101 research outputs found

    Porous Silicon Bragg Reflector/Carbon Dot Hybrids: Synthesis, Nanostructure, and Optical Properties

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    Carbon dots (C-dots) exhibit unique fluorescence properties, mostly depending upon their physical environments. Here we investigate the optical properties and nanostructure of Carbon dots (C-dots) which are synthesized in situ within different porous Silicon (PSi) Bragg reflectors. The resulting hybrids were characterized by photoluminescence, X-ray photoelectron, and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopies, as well as by confocal and transmission electron microscopy. We show that by tailoring the location of the PSi Bragg reflector photonic bandgap and its oxidation level, the C-dots emission spectral features can be tuned. Notably, their fluorescence emission can be significantly enhanced when the high reflection band of the PSi host overlaps with the confined C-dots' peak wavelength, and the PSi matrix is thermally oxidized at mild conditions. These phenomena are observed for multiple compositions of PSi Bragg reflectors/C-dots hybrids

    Israel Charny’s attack on the Journal of Genocide Research and its authors: a response

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    Israel Charny has published an article, “Holocaust Minimization, Anti-Israel Themes, and Antisemitism: Bias at the Journal of Genocide Research” (JGR) in the Journal for the Study of Antisemitism. His specific allegations are bundled together in a single sentence: “minimization of the Holocaust, delegitimization of the State of Israel, and repeat[ing] common themes of contemporary antisemitism”. We write as the authors of articles and contributors to the JGR attacked by Charny. His allegations are false and we reject them. This article shows how they are based on distortions, misquotations, and falsifications of our work

    Impact of PNKP mutations associated with microcephaly, seizures and developmental delay on enzyme activity and DNA strand break repair

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    Microcephaly with early-onset, intractable seizures and developmental delay (MCSZ) is a hereditary disease caused by mutations in polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase (PNKP), a DNA strand break repair protein with DNA 5'-kinase and DNA 3'-phosphatase activity. To investigate the molecular basis of this disease, we examined the impact of MCSZ mutations on PNKP activity in vitro and in cells. Three of the four mutations currently associated with MCSZ greatly reduce or ablate DNA kinase activity of recombinant PNKP at 30°C (L176F, T424Gfs48X and exon15Δfs4X), but only one of these mutations reduces DNA phosphatase activity under the same conditions (L176F). The fourth mutation (E326K) has little impact on either DNA kinase or DNA phosphatase activity at 30°C, but is less stable than the wild-type enzyme at physiological temperature. Critically, all of the MCSZ mutations identified to date result in ∼10-fold reduced cellular levels of PNKP protein, and reduced rates of chromosomal DNA strand break repair. Together, these data suggest that all four known MCSZ mutations reduce the cellular stability and level of PNKP protein, with three mutations likely ablating cellular DNA 5'-kinase activity and all of the mutations greatly reducing cellular DNA 3'-phosphatase activity

    Entangled Stories: The Red Jews in Premodern Yiddish and German Apocalyptic Lore

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    “Far, far away from our areas, somewhere beyond the Mountains of Darkness, on the other side of the Sambatyon River…there lives a nation known as the Red Jews.” The Red Jews are best known from classic Yiddish writing, most notably from Mendele's Kitser masoes Binyomin hashlishi (The Brief Travels of Benjamin the Third). This novel, first published in 1878, represents the initial appearance of the Red Jews in modern Yiddish literature. This comical travelogue describes the adventures of Benjamin, who sets off in search of the legendary Red Jews. But who are these Red Jews or, in Yiddish, di royte yidelekh? The term denotes the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, the ten tribes that in biblical times had composed the Northern Kingdom of Israel until they were exiled by the Assyrians in the eighth century BCE. Over time, the myth of their return emerged, and they were said to live in an uncharted location beyond the mysterious Sambatyon River, where they would remain until the Messiah's arrival at the end of time, when they would rejoin the rest of the Jewish people. This article is part of a broader study of the Red Jews in Jewish popular culture from the Middle Ages through modernity. It is partially based on a chapter from my book, Umstrittene Erlöser: Politik, Ideologie und jüdisch-christlicher Messianismus in Deutschland, 1500–1600 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011). Several postdoctoral fellowships have generously supported my research on the Red Jews: a Dr. Meyer-Struckmann-Fellowship of the German Academic Foundation, a Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica/Alan M. Stroock Fellowship for Advanced Research in Judaica at Harvard University, a research fellowship from the Heinrich Hertz-Foundation, and a YIVO Dina Abramowicz Emerging Scholar Fellowship. I thank the organizers of and participants in the colloquia and conferences where I have presented this material in various forms as well as the editors and anonymous reviewers of AJS Review for their valuable comments and suggestions. I am especially grateful to Jeremy Dauber and Elisheva Carlebach of the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies at Columbia University, where I was a Visiting Scholar in the fall of 2009, for their generous encouragement to write this article. Sue Oren considerably improved my English. The style employed for Romanization of Yiddish follows YIVO's transliteration standards. Unless otherwise noted, translations from the Yiddish, Hebrew, German, and Latin are my own. Quotations from the Bible follow the JPS translation, and those from the Babylonian Talmud are according to the Hebrew-English edition of the Soncino Talmud by Isidore Epstein

    Phosphorylation of polynucleotide kinase/ phosphatase by DNA-dependent protein kinase and ataxia-telangiectasia mutated regulates its association with sites of DNA damage

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    Human polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase (PNKP) is a dual specificity 5′-DNA kinase/3′-DNA phosphatase, with roles in base excision repair, DNA single-strand break repair and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ); yet precisely how PNKP functions in the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) remains unclear. We demonstrate that PNKP is phosphorylated by the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) and ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) in vitro. The major phosphorylation site for both kinases was serine 114, with serine 126 being a minor site. Ionizing radiation (IR)-induced phosphorylation of cellular PNKP on S114 was ATM dependent, whereas phosphorylation of PNKP on S126 required both ATM and DNA-PK. Inactivation of DNA-PK and/or ATM led to reduced PNKP at DNA damage sites in vivo. Cells expressing PNKP with alanine or aspartic acid at serines 114 and 126 were modestly radiosensitive and IR enhanced the association of PNKP with XRCC4 and DNA ligase IV; however, this interaction was not affected by mutation of PNKP phosphorylation sites. Purified PNKP protein with mutation of serines 114 and 126 had decreased DNA kinase and DNA phosphatase activities and reduced affinity for DNA in vitro. Together, our results reveal that IR-induced phosphorylation of PNKP by ATM and DNA-PK regulates PNKP function at DSBs

    SUMO modification of the neuroprotective protein TDP1 facilitates chromosomal single-strand break repair

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    Breaking and sealing one strand of DNA is an inherent feature of chromosome metabolism to overcome torsional barriers. Failure to reseal broken DNA strands results in protein-linked DNA breaks, causing neurodegeneration in humans. This is typified by defects in tyrosyl DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP1), which removes stalled topoisomerase 1 peptides from DNA termini. Here we show that TDP1 is a substrate for modification by the small ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO. We purify SUMOylated TDP1 from mammalian cells and identify the SUMOylation site as lysine 111. While SUMOylation exhibits no impact on TDP1 catalytic activity, it promotes its accumulation at sites of DNA damage. A TDP1 SUMOylation-deficient mutant displays a reduced rate of repair of chromosomal single-strand breaks arising from transcription-associated topoisomerase 1 activity or oxidative stress. These data identify a role for SUMO during single-strand break repair, and suggest a mechanism for protecting the nervous system from genotoxic stress