75 research outputs found

    ERP Systems and Managerial Decision Making - A Model for Analysis

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    Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, the most significant IT development in recent times, affects all aspects of organizational life. While the positive impact of ERP systems on operational efficiencies is well established in the literature, the relationship between ERP systems, decision support capability and decision-making processes has been inadequately investigated in the past. This paper hypothesizes a research model for further investigation. Using standardization and integration, the two key characteristics of ERP systems, the influence of ERP-enabled information environment is explained in terms of its impact on the accessibility/availability, quality and quantity of information. The extent of integration and standardization achieved while implementing the ERP system and organizational culture and size are moderating variables that are expected to moderate the influence of ERP-enabled environment on managerial decision making. Extending recent studies, this study postulates a positive influence of ERP-enabled information environment on decision support capability particularly at operational and tactical level. Though improvement in the quality of information, centralization and the consequent increase in visibility and accessibility have influenced the decision support capability of managers, factors such as information overload and inadequate reporting tools in the ERP software appear to be limiting the managerial decision making capability and quality of decision making

    Consequences of e-Business Initiatives on Business Process Performance - A Model for Analysis

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    This paper discusses the consequences of implementing ebusiness initiatives on business process performance and proposes a model for further analysis. Integrating the operations management literature, diffusion theory and reengineering theories, this model attempts to hypothesize the consequences of implementing e-business strategies by way of redesigning and/or integrating the information, systems and processes and its impact on the business process performance attributes. Using an survey methodology, this study will attempt to measure the extent of implementing e-business initiatives in Australian manufacturing industry and the consequences of those initiatives on business process performance. Developing a theoretical framework/model will help in minimizing the uncertainty associated with such transitions, and explain the dynamic interactions between organizational factors, business process performance variables and information systems. In addition, it will make contribution to the theories dealing with the interface between information systems and operations management in e-business context

    Measurement of User Perceived Web Quality

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    Web sites are now considered an extension of the entire business, not just an additional channel or storefront or a simple information portal for the company. Creating an effective web site that gives a positive overall experience to the customers and visitors is important in business today. Measuring the quality of web site from the users’ perspective, will give a fast and early feedback to the firm and enables it to take corrective actions and improve its operations. Several instruments and methodologies were developed to measure the web site performance, usability and quality in information systems, marketing and operations management literature. This study reviews the literature in web quality measurement and employs a 25 item instrument developed by Aladwani and Palvia to measure the user perceived web quality. It attempts to test the factorial validity of the instrument in Australian context using Structural Equation Modelling technique. Analysis revealed that the data set do not fit the Aladwani and Palvia’s model well enough

    Managing Supply Chain Risk – Role of IT/IS

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    Measures aimed at making supply chains more efficient and responsive have also made them more vulnerable and exposed to disruptions. These measures include increased off-shoring and outsourcing of manufacturing and product development activities, contract manufacturing, global sourcing, lean operations with reduced inventories, centralised distribution and warehousing, reduction of supplier base and tightly integrated supply chains. In addition to this increased sensitivity of supply chains, a significant increase in the frequency and number of events leading to major disruptions, and their magnitude is forcing organizations to take supply chain risk more seriously. This paper discusses the concept of supply chain risk, supply chain risk management, its dimensions and the role of information technologies in general, and enterprise systems in particular. It will discuss the challenges faced by business organizations in leveraging existing and future information technologies and systems and their double-edged role. While industry reference models have the potential to internalise supply chain risk management processes, their ability in identification and mitigation of the supply chain risk is limited and depends upon other IT-dependent factors, such as information visibility, trust, security of intellectual property information, ability to collect snapshots of demand, inventory and capacity at key nodes in the supply chain, and the sense and respond capability of the organization to deal with material flow disruptions

    Enhancing Student Learning of Enterprise Integration by Deploying SAP R/3 into Curriculum

