5 research outputs found

    Measuring the Higgs Sector

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    If we find a light Higgs boson at the LHC, there should be many observable channels which we can exploit to measure the relevant parameters in the Higgs sector. We use the SFitter framework to map these measurements on the parameter space of a general weak-scale effective theory with a light Higgs state of mass 120 GeV. Our analysis benefits from the parameter determination tools and the error treatment used in new--physics searches, to study individual parameters and their error bars as well as parameter correlations.Comment: 45 pages, Journal version with comments from refere

    Seesaw mechanism in the sneutrino sector and its consequences

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    The seesaw-extended MSSM provides a framework in which the observed light neutrino masses and mixing angles can be generated in the context of a natural theory for the TeV-scale. Sneutrino-mixing phenomena provide valuable tools for connecting the physics of neutrinos and supersymmetry. We examine the theoretical structure of the seesaw-extended MSSM, retaining the full complexity of three generations of neutrinos and sneutrinos. In this general framework, new flavor-changing and CP-violating sneutrino processes are allowed, and are parameterized in terms of two 3Ă—33\times 3 matrices that respectively preserve and violate lepton number. The elements of these matrices can be bounded by analyzing the rate for rare flavor-changing decays of charged leptons and the one-loop contribution to neutrino masses. In the former case, new contributions arise in the seesaw extended model which are not present in the ordinary MSSM. In the latter case, sneutrino--antisneutrino mixing generates the leading correction at one-loop to neutrino masses, and could provide the origin of the observed texture of the light neutrino mass matrix. Finally, we derive general formulae for sneutrino--antisneutrino oscillations and sneutrino flavor-oscillations. Unfortunately, neither oscillation phenomena is likely to be observable at future colliders.Comment: 69 pages, 5 figures, uses axodraw.sty. Version accepted for publication in JHEP: some comments and one more Appendix with additional discussion added, references update

    Non-Minimal Sneutrino Inflation, Peccei-Quinn Phase Transition and non-Thermal Leptogenesis

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    We consider a phenomenological extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model which incorporates non-minimal chaotic inflation, driven by a quartic potential associated with the lightest right-handed sneutrino. Inflation is followed by a Peccei-Quinn phase transition based on renormalizable superpotential terms, which resolves the strong CP and mu problems of the minimal supersymmetric standard model provided that one related parameter of the superpotential is somewhat small. Baryogenesis occurs via non-thermal leptogenesis, which is realized by the inflaton decay. Confronting our scenario with the current observational data on the inflationary observables, the baryon assymetry of the universe, the gravitino limit on the reheating temperature and the upper bound on the light neutrino masses, we constrain the effective Yukawa coupling involved in the decay of the inflaton to relatively small values and the inflaton mass to values lower than 10^12 GeV.Comment: 21 pages including 3 figures; Final versio

    Minimal E6 supersymmetric standard model

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    We propose a Minimal E6 Supersymmetric Standard Model (ME6SSM) which allows Planck scale unification, provides a solution to the ? problem and predicts a new Z'. Above the conventional GUT scale MGUT ~ 1016 GeV the gauge group corresponds to a left-right symmetric Supersymmetric Pati-Salam model, together with an additional U(1)? gauge group arising from an E6 gauge group broken near the Planck scale. Below MGUT the ME6SSM contains three reducible 27 representations of the Standard Model gauge group together with an additional U(1)X gauge group, consisting of a novel and non-trivial linear combination of U(1)? and two Pati-Salam generators, which is broken at the TeV scale by the same singlet which also generates the effective ? term, resulting in a new low energy Z' gauge boson. We discuss the phenomenology of the new Z' gauge boson in some detail

    Exceptional supersymmetric standard models with non-abelian discrete family symmetry

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    We introduce a non-Abelian discrete ?27 family symmetry into the recently proposed classes of Exceptional Supersymmetric Standard Model (E6SSM) based on a broken E6 Grand Unified Theory (GUT) in order to solve the flavour problem in these models and in particular to account for tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing. We consider both the minimal version of the model (the ME6SSM) with gauge coupling unification at the string scale and the E6SSM broken via the Pati-Salam chain with gauge coupling unification at the conventional GUT scale. In both models there are low energy exotic colour triplets with couplings suppressed by the symmetries of the model, including the family symmetry. This leads to suppressed proton decay and long lived TeV mass colour triplet states with striking signatures at the LHC