2,678 research outputs found

    Globalization, Transition and the Discourse of Management

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    Globalization is a heavily debated phenomenon and can be studied from many perspectives. In the present paper the perspective of the discourse of management is presented. Management as an idea and as practice is also a critically contested phenomenon in today's fast changing world. In this paper managerial discourse as an aspect of globalization is studied. The concepts of globalization, managerialism and managerial discourse are introduced and their interdependence is described. Special attention is given to the process of the so-called transition in Slovenia and its connection to the concepts of managerialism and managerial discourse. During the process of transition from one economic and political system to another, managerial discourse became adopted in Slovenia and soon constituted itself as a standard or even dominant discourse in business and economics. Some examples are drawn from Slovene newspapers and other publications to demonstrate first the difference between the socialist (self-management) discourse and managerial discourse, and second, to demonstrate the diffusion of managerial discourse to other spheres of social and political life.managerial discourse, globalization, transition

    Relation between impact and fracture toughness of A-387 Gr. B welded joint

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    The influence of temperature on impact and fracture toughness values in different regions of a welded joint is analysed for low-alloyed Cr-Mo steel A-387 Gr. B, designed for high temperature applications. Standard Charpy specimens were tested on instrumented pendulum to separate total impact energy into energy for initiation and propagation energy for base metal (BM), weld metal (WM) and heat-affected-zone (HAZ). Standard three point bending (3BP) specimens with crack tip located at different regions of a joint (BM, WM, HAZ), were used for fracture toughness testing. Experiments were performed both at the room temperature and at design working temperature, 540 degrees C, which is the focus of this paper, to evaluate temperature effect on both notch and crack resistance for all different regions in a welded joint. Moreover, the relation between crack initiation energy and fracture toughness is established, purely on empirical base

    družbeno in politično prepoznavanje socialne kategorije mešanih ljudi

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    izziv za socialno delo

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    Dileme prostorske in družbene umeščenosti etničnih skupin v večkulturnih družbah

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    Članek predstavlja dileme, s katerimi se soočamo pri udejanjanju politik večkulturnosti in medkulturnosti v kulturno pluralnih družbah. Pri tem je posebej izpostavljena problematičnost in kompleksnost vprašanj prostorske (s posebnim poudarkom na rezidencialni segregaciji) ter družbene umestitve neavtohtonih (priseljeniških) skupin v dana družbena okolja. V tem okviru so predstavljeni prevladujoči modeli rezidencialnih namestitev priseljeniških skupin v ameriškem in evropskem kontekstu ter njihove značilnosti. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni in reflektirani nekateri izbrani modeli večkulturnega sobivanja ter na primeru študije primera slovenske Istre izpostavljene pasti in zagate dejanskega udejanjanja "idealne" večkulturne (oziroma medkulturne) družbe

    od patologizacije k normalizaciji znanstvenega diskurza

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    Italijanska narodna skupnost v Republiki Sloveniji

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    Članek na temelju pregleda obstoječe družbenokulturne, ekonomske organiziranosti italijanske narodne skupnosti, njenega pravnega položaja in spreminjajoče se demografske strukture ter analize rezultatov treh empiričnih študij, izvedenih na območju slovenske Istre v obdobju 2000-2002, predstavi družbeno (samo)umestitev pripadnikov italijanske narodne skupnosti. Samoocena položaja pripadnikov italijanske manjšine temelji večinoma na podatkih, pridobljenih z uporabo kvalitativne metodologije raziskovanja (avto-/biografije in polstrukturirani intervjuji), prejeta dognanja pa so ponekod dopolnjena z rezultati kvantitativnih raziskav. Ugotovitve opozarjajo na problematičnost enoznačne ocene družbenega položaja italijanske narodne skupnosti v slovenski Istri, saj se za eksplicitnejšo pozitivno podobo in ugodnim pravnim statusom skrivajo tudi pokroviteljska obravnava in izrazi nezadovoljstva manjšine.Based on the existing socio-cultural and economic organisation of the Italian national community, its legal status and changing demographic structure, and on analyses of results of three empirical studies conducted on the territory of Slovenian Istria from 2000 through 2002, the article aims to present the social (self) placement of members of the Italian national community. The self-evaluation of the status of members of the Italian national community is mostly based on data acquired through the application of qualitative research methodology (auto/biographies and semi-structured interviews). The research findings are also supplemented by the results of quantitative research. Given that an explicitly positive image and favourable legal status conceal a patronising treatment and dissatisfaction occasionally expressed by minority members, the research findings emphasise the problematic nature of any homogeneous evaluation of the social status of the Italian national community in Slovene Istria

    Stress Analysis of Steel Structure Comprising Cylindrical Shell with Billboard Tower

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    In accordance with EN1993-1-1, in the definition of element classes, the tubular cross section elements are considered as class 3 for cross section that respects the relation: d/t lt = 90 epsilon(2). If for any cross section this relation is not satisfied, the norm is not valid and the cross section is classified as a curved thin walled element - shell element. Thus the design is done according to EN 1993-1-6 normative. The paper presents some aspects regarding the shell design for a case study - a 30 m tall billboard pillar. The designing process is detailed in regard to the used analysis and the ultimate limit states checking. Considering the high stress concentration in the area of the segment joints, design of welded joints is also presented. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is applied as well, showing results in agreement with analytical ones

    Influence of temperature on fracture toughness values in different regions of A-387 Gr. B welded joint

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    The influence of temperature on fracture toughness values in different regions of a welded joint is analysed low-alloyed Cr-Mo steel A-387 Gr. B, designed for high temperature applications. Heterogeneity of microstructure and properties of welded joint is evaluated by testing standard 3BP specimens with crack tip located at different regions of a joint, including the base metal (BM), weld metal (WM) and heat-affected-zone (HAZ). Experiments were performed both at the room temperature and at design working temperature, 5400C. Based on these results, temperature effect on crack resistance is established for all different regions in a welded joint. 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Limit load solution for mismatched welded plate and pressure vessel with a surface crack

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    Na ponašanje strukture pri lomu, koja ima prslinu na sredini vara, utiču mehaničke osobine sastavnih delova zavarenog spoja (metal šava, osnovni materijal, zona uticaja toplote) i njihova geometrija. Zbog toga su razvijeni postupci procene oštećenja koji treba da uzmu u obzir sve te uticajne parametre. Jedna od ključnih stvari u ovom postupku je da se dobiju rešenja graničnih opterećenja nesrodne strukture. Ova rešenja su dobijena korišćenjem 3D-rešenja metodom konačnih elemenata za različite konfiguracije kao što su: zategnuta ploča sa površinskom prslinom ili posuda pod pritiskom sa spoljnom osnom površinskom prslinom izložena unutrašnjem pritisku, poˇsto su ova granična opterećenja dobijena materijalnim eksponentom za slučaj bez ojačanja.Fracture behavior of a structure having a crack in the middle of a weld is influenced by the mechanical properties of the welded joint constituents (weld metal, base metal, heat-affected-zone) and their geometry. Therefore, defect assessment procedures have been developed in order to take into account all those affecting parameters. One of the key point for all those defect assessment procedures is to have limit load solutions of the mismatch structure. Such limit load solutions have been obtained by using 3D finite element solutions for different configurations such as plate with surface crack in tension or pressure vessel with axial external surface crack exposed to internal pressure, since those limit load have been obtained for non-hardening material exponent