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    Though the ability of enterprise systems (ES) software solutions in teaching concepts of cross-functional enterprise integration and process orientation are well recognised and discussed in the academic literature, many business schools/faculties, for different reasons, are slow in incorporating these latest software products in their curricula. This paper reports on one curriculum development project that extended the deployment of SAP R/3 into the business curriculum for enhancing students learning of enterprise integration. Employing questionnaire survey and selfassessment of the knowledge and skills gained in the course, the effectiveness of the curriculum design and delivery are reported in this paper. This study demonstrates the powerful role played by the ERP system in developing business process orientation and cross-functional perspective to business students

    Enhancing Student Learning of Enterprise Integration through ERP Simulation Game

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    Difficulty of teaching concepts of business processes and business process orientation using traditional teaching and learning methods is well recognized in the literature. This paper reports on the effectiveness of an initiative that employs ‘ERPSim’, an ERP Business simulation game that uses a simulated and complex business environment supported by industry standard software, SAP. Using this simulation game, this initiative aims to teach process concepts and enterprise integration to students who have no practical experience and limited understanding of business operations and information systems in an Australian Business school. Analysis of the data indicates the success of this initiative, despite some operational problems for the academics and cognitive challenges to some students. The study particularly reports improvement in the understanding of the concepts of integration and business processes, the primary objective of introducing this game. Based on the feedback from participants and the experience of academics in administering the ERP Sim game, this study offers some suggestions for further improvement

    Business Process Management – A Missing Link in Business Education

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    Business processes have been the subject of formal study from multiple perspectives for a long time since the start of industrial age. In spite of such sustained focus, processes still are not well understood, left unmanaged and poorly executed. Business schools’ teaching is primarily function specific and narrow, while the IT schools focused on narrow technical skills and leaves the ‘process view’ and ‘integration’ either to the individual student or the academic. This paper analyzes the inadequacies of current business and IS/IT education and reviews the historical perspective of business processes. It posits the significance of business process management and highlights its ability to provide the missing link to business education. It reports on the strategies employed by business schools and discusses the challenges in the BPM education and research

    Work Integrated Learning (Wil) Through A Field Project – A Study Of Design, Delivery & Challenges

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    Incorporating Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in to business curriculum has now become a popular way of improving university graduates’ employability. This study provides empirical evidence of the effect of an WIL program designed and implemented through a project on students’ self-efficacy within an accounting information systems course in an Australian business school. Data from a questionnaire survey and qualitative feedback from students and employers indicates that this WIL project has contributed to better workplace understanding, improved pedagogical effectiveness and overall improvement in the generic graduate attributes and skills. Lack of basic accounting and information systems’ foundational knowledge and inadequate communication skills of some students, resource-intensiveness of the initiative and project administration are some of the challenges observed. Employers, though have perceived benefits, suggested better preparation and training of students, more time at the workplace and better support and resources from the university administration. In addition, inadequate business understanding and limited ability of some students to apply and interpret the knowledge and skills to a given complex real context, and insufficient administrative and academic support are some of the challenges that need to be addressed to make this program sustainable and effective

    Process Orientation to Business Students – Enabling Role of Enterprise Systems in Curriculum

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    Developing process orientation skills is now essential for the effective workplace performance of business graduates. This paper reports on one ongoing curriculum development project that extended the deployment of SAP, an enterprise system software solution, into two discipline-based courses offered by different disciplines – human resources and accounting – within a broad undergraduate business curriculum, and analyses the pedagogical effectiveness of the project. Employing a questionnaire survey and self-assessment of the knowledge and skills gained, this paper reports on the effectiveness of the curriculum design and delivery. This study demonstrates the powerful role played by the enterprise system software in developing conceptual understanding of process focus and integration, and the effect of enterprise systems on work environment to business student. Even though it is difficult to impart process orientation to students just with the help of ES software solution, this study asserts that it is possible to create and improve understanding of the concepts of process and integration, and the effect of ES on work environment with the deployment of ES software into business curriculum.
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