40 research outputs found
The Influence of Scar Patterns After Reduction Mammoplasty on Eye Movement and Gaze Pattern:An Eye-Tracking Investigation
Background:Given that scars are acknowledged as the primary cause of postoperative dissatisfaction following reduction mammoplasty, it is imperative to comprehend the patientâs visual perception of different scar patterns in order to enhance patient satisfaction. To achieve this, eye-tracking technology provides an unbiased method of evaluating how observers assess breast scars.Methods:58 participants (32 females and 26 males) between the ages of 19 and 82 years (mean age of 29.47 ± 10.98 years) were shown 18 color photographs, taken at 3 viewing angles (right 45° oblique, frontal and frontal view with arms raised), from 6 patients undergone reduction mammoplasty with the inverted T-scar technique (3 patients) or no-vertical-scar technique (3 patients). The images were presented to every participant for a fixed duration of 5 s each. Eye-tracking device was used to collect and analyze the gaze data of viewers.Results:The nipple-areola complex (NAC) and the periareolar scar captured observersâ gaze faster, had longer duration and more count of eye fixation than all other parts of breast scars, regardless of the viewing angle and scar pattern. Moreover, the scar region in the inverted T-scar pattern received greater and faster visual attraction of observerâs gaze than the no-vertical-scar pattern.Conclusion:The NAC and the periareolar scar seem to be perceived as the most important regions for breast aesthetics. The findings can be helpful to assist plastic surgeons in determining the most appropriate technique for reduction mammoplasty, meanwhile underlining the importance of a fine periareolar scar and symmetric NAC for excellent aesthetic outcomes
Innovative Lehr- und Lernmethoden in der bauphysikalischen Ausbildung
Neue Medien und Techniken bieten Möglichkeiten, durch die das Lehren und Lernen andere Dimensionen und Formen annimmt. Gerade Bauphysik bietet ideale Voraussetzungen dafĂŒr. Im Rahmen des multimedialen Lernnetzes Bauphysik wurden innovative Methoden fĂŒr die bauphysikalische Lehre entwickelt und erprobt. Damit soll den Studierenden ergĂ€nzend zu der traditionellen PrĂ€senzlehre ein zeit- und ortsunabhĂ€ngiges Selbststudium ermöglicht werden. Um auch die Ausbildung in der bauphysikalischen MeĂtechnik zu ermöglichen, wurde das virtuelle Labor SonicLab entwickelt, mit dem akustische Messungen durchgefĂŒhrt werden können. Es erlaubt den Studierenden, sich mit den PrĂŒfrĂ€umen, MeĂgerĂ€ten und dem Ablauf der Messungen vertraut zu machen. Ingenieure und vor allem Handwerker sind oftmals mit neuen bauphysikalischen Fragestellungen konfrontiert. Als Möglichkeit ihrer Schulung wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der Handwerkskammer MĂŒnster ein Kompetenz- und Demonstrationszentrum fĂŒr energiesparendes und ökologisches Bauen erstellt. Dort werden Weiterbildungsseminare mit Zuhilfenahme von Online-Messungen im GebĂ€ude und Lern- und Lehrsoftwaretools durchgefĂŒhrt
Testing and evaluation of indoor air cleaning devices based on adsorptive or catalytic VOC reduction
For reducing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including odorous compounds indoors adsorptive and catalytic systems are available. These devices are either stand-alone appliances or are integrated into (multifunctional) building products. For performance testing of these systems a method was developed which allows long term investigations on the reduction efficiency using different substances in realistic indoor concentrations. Adjustment of realistic indoor concentrations is achieved by a micro dosing device connected to an emission test chamber containing the sample to be tested. This set-up allows adjustment and control of all boundary conditions depending on the planned application field. With this test set-up different air cleaning devices have been investigated, e. g. based on adsorption, catalytic destruction, catalytic photo oxidation or combined systems
Wert und Nachhaltigkeit sofort erkennen: Was leistet das "Deutsche GĂŒtesiegel Nachhaltiges Bauen"?
Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit hat auch den Bau- und Immobilienbereich erreicht. Dort wird darĂŒber diskutiert, welche Ănderungen im Rahmen des weltweiten Klimawandels erforderlich sind. Schlagworte wie "Green Building", "Niedrig-Energiehaus", "Sustainable Building" oder "Ăkologisches Bauen" fallen - in der Regel, um einen gewissen Mehrwert zu suggerieren. Doch wie kommt man vom Etikett zur Messbarkeit? Möglich wird dies durch ein Zertifizierungssystem, das die Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂŒr Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) mit dem Bundesministerium fĂŒr Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) erarbeitet hat: das Deutsche GĂŒtesiegel Nachhaltiges Bauen
Impact of mould and dampness on the prevalence of having asthma in European homes
The occurrence of dampness is one of the major defects in dwellings across Europe, which is typically a result of defective building structures and adverse occupant behaviour. Consequently, dampness is likely to lead to mould growth and other associated structural damages. This paper aims at showing the impact of mould and dampness on the prevalence of having asthma in European homes. To evaluate the magnitude of the effect of mould in homes, a meta-analytic synthesis has been performed. In the case of asthma, the meta-study yielded that the odds ratio of having asthma in a damp and mouldy dwelling is significant with a value of 1.4. The analysis of the prevalence of people having asthma shows, that there is a higher share of people having asthma, if they live in damp or mouldy dwellings