9 research outputs found

    de Sitter limit of inflation and nonlinear perturbation theory

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    We study the fourth order action of the comoving curvature perturbation in an inflationary universe in order to understand more systematically the de Sitter limit in nonlinear cosmological perturbation theory. We derive the action of the curvature perturbation to fourth order in the comoving gauge, and show that it vanishes sufficiently fast in the de Sitter limit. By studying the de Sitter limit, we then extrapolate to the n'th order action of the comoving curvature perturbation and discuss the slow-roll order of the n-point correlation function.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure; typos corrected and discussion of tensor modes adde

    Non-gaussianity from the inflationary trispectrum

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    We present an estimate for the non-linear parameter \tau_NL, which measures the non-gaussianity imprinted in the trispectrum of the comoving curvature perturbation, \zeta. Our estimate is valid throughout the inflationary era, until the slow-roll approximation breaks down, and takes into account the evolution of perturbations on superhorizon scales. We find that the non-gaussianity is always small if the field values at the end of inflation are negligible when compared to their values at horizon crossing. Under the same assumption, we show that in Nflation-type scenarios, where the potential is a sum of monomials, the non-gaussianity measured by \tau_NL is independent of the couplings and initial conditions.Comment: 15 pages, uses iopart.sty. Replaced with version accepted by JCAP; journal reference adde

    The inflationary trispectrum

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    We calculate the trispectrum of the primordial curvature perturbation generated by an epoch of slow-roll inflation in the early universe, and demonstrate that the non-gaussian signature imprinted at horizon crossing is unobservably small, of order tau_NL < r/50, where r < 1 is the tensor-to-scalar ratio. Therefore any primordial non-gaussianity observed in future microwave background experiments is likely to have been synthesized by gravitational effects on superhorizon scales. We discuss the application of Maldacena's consistency condition to the trispectrum.Comment: 23 pages, 2 diagrams drawn with feynmp.sty, uses iopart.cls. v2, replaced with version accepted by JCAP. Estimate of maximal tau_NL refined in Section 5, resulting in smaller numerical value. Sign errors in Eq. (44) and Eq. (48) corrected. Some minor notational change

    Large Non-Gaussianities in Single Field Inflation

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    We compute the 3-point correlation function for a general model of inflation driven by a single, minimally coupled scalar field. Our approach is based on the numerical evaluation of both the perturbation equations and the integrals which contribute to the 3-point function. Consequently, we can analyze models where the potential has a "feature", in the vicinity of which the slow roll parameters may take on large, transient values. This introduces both scale and shape dependent non-Gaussianities into the primordial perturbations. As an example of our methodology, we examine the ``step'' potentials which have been invoked to improve the fit to the glitch in the ClC_l for l30l \sim 30, present in both the one and three year WMAP data sets. We show that for the typical parameter values, the non-Gaussianities associated with the step are far larger than those in standard slow roll inflation, and may even be within reach of a next generation CMB experiment such as Planck. More generally, we use this example to explain that while adding features to potential can improve the fit to the 2-point function, these are generically associated with a greatly enhanced signal at the 3-point level. Moreover, this 3-point signal will have a very nontrivial shape and scale dependence, which is correlated with the form of the 2-point function, and may thus lead to a consistency check on the models of inflation with non-smooth potentials.Comment: 23 pages JHEP-style, 7 Figures. Updated with improved results. Accepted for publication by JCA

    Large Nongaussianity from Nonlocal Inflation

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    We study the possibility of obtaining large nongaussian signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background in a general class of single-field nonlocal hill-top inflation models. We estimate the nonlinearity parameter f_{NL} which characterizes nongaussianity in such models and show that large nongaussianity is possible. For the recently proposed p-adic inflation model we find that f_{NL} ~ 120 when the string coupling is order unity. We show that large nongaussianity is also possible in a toy model with an action similar to those which arise in string field theory.Comment: 27 pages, no figures. Added references and some clarifying remark

    Predictions for Nongaussianity from Nonlocal Inflation

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    In our previous work the nonlinearity parameter f_NL, which characterizes nongaussianity in the cosmic microwave background, was estimated for a class of inflationary models based on nonlocal field theory. These models include p-adic inflation and generically have the remarkable property that slow roll inflation can proceed even with an extremely steep potential. Previous calculations found that large nongaussianity is possible; however, the technical complications associated with studying perturbations in theories with infinitely many derivatives forced us to provide only an order of magnitude estimate for f_NL. We reconsider the problem of computing f_NL in nonlocal inflation models, showing that a particular choice of field basis and recent progress in cosmological perturbation theory makes an exact computation possible. We provide the first quantitatively accurate computation of the bispectrum in nonlocal inflation, confirming our previous claim that it can be observably large. We show that the shape of the bispectrum in this class of models makes it observationally distinguishable from Dirac-Born-Infeld inflation models.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures; references added, sign convention for f_NL clarified, minor correction

    Inflation in a conformally invariant two-scalar-field theory with an extra R2R^2 R 2 term

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    We explore inflationary cosmology in a theory where there are two scalar fields which non-minimally couple to the Ricci scalar and an additional R2R^2 term, which breaks the conformal invariance. Particularly, we investigate the slow-roll inflation in the case of one dynamical scalar field and that of two dynamical scalar fields. It is explicitly demonstrated that the spectral index of the scalar mode of the density perturbations and the tensor-to-scalar ratio can be consistent with the observations obtaind by the recent Planck satellite. The graceful exit from the inflationary stage is achieved as in convenient R2R^2 gravity. We also propose the generalization of the model under discussion with three scalar fields