28 research outputs found

    Brachial Artery Constriction during Brachial Artery Reactivity Testing Predicts Major Adverse Clinical Outcomes in Women with Suspected Myocardial Ischemia: Results from the NHLBI-Sponsored Women's Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation (WISE) Study

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    Background:Limited brachial artery (BA) flow-mediated dilation during brachial artery reactivity testing (BART) has been linked to increased cardiovascular risk. We report on the phenomenon of BA constriction (BAC) following hyperemia.Objectives:To determine whether BAC predicts adverse CV outcomes and/or mortality in the women's ischemic Syndrome Evaluation Study (WISE). Further, as a secondary objective we sought to determine the risk factors associated with BAC.Methods:We performed BART on 377 women with chest pain referred for coronary angiography and followed for a median of 9.5 years. Forearm ischemia was induced with 4 minutes occlusion by a cuff placed distal to the BA and inflated to 40mm Hg > systolic pressure. BAC was defined as >4.8% artery constriction following release of the cuff. The main outcome was major adverse events (MACE) including all-cause mortality, non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure.Results:BA diameter change ranged from -20.6% to +44.9%, and 41 (11%) women experienced BAC. Obstructive CAD and traditional CAD risk factors were not predictive of BAC. Overall, 39% of women with BAC experienced MACE vs. 22% without BAC (p=0.004). In multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression, BAC was a significant independent predictor of MACE (p=0.018) when adjusting for obstructive CAD and traditional risk factors.Conclusions:BAC predicts almost double the risk for major adverse events compared to patients without BAC. This risk was not accounted for by CAD or traditional risk factors. The novel risk marker of BAC requires further investigation in women. © 2013 Sedlak et al

    The Canadian Women's Heart Health Alliance Atlas on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of cardiovascular disease in women - Chapter 5 : sex- and gender-unique manifestations of cardiovascular disease.

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    This Atlas chapter summarizes sex- and some gender-associated, and unique aspects and manifestations of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women. CVD is the primary cause of premature death in women in Canada and numerous sex-specific differences related to symptoms and pathophysiology exist. A review of the literature was done to identify sex-specific differences in symptoms, pathophysiology, and unique manifestations of CVD in women. Although women with ischemic heart disease might present with chest pain, the description of symptoms, delay between symptom onset and seeking medical attention, and prodromal symptoms are often different in women, compared with men. Nonatherosclerotic causes of angina and myocardial infarction, such as spontaneous coronary artery dissection are predominantly identified in women. Obstructive and nonobstructive coronary artery disease, aortic aneurysmal disease, and peripheral artery disease have worse outcomes in women compared with men. Sex differences exist in valvular heart disease and cardiomyopathies. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is more often diagnosed in women, who experience better survival after a heart failure diagnosis. Stroke might occur across the lifespan in women, who are at higher risk of stroke-related disability and age-specific mortality. Sex- and gender-unique differences exist in symptoms and pathophysiology of CVD in women. These differences must be considered when evaluating CVD manifestations, because they affect management and prognosis of cardiovascular conditions in women.Dans le présent chapitre d’Atlas sont récapitulés les aspects et les manifestations uniques, associés au sexe et certains associés au genre, des maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) chez les femmes. Les MCV sont la cause principale de décès prématurés chez les femmes au Canada. De nombreuses différences quant aux symptômes et à la physiopathologie existent entre les sexes. Nous avons réalisé une revue de la littérature pour déterminer les différences entre les sexes dans les symptômes et la physiopathologie, et les manifestations uniques des MCV chez les femmes. Bien que les femmes atteintes d’une cardiopathie ischémique puissent éprouver des douleurs thoraciques, la description des symptômes, le délai entre l’apparition des symptômes et l’obtention de soins médicaux, et les symptômes prodromiques sont souvent différents de ceux des hommes. Les causes de l’angine et de l’infarctus du myocarde non liées à l’athérosclérose telles que la dissection spontanée de l’artère coronaire sont principalement observées chez les femmes. La coronaropathie obstructive et non obstructive, l’anévrisme aortique et la maladie artérielle périphérique montrent de plus mauvaises issues chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Des différences entre les sexes sont observées dans la cardiopathie valvulaire et les cardiomyopathies. Le diagnostic d’insuffisance cardiaque avec fraction d’éjection préservée est plus souvent posé chez les femmes qui présentent un meilleur taux de survie après un diagnostic d’insuffisance cardiaque. L’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) pourrait survenir tout au long de la vie des femmes, qui sont exposées à un risque plus élevé d’incapacités liées à l’AVC et de mortalité par âge. Il existe des différences uniques entre les sexes et les genres pour ce qui est des symptômes et de la physiopathologie des MCV chez les femmes. Lors de l’évaluation des manifestations des MCV, il faut tenir compte de ces différences puisqu’elles influencent la prise en charge et le pronostic des maladies cardiovasculaires chez les femmes

    Evaluation of resident attitudes and self-reported competencies in health advocacy

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    Background. The CanMEDS Health Advocate role, one of seven roles mandated by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Canada, pertains to a physician's responsibility to use their expertise and influence to advance the wellbeing of patients, communities, and populations. We conducted our study to examine resident attitudes and self-reported competencies related to health advocacy, due to limited information in the literature on this topic. Methods We conducted a pilot experience with seven internal medicine residents participating in a community health promotion event. The residents provided narrative feedback after the event and the information was used to generate items for a health advocacy survey. Face validity was established by having the same residents review the survey. Content validity was established by inviting an expert physician panel to review the survey. The refined survey was then distributed to a cohort of core Internal Medicine residents electronically after attendance at an academic retreat teaching residents about advocacy through didactic sessions. Results The survey was completed by 76 residents with a response rate of 68%. The majority agreed to accept an advocacy role for societal health needs beyond caring for individual patients. Most confirmed their ability to identify health determinants and reaffirmed the inherent requirements for health advocacy. While involvement in health advocacy was common during high school and undergraduate studies, 76% of residents reported no current engagement in advocacy activity, and 36% were undecided if they would engage in advocacy during their remaining time as residents, fellows or staff. The common barriers reported were insufficient time, rest and stress. Conclusions Medical residents endorsed the role of health advocate and reported proficiency in determining the medical and bio-psychosocial determinants of individuals and communities. Few residents, however, were actively involved in health advocacy beyond an individual level during residency due to multiple barriers. Further studies should address these barriers to advocacy and identify the reasons for the discordance we found between advocacy endorsement and lack of engagement.Cardiology, Division ofEndocrinology, Division ofGeriatric Medicine, Division ofMedicine, Department ofMedicine, Faculty ofReviewedFacult