, basketball, volleyball). Changes in the anthropological status have been observed in more than 11 variables which were used to assess anthropometric characteristics, motor and functional skills. The analysis of the two-year period of training leads to a high-probability conclusion that training judo affected the development of the analysed abilities and characteristics in a more significant and positive way than team sports or no involvement in extracurricular sports activities. By observing regular PE classes during a two-year period, it has been confirmed that two 45-minute periods per week cannot significantly influence the long-term development of anthropological characteristics, and that early involvement of children in sports activities will result in a more positive development of functional and motor skills and various other positive effects

    Relations of Latent Anthropometric Dimentions to Succees in Judo Bout

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    The global objective of this research was determining the relations between anthropometric variables with success in judo bout. The research was conducted on a sample of 122 subjects. The sample of variables consisted of 18 anthropometric measures, out of which three latent dimensions were isolated by the use of factor analysis. Three latent dimensions (factors) represent a set of predictive variables. Criterion is defined as a success in judo bout and it is represented by two criteria variables; number of wins and technical efficiency in judo bout. To test the relations of latent anthropometric variables with success in the bout the regression analysis was used. Statistically significant but low connections were found between anthropometric variables and the two criteria. As only the factor volume and mass of the body partially contribute to the explanation of criteria, one can conclude that the active muscle mass is in the background of achieved connection


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    Osnovni cilj rada bio je utvrditi dolazi li i u kojoj mjeri do promjene motoričkog statusa dječaka pod utjecajem treninga karatea te postoje li razlike u promjeni i razvoju razlicitih motoričkih sposobnosti pod utjecajem devetomjesecnog treninga karatea izmedu eksperimentalne grupe A (9-10 g.) i B (10-11 g.). Uzorak ispitanika cinili su dječaci karataši, učenici osnovnih škola, koji su u trenutku inicijalnog testiranja imali od 9 do 10 godina, i od 10 do 11 godina. Obje grupe podvrgnute su istom devetomjesečnom programiranom karate tretmanu koji je zajedno sa redovitom nastavom tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture utjecao na motorički status djece. Uzorak varijabli činilo je 12 varijabli za procjenu bazicnih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti. U skladu sa postavljenim ciljevima ovoga rada, rezultati istraživanja potvrduju prvu postavljenu hipotezu da pojacana kineziološka aktivnost u vidu treninga karatea utjece na kvalitativne i kvantitativne promjene motoričkog statusa djece karataša. Takoder je potvrdena i druga hipoteza da postoje razlike u promjeni i razvoju razlicitih motoričkih sposobnosti (brzine frekvencije pokreta, eksplozivne snage tipa skoka i bacanja) pod utjecajem devetomjesečnog treninga karatea izmedu eksperimentalne grupe A (9-10 g.) i B (10-11 g.). U latentnom prostoru na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je devetomjesecni programirani karate trening prouzročio pozitivne promjene motoričkih sposobnosti deveto- i desetogodišnje djece karataša.The basic aim of this study was to determine whether and to what extent do changes in motor status occur under the influence of karate training, and whether there are differences in changes and development of various motor abilities under the influence of a nine-month karate training between the experimental A group (9-10 years of age) and the control B group (10-11 years of age). The sample was comprised of male karatekas, the elementary school students who, at the time of the initial testing, were 9-10 and 10-11 years old. Both age groups were exposed to the same nine-month programmed karate training which affected, together with their regular PE classes, the motor status of children. Twelve variables were used in order to assess the basic and specific motor abilities. In accordance with the aim of the study, the results confirmed the first hypothesis stating that the increased level of physical activity karate training in this case affects both the qualitative and the quantitative changes in the motor status of children-karatekas. The second hypothesis, stating that there were differences in changes and development of various motor abilities (e.g. frequency of movements, explosive jumping and throwing strength) under the influence of a nine-month karate training between the A and B group, was also confirmed. On the basis of obtained results, it can be concluded that, with regard to the latent sphere, the nine-month karate training caused positive changes of motor abilities in nine- and ten-year-old children-karatekas

    Uzroci prestanka treniranja džuda u adolescentskoj dobi

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    Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi razloge zbog kojih mladi džudaši/ce odustaju od treniranja džuda između 15. i 20. godine odnosno u razdoblju od mlađih kadeta (U16) do juniora (U21). Za dobivanje rezultata korištena je anketa koju čini 35 čestica, a ispituje razloge povezane s odnosom sportaša i trenera, roditelja, kolega i slično. Anketa je ispunjavana tijekom travnja 2020. godine, a ispunilo ju je 137 bivših džudaša/ica od kojih je 102 zadovoljilo kriterije. Dobiveni rezultati obrađeni su u programu Statistica. Rezultati ukazuju da su najznačajniji razlozi zbog kojih se odustaje od treniranja džuda nedostatak motivacije, teške ozljede, loš odnos s trenerom i školske obaveze


