278 research outputs found

    Mapping API’s: Leaflet - Getting Started with Turf.js

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    Turf.js is an open source JavaScript library for advanced geospatial analysis that allows for spatial operations to be preformed in the browser. Turf will help you analyze, aggregate, and transform data in order to visualize it in new ways and answer spatial questions. This task sheet with get you getting started with Turf.js and demonstrate the midpoint measurement and linestring helper functions. You can find the completed code for this task sheet at https://github.com/ISUEOGTP/GISTaskSheets/tree/master/Leaflet-Tutorials/turf-midpoints.html.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/gis_tasksheets/1002/thumbnail.jp

    QGIS: Projections & Enabling on the Fly Projection

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    A projection is a way to translate the curved surface of the earth (3D) onto a flat map (2D). The challenge is that every map projection has distortion because the spherical nature of the globe cannot be perfectly represented in a two dimensional map. The picture below illustrates similarities and differences of three map projections. This image powerfully demonstrates the importance of defining the projection. For example, if you were working with data in Washington State you may have very different results working in Mercator or Lambert Conformal Conic. Knowing the projection of your data is important especially when working with data that is part of a dataset that is larger than just your county or state. This tasksheet will cover how to change the projection of an existing file as well as enabling on the fly projection in QGIS.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/gis_tasksheets/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Connecting to Iowa Geographic Map Server Imagery: WMS Connection

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    Welcome to the Essential ArcGIS Task Sheet Series. This series supplements the Iowa State University GIS Geospatial Technology Training Program short course series, “Essential ArcGIS Tutorial Series.” The task sheets are designed to provide quick, easy instructions for performing specific tasks in GIS.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_pubs/1196/thumbnail.jp

    Mapping API’s: Leaflet - GeoJSON Layer

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    Welcome to the Essential ArcGIS Task Sheet Series. This series supplements the Iowa State University GIS Geospatial Technology Training Program short course series. The task sheets are designed to provide quick, easy instructions for performing mapping taskshttps://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_pubs/1163/thumbnail.jp

    Getting Started with ArcMap: Relating Attributes from Tables

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    Welcome to the Essential ArcGIS Task Sheet Series. This series supplements the Iowa State University GIS Geospatial Technology Training Program short course series, “Essential ArcGIS Tutorial Series.” The task sheets are designed to provide quick, easy instructions for performing specific tasks in GIS.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_pubs/1193/thumbnail.jp

    Mapping API’s: Leaflet - Custom Div Markers

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    Welcome to the Essential ArcGIS Task Sheet Series. This series supplements the Iowa State University GIS Geospatial Technology Training Program short course series. The task sheets are designed to provide quick, easy instructions for performing mapping taskshttps://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_pubs/1166/thumbnail.jp

    Mapping API’s: Leaflet - Dash, Line Cap and Line Shape Path Options

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    Welcome to the Essential ArcGIS Task Sheet Series. This series supplements the Iowa State University Geospatial Technology Training Program short course series. The task sheets are designed to provide quick, easy instructions for performing mapping tasks.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_pubs/1145/thumbnail.jp

    Mapping API’s: Leaflet - Content Styled Circle Markers

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    Welcome to the Essential ArcGIS Task Sheet Series. This series supplements the Iowa State University GIS Geospatial Technology Training Program short course series. The task sheets are designed to provide quick, easy instructions for performing mapping tasks.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_pubs/1164/thumbnail.jp

    Apps for Collecting GPS Tacks: GeoTracker - GPS tracker

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    Welcome to the Essential ArcGIS Task Sheet Series. This series supplements the Iowa State University Geospatial Technology Training Program short course series. The task sheets are designed to provide quick, easy instructions for performing mapping tasks.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_pubs/1155/thumbnail.jp