803 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of leukemia and multiple myeloma in golestan, Iran

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    Background: The aim of this paper was to present the incidence rates of leukemia and multiple myeloma (MM) in Golestan province located in northeastern Iran during 2004-2009. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data on newly diagnosed (incident) leukemia and MM cases were obtained from collected from Golestan population-based cancer registry. Data was entered into CanReg-4 software. Age standardized incidence rates (ASR) (per 100000 person-years) for leukemia and MM were calculated. Data on Golestan population was obtained from the data of Iranian national census in 2006. Results: Totally, 11036 new cancer cases were registered in GPRC from 2004-2009. Leukemia and MM accounted for 693 and 124 of cases, respectively. The mean age in patients with leukemia and MM was 43.8 and 62.4 years, respectively. The ASRs for leukemia among men and women were 10.4 and 7.8, respectively (p<0.001). The ASRs for MM were 2.1 and 2 in men and women, respectively (p=0.93). The rate of leukemia was significantly higher in rural areas (p=0.02) whereas the incidence of MM was higher in urban areas (p<0.001). Conclusions: Our results showed a high incidence rate of leukemia in Golestan province of Iran. The incidence of leukemia was significantly higher in males and residents of rural areas. High exposure to pesticides and other agricultural related products may be a possible explanation for epidemiological pattern of leukemia in this area. Determining and controlling important risk factors, especially environmental factors, of leukemia may lead to decrease in its burden in Golestan province of Iran

    The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the north of Iran. An epidemiologic comparative study

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    Background and Objective: The metabolic syndrome (MetS) increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the main aim of this study is to explorer prevalence of it in the north of Iran with comparison of Turkman and non-Turkman ethnic groups in 2012. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that conducted on the 248 subjects aged 25-70 years (Turkman=88 and non-Turkman=160). Individuals were chosen randomly from 25 clusters. Waist circumference was measured with the subject standing at the end of normal breathing; blood pressure was measured in three times and 5 ml of venous blood drawn after 8-12 h fast in the morning for laboratory test. Biochemical analysis including fasting blood glucose, triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was assayed using a commercially kit (Pars Azmoon, Karaj, Iran). ATP-III method and SPSS 16.0 software (Chicago II, USA) were used for diagnosis of MetS and for statistical analyzes, respectively. P-value < 0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: Compare to Turkman group, the mean of FBG (fasting blood glucose), triglyceride and waist circumference are 15.9 mg/dl, 30.2 mg/dl and 6.5 cm were more in non-Turkman group, respectively (P<0.05 for all). The Pearson's correlation coefficient is positive between age and MetS (r=0.287, P=0.01). Generally, MetS was common in 37.9 of subjects and it was 14.7 in non-Turkman more than in Turkman people (P=0.015). Prevalence rate of MetS in men and women was 29.7 and 43.5, respectively (P=0.001). Conclusion: In the north of Iran, the prevalence of MetS is high and it was in non-Turkman ethnic group more than in Turkman group and in women more than in men while gender differences only was shown in non-Turkman ethnic group

    Cancer incidence in Golestan province: Report of an ongoing population-based cancer registry in Iran between 2004 and 2008

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    Background: Golestan Province, at the western end of the Asian esophageal cancer (EC) belt in northeastern Iran, was reported to have one of the highest worldwide rates of EC in the 1970s. We have previously shown a declining incidence of EC in Golestan during the last decades. This study reports additional new results from the Golestan Population-based Cancer Registry (GPCR). Methods: The GPCR collected data from newly diagnosed (incident) cancer cases from all 68 public and private diagnostic and therapeutic centers in Golestan Province. CanReg-4 software was used for data entry and analysis based on the guidelines of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Age-standardized incidence rates (ASR) of cancers were calculated using the 2000 world standard population. Results: From 2004 through 2008, 9007 new cancer cases were reported to the GPCR. The mean (SD) age was 55.5 (18.6) years, and 54 were diagnosed in men. The ASRs of all cancers were 175.3 and 141.1 per 100,000 person-years for males and females, respectively. Cancers of the stomach (ASR:30.7), esophagus (24.3), and lung (15.4) were the most common cancers in males. In females, breast cancer (ASR:26.9) was followed by malignancies of the esophagus (19.1) and stomach (12.4). The diagnosis of cancer was based on histopatho- logical reports in 71 and on death certificate only in 9 ofcases. Conclusions: The EC incidence rate continues to decline in Golestan, while the incidence rates of stomach, colorectal, and breast cancers continue to increase

    Influence of education in the prevalence of obesity in Iranian northern adults

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    Background: The main aim of this study was to evaluate whether prevalence of obesity in educational levels is different and some related factors in Iranian northern adults. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study based on population and 2452 cases (1224 men and 1228 women) aged 15e65 years were chosen by cluster and stratify sampling. Subjects were randomly chosen from 125 clusters and each cluster included 20 cases. Interviewers recorded the data using a multidimensional questionnaire including socio-demographic indexes. Results: As a whole, the prevalence of obesity was seen in 24% of subjects (15.5% in male and 32.5% in female) and significantly was seen in 3.1% and 14.1% of uneducated people more than in 1e9 year schooling and in high school or college-educated people, respectively (P = 0.001). The risk of obesity was 2.294 (P = 0.001) in uneducated compared to high school or college-educated people, 1.668 (P = 0.001) in urban area compared to rural area, 2.619 (P = 0.001) in 40e65 year people compared to 15e40 year people, and 1.534 (P = 0.003) in good economic compared to poor economic groups. After adjusted for location area, gender, age, and economic stats, the risk of obesity was 2.044 (P = 0.001) in uneducated people compared to high school or college-educated subjects. Conclusion: The obesity as a health problem in Iranian northern adults supported in this study and it was negatively associated with educational levels. Public health programs that aim to reduce obesity should primarily focus on the illiterate and low-educated people. Copyright © 2013, SciBioIMed.Org, Published by Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved

    Using Video-Based Instruction To Integrate Ethics Into The Curriculum

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    This paper describes a video case discussion project based on the IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice that was administered in a cost accounting class to assess the extent to which students were able to identify and discuss ethical issues raised by the facts of a case scenario. The case was developed by the IMA to advance the continuing education in ethics of financial executives and management accountants. The scenario realistically portrays the kind of pressures faced by management accountants to go along with top management decisions that are driven by self-interest rather than proper accounting. We use a highly structured approach for direct assessment of student learning with pre-established rubrics. Indirect assessment of learning is approximated by a survey of students’ subjective reactions. In general, we conclude IMA’s video Success without Compromise provides an opportunity for students to apply ethics standards in a realistic setting and encourages students to become active participants in the learning experience
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