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    Dojam dobrih učinaka sporta ponekad pokvari pojava ozljeda koje se s vremena na vrijeme dogaðaju u sportu. Judo kao polistrukturni aciklički sport, koji se odvija u dinamičkim uvjetima, podrazumijeva nemogućnost točnog predviðanja sljedeće situacije u borbi kao i njenog ishoda. Zbog tih ga se karakteristika, kao i zbog činjenice da se odvija u direktnom sukobu dva natjecatelja, često opisuje kao grub i za zdravlje opasan sport. U pravilno programiranom trenažnom procesu treba osigurati optimalne uvjete koji minimiziraju rizik od ozljeda. Uvjeti smanjenog rizika od ozljeda rezultat su što boljeg definiranja mehanizama, lokaliteta i vrsti ozljeda. Preciznije definiranje tih mehanizama predstavlja glavni cilj ovog rada. Za tu svrhu je anonimnim upitnikom ispitano 66 sportaša (49 judaša i 17 judašica), u rasponu od 15 do 28 godina. Anketni upitnik je u četrnaest čestica obuhvatio podatke o trenažnom iskustvu, broju ozljeda po dobnoj kategoriji, lokaciji ozljede, mjestu ozljeðivanja te aktivnostima prilikom kojih se ozljeda desila. Rezultati ukazuju kako hrvatski judaši, sukladno trendu na svjetskoj razini, u prosjeku najviše ozljeðuju donje i gornje ekstremitete kod kojih prednjače zglobovi koljena, ramena te šake. Ozljede se dogaðaju u najvećem broju slučajeva na samom treningu i to najčešće prilikom aplikacije tehnika bacanja. Najmanje ozljeda se dogodilo prilikom izvoðenja tehnika u parteru te se taj oblik juda može istaknuti kao aktivnost pogodna za rekreativno vježbanje. Uvažavanje činjenica predstavljenih u ovom radu može pomoći trenerima u stvaranju sigurnijeg okruženja za svoje sportaše.The impressions of good effects of sport sometimes are spoiled by appearance of injuries which happen from time to time. Judo as polystructural acyclic sport activity, carried out in dynamic conditions, understands inability of correct anticipation of the next situation in bout as also its outcome. Due to these characteristics, and because of the fact that is carried out in direct confrontation of two contestants, judo is often described as rough and dangerous sport. In proper programmed training process one must ensure optimal conditions which minimize injury risk. Conditions of minimized risk are the result of defined mechanisms, locations and types of injuries. More precise definition of these mechanisms is the main goal of this paper. For these reason 66 judokas (49 male and 17 female) from 15 to 28 years answered questions in anonymous questionnaire. The questionnaire has, in fourteen items, comprised information about training experience, number of injuries in every age category, location of injuries, time of injuries and the mechanisms during which injuries have happened. The results are processed on descriptive level. The results show that Croatian judokas, like worldwide trend, in average have more injuries of lower and upper limbs with accent on knee and shoulder joint and the fist. The greatest amount of injuries happened at the time of training and during the application of throwing technique. Smallest number of injuries happened in the ground judo fight during the application of ground techniques. One can say that this part of judo can be highlighted as good activity for recreational training. Acceptance of the facts presented in this work can help judo coaches in creating safer environment for their athletes

    Erstellung eines Fragebogens zur Einschätzung, inwiefern unsportliches Verhalten als berechtigt wahrgenommen wird

