28 research outputs found

    Neural cell adhesion molecule expression and clinical features in small cell lung cancer: a semi-quantitative immunohistochemical approach using an immunogold-silver staining method.

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    The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is a family of cell surface sialoglycoproteins mediating homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell adhesion. In tumors, NCAM is supposed to be involved with the malignant features characterized by invasive growth and metastasis. In the present study, we evaluated the correlation between NCAM expression of tumors obtained from small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients and the clinical outcome. NCAM expression was determined semi-quantitatively by an immunogold-silver staining method using the SCLC cluster 1 monoclonal antibody NCC-LU-243. Of 20 SCLC patients studied, six patients with tumors with high NCAM expression had a poor response to chemotherapy, and a short disease-free (p = 0.011) and overall (p = 0.003) survival as compared with 14 patients having tumors with low NCAM expression. These findings indicate that the therapeutic outcome of SCLC may be partly predicted by determining the NCAM expression of the tumor.</p

    Importance of cell surface marker to the prognosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

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    We studied the correlation between the cell surface markers and prognosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) patients treated in the Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital from 1980 to 1986. Thirty-one cases were selected on the basis of having a lymphnode as a primary lesion, having been immunophenotyped before chemotherapy, being in the intermediate histologic grade and being in stage II, III or IV. Thirteen cases of the T-cell type (T-lymphomas) and 18 cases of the B-cell type (B-lymphoma) were identified. The complete remission rate was 54% among T-lymphoma patients and 78% among B-lymphoma patients. The median length of survival was 12+ months in T-lymphoma and 26+ months in B-lymphoma. The survival rate of T-lymphoma patients was significantly lower than that of B-lymphoma patients. The importance of making surface marker studies was reappraised in our study.</p

    Antitumor activity of platinum analogs against human lung cancer cell lines and tumor specimens.

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    Antitumor activities of five platinum analogs, including cisplatin, carboplatin, 254-S, DWA2114R, and NK121, were compared using five human lung cancer cell lines and 19 tumor specimens obtained from lung cancer patients. The antitumor activity was evaluated by determining the ratio of the maximum tolerated dose of each drug to the 70% tumor growth inhibitory concentration in a colony assay. Cisplatin was the most potent agent, followed by 254-S and carboplatin. DWA2114R and NK121 were less potent than cisplatin and 254-S. Cross-resistance to adriamycin was also investigated using an adriamycin-resistant small cell lung cancer subline, SBC -3/ADM30. SBC-3/ADM30 was 1.7- to 4.0-fold more resistant to cisplatin, carboplatin, NK121, and DWA2114R, than was the parent line, SBC-3, and the subline was 2.0-fold more sensitive to 254-S. Using SBC-3, in vitro combination effects of etoposide and cisplatin, carboplatin, or 254-S were evaluated by the median-effect principle. Synergism was noted when cisplatin and etoposide were combined at a fixed molar ratio of 1:1. Combination of carboplatin and etoposide showed an additive effect. The combination of 254-S and etoposide was antagonistic at low concentrations, but was markedly synergistic at higher concentrations. These data suggested the efficacy of 254-S in the treatment of lung cancer.</p

    Immunohistochemical detection of P-glycoprotein and carcinoembryonic antigen in small cell lung cancer: with reference to predictability of response to chemotherapy.

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    In an attempt to elucidate the tumor properties relating to responsiveness to chemotherapy, we examined immunohistochemically the expression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) tumors. Tumor specimens from 33 patients were obtained at the time of diagnosis and relapse. Four patients expressed P-gp in their initial tumors, and 7 others did in recurrent tumors. The overall response rate to chemotherapy of the initial tumors was 75% for P-gp-positive initial tumors and 86% for P-gp-negative tumors, whereas the disease-free and overall survival times were significantly shorter in the former than the latter. Three patients showed CEA in their initial tumors, and 5 others did in recurrent tumors. The patients with CEA-positive initial tumors tended to relapse earlier than those with CEA-negative tumors. In addition, recurrent tumors expressing CEA were resistant to salvage chemotherapy. A clear correlation between CEA expression by tumors and the CEA level in the serum was observed at diagnosis as well as at relapse. These findings indicate that P-gp and/or CEA expression by a tumor and elevated CEA level in the serum may predict refractoriness of the tumor to chemotherapy.</p

    Web-Based Evaluation System to Measure Learning Effectiveness in Kampo Medicine

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    Measuring the learning effectiveness of Kampo Medicine (KM) education is challenging. The aim of this study was to develop a web-based test to measure the learning effectiveness of KM education among medical students (MSs). We used an open-source Moodle platform to test 30 multiple-choice questions classified into 8-type fields (eight basic concepts of KM) including “qi-blood-fluid” and “five-element” theories, on 117 fourth-year MSs. The mean (±standard deviation [SD]) score on the web-based test was 30.2±11.9 (/100). The correct answer rate ranged from 17% to 36%. A pattern-based portfolio enabled these rates to be individualized in terms of KM proficiency. MSs with scores higher (n=19) or lower (n=14) than mean ± 1SD were defined as high or low achievers, respectively. Cluster analysis using the correct answer rates for the 8-type field questions revealed clear divisions between high and low achievers. Interestingly, each high achiever had a different proficiency pattern. In contrast, three major clusters were evident among low achievers, all of whom responded with a low percentage of or no correct answers. In addition, a combination of three questions accurately classified high and low achievers. These findings suggest that our web-based test allows individual quantitative assessment of the learning effectiveness of KM education among MSs