439 research outputs found

    Femme nue et femme-tortue. La nudité féminine dans l'Athènes classique

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    alors que la tradition grecque place la séduction féminine dans la parure et le vêtement et que la réalité sociale et juridique de l'Athènes classique semble confisquer à la femme toute parole publique, les artistes dotent les nus féminins qu'ils représentent sur les vases de corps nettement masculinisés. Leur impossibilité à représenter une nudité féminine spécifique ne rejoint-elle pas les idéaux politiques des Athéniens

    Where does « Axial breakthrough » take place? In the past, or in present narratives of the past?

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    International audienceThis article focuses on Vernant " s thesis, masterfully developed in Les origines de la pensée grecque (1962) and translated into English in 1982. Vernant explained that between the 7th and the 2nd century BCE, one can note crucial modifications of the traditional and religious atmosphere, in civilizations as distant as China, India, Persia, Palestine and Greece. These turning points brought Confucianism, Buddhism, Zoroastrism, Prophetism, and, in Greece, Search for Truth. For historians, who claim their expertise on the past, methodological issues are at stake in this inquiry about an " axial age " or an " axial breakthrough ". First, there is the epistemological question of historiography, a present narrative of the past that cannot, from a scientific point of view – that of the historians –, erase varieties of past narratives (poetics, technical treatises, epigraphic decrees, vase paintings, etc.). Then, there is the new understanding of the constant interaction of what we call the political sphere with what we call the religious sphere, insofar as the distinction between a strictly political sphere, separate from the religious sphere, is now fully challenged. Finally, the polis as we understand it nowadays includes women " s acts, as feminist scholarship has demonstrated through the past 35 years. This new depiction makes the " citizens " different: they can no longer be thought of as all the same and interchangeable

    Women and the Economic History of the Ancient Greek World Still a challenge for gender studies

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    Women and gender history, considered as an academic field, moved a lot since 2000, even in France. Therefore, every reader would expect to be enlightened on the methodological and theoretical positions assumed by the author of this paper. Working on the cultural context of ancient Greece and engaged in the specific scholarship background of French historiography (anthropological history renewed by feminism), my purpose is to develop the meaning of “women” for scholars, like me, who study individuals (male and female) in the gender era (part I). My second point is about the economic approach: working on the history of women in the field of economy is, on my point of view, a great challenge. Economic and gender scholarship really ever merge and this Conference is very interesting and innovative on this point (Part II). For this reason, joining gender and economic studies in Antiquity sounds very promising, even in Greek and classical studies. In engaging scholars in collecting various types of documents, textual and archeological ones, joining gender and economic studies also engages in throwing several and specific lights on the ancient society and its various ways of speaking of individuals, some documents underlining the distinction between male and female, some not (part III

    Archivbildung im Tanz aus der Sicht des Archivars

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    Das Material des Archivars im Tanz ist nicht jenes Flüchtige der Bewegung, das sich allem Wunsch nach Re-Präsentation widersetzt, sondern jene materiellen Spuren, die absichtlich oder unabsichtlich hinterlassen werden und ohne die es keine immaterielle Dauer und auch keinen Gedächtniswert gäbe. Am Beispiel der Archivsammlungen des französischen Centre national de la danse beschreibt der Beitrag Ordnungskriterien, Klassifizierungsmodelle und historische Kontexte, die bei der Erschließung tanzrelevanter Dokumente entwickelt worden sind

    Les actions et les concepts generaux d'activites dans l'utilisation d'appareils domestiques

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    Projet PSYCHO ERGOUne etude sur la representation des actions dans le contexte de la programmation d'appareils domestiques (four, T.V., chauffage, etc.) a montre que des sujets se referaient a des concepts generaux d'activites pour decrire l'utilisation de leurs appareils. Bien connaitre ces concepts est utilie pour la conception d'interface-utilisateur. Deux experiences ont ete proposees a des sujets, inspirees par celles de Galambos (1986) afin de mieux preciser certains de ces concepts d'activite : la premiere consistait en une tache de groupements d'actions, la seconde en une tache de decision d'appartenance a une classe. Les resultats ont montre que ces concepts sont bien ancres dans les representations des sujets, independamment de l'outil utilise. Des implications sont decrites pour la conception d'interfaces domotiques, en particulier pour la designation de commandes
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