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    Cilj rada bio je konstruirati upitnik za procjenu percipirane legitimnosti nesportskoga ponašanja, utvrditi njegove mjerne karakteristike i provjeriti teorijske pretpostavke o relacijama percipirane legitimnosti nesportskog ponašanja sa spolom, sportskim stažem i rangom natjecanja. Konstruirani upitnik sadrži 14 čestica, koje opisuju specifična nesportska ponašanja iz kategorija fizičke agresije, verbalne agresije i varanja. Stupanj percipirane legitimnosti nesportskoga ponašanja može se interpretirati analizom odgovora na pojedine čestice upitnika, rezultatima na podskalama Legitimnost težih prekršaja, Legitimnost lakših prekršaja i Legitimnost verbalne agresije ili ukupnim rezultatom. Mjerna svojstva upitnika utvrđena su na uzorku od 251 studenta Kineziološkoga fakulteta u Zagrebu. Komponentnim modelom faktorske analize, pri čemu je primijenjen Guttman-Kaiserov kriterij za redukciju broja glavnih komponenata i oblimin rotacija s Kaiserovom normalizacijom, utvrđena je jednostavna i semantički interpretabilna faktorska struktura. Cronbachov koeficijent pouzdanosti kretao se od 0,77 do 0,86, a test-retest pouzdanosti od 0,67 do 0,85. Serijom multiplih regresijskih analiza utvrđena je različita povezanost spola, sportskoga staža i ranga natjecanja s pojedinim podskalama upitnika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da konstruirani upitnik ima zadovoljavajuća mjerna svojstva te da se može rabiti za procjenu percipirane legitimnosti težih prekršaja, lakših prekršaja i verbalne agresije u sportu.The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire for the assessment of perceived legitimacy of unsportsmanlike conduct, to examine its psychometric characteristics and relations with gender, sport experience, and competition level. The questionnaire (PLNP) has 14 items describing physical aggression, verbal aggression and cheating. The participant assesses the acceptability of each type of behavior on a Likert five-point scale. The degree of perceived legitimacy can be obtained on the basis of answers to each questionnaire item, the results on the subscales – Legitimacy of Serious Fouls, Legitimacy of Less Serious Fouls, and Legitimacy of Verbal Aggression – or on the basis of the total result. Psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire were tested on a sample of 251 students of the Faculty of Kinesiology. Principal components factor analysis revealed a simple and semantically interpretable factor structure. Cronbach\u27s reliability coefficients ranged from 0.77-0.86, while test-retest reliability ranged from 0.67-0.85. Multiple regression analyses revealed different relations of gender, sport experience, and competition level with PLNP subscales. The developed questionnaire showed satisfactory psychometric characteristics and that it can be used for the assessment of perceived legitimacy of serious fouls, less serious fouls, and verbal aggression in sports.Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, einen Fragebogen zu konstruieren, um einschätzen zu können, inwiefern unter Sportlern unsportliches Verhalten als berechtigt wahrgenommen wird; des Weiteren soll der Fragebogen ermöglichen, die messbaren Merkmale unsportlichen Verhaltens zu ermitteln sowie theoretische Grundvoraussetzungen zum Bezug zwischen wahrgenommener Legitimität unsportlichen Verhaltens einerseits und Geschlechtszugehörigkeit, Dauer der Sportkarriere und Ranglistenposition andererseits zu überprüfen. Der erstellte Fragebogen enthält 14 Komponenten, mit denen spezifische unsportliche, den Kategorien körperliche und verbale Aggression sowie Betrug zugehörende Verhaltensmuster beschrieben werden; es war Aufgabe der Untersuchungsteilnehmer, anhand der Likert-Skala (Stufen 1 bis 5) zu bewerten, inwiefern die beschriebenen Verhaltensmuster akzeptabel seien. Die Stufen der wahrgenommenen Legitimität unsportlichen Verhaltens konnten anhand einer Analyse der zu den einzelnen Komponenten gewonnenen Fragen ermittelt werden, und zwar mittels Aussagen, die zu den Subskalen Berechtigung schwerwiegenderer Vergehen, Berechtigung leichterer Vergehen und Berechtigung verbaler Aggression gemacht wurden, oder aber aufgrund des Gesamtergebnisses. An der Untersuchung nahmen 251 Studenten der Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft in Zagreb teil. Anhand einer Faktorenanalyse mit Komponentenmodell, wobei nach dem Guttmann- Kaiser\u27schen Kriterium zur Reduzierung der Hauptkomponentenzahl sowie nach der Oblimin-Rotation verfahren wurde, konnte eine einfache und semantisch interpretationsfähige Faktorenstruktur ermittelt werden. Der Reliabilitäts-Koeffizient nach Cronbach lag bei 0,77–0,86, die Test-Retest-Reliabilität wiederum bei 0,67–0,85. Eine Serie multipler Regressionsanalysen ergab unterschiedliche Beziehungsmuster zwischen Geschlechtszugehörigkeit, Dauer der Sportkarriere und Ranglistenposition einerseits und einzelnen Subskalen andererseits. Die Untersuchung erwies, dass der erstellte Fragebogen über befriedigende messbare Eigenschaften verfügt und dass er ohne Weiteres eingesetzt werden kann, um festzustellen, inwiefern unter Sportlern schwere und leichtere Vergehen sowie verbale Übergriffe als berechtigt wahrgenommen werden