214 research outputs found

    Dissecting Adaptation Mechanisms to Contrasting Solar Irradiance in the Mediterranean Shrub Cistus incanus

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    Molecular mechanisms that are the base of the strategies adopted by Mediterranean plants to cope with the challenges imposed by limited or excessive solar radiation during the summer season have received limited attention. In our study, conducted on C. incanus plants growing in the shade or in full sunlight, we performed measurements of relevant physiological traits, such as leaf water potential, gas exchange and PSII photochemistry, RNA-Seq with de-novo assembly, and the analysis of differentially expressed genes. We also identified and quantified photosynthetic pigments, abscisic acid, and flavonoids. Here, we show major mechanisms regulating light perception and signaling which, in turn, sustain the shade avoidance syndrome displayed by the ‘sun loving’ C. incanus. We offer clear evidence of the detrimental effects of excessive light on both the assembly and the stability of PSII, and the activation of a suite of both repair and effective antioxidant mechanisms in sun-adapted leaves. For instance, our study supports the view of major antioxidant functions of zeaxanthin in sunny plants concomitantly challenged by severe drought stress. Finally, our study confirms the multiple functions served by flavonoids, both flavonols and flavanols, in the adaptive mechanisms of plants to the environmental pressures associated to Mediterranean climate

    Acceptability and Adherence in a Chemoprevention Trial among Women at Increased Risk for Breast Cancer Attending the Modena Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer Center (Italy)

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    Chemoprevention for women at risk for breast cancer has been shown to be effective, but in actual practice, women's uptake of chemoprevention has been poor. We explored factors that influence acceptability, adherence, and dropout in the International Breast (Prevention) Intervention Study during our first 3 years of activity at the Modena Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer Center. We evaluated socio-demographic characteristics, health status, adherence, and side effect intensity. Semi-structured interviews analyzed reasons for accepting/refusing/stopping the trial. A total of 471 postmenopausal women were invited to participate, of which 319 declined to participate (68%), 137 accepted to participate (29%), and 15 participants did not make a final decision (3%). Breast cancer-related worries and trust in our preventive and surveillance programs were the most frequent reasons for accepting. Side effect-related worry was the most frequent reason for refusing. General practitioners' and family members' opinions played an important role in the decision-making process. Adherence significantly decreased after a 12-month follow-up, but it remained unchanged after 24- and 36-month follow-ups. Mild/moderate side effects reported by women did not change after 12 months of treatment. Forty percent of women withdrew from the study due to complaints of side effects. We concluded that chemoprevention trials are difficult medical experiments and that the process of deciding about whether or not to participate is based mainly on beliefs and values. This study has important clinical implications. During counselling with prospective participants, it is important to emphasize the potential benefits and to promote an informed choice. How participants make decisions, their belief systems, and their perception of risk are all factors that should be investigated in future research

    Lifestyle intervention on body weight and physical activity in patients with breast cancer can reduce the risk of death in obese women: The EMILI study

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    Background obesity and sedentary lifestyle have been shown to negatively affect survival in breast cancer (BC). The purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of a lifestyle intervention on body mass index (BMI) and physical activity (PA) levels among BC survivors in Modena, Italy, in order to show an outcome improvement in obese and overweight patients. Methods: This study is a single-arm experimental design, conducted between November 2009 and May 2016 on 430 women affected by BC. Weight, BMI, and PA were assessed at baseline, at 12 months, and at the end of the study. Survival curves were estimated among normal, overweight, and obese patients. Results: Mean BMI decreased from baseline to the end of the study was equal to 2.9% (p = 0.065) in overweight patients and 3.3% in obese patients (p = 0.048). Mean PA increase from baseline to the end of the study was equal to 125% (p < 0.001) in normal patients, 200% (p < 0.001) in overweight patients and 100% (p < 0.001) in obese patients. After 70 months of follow-up, the 5-year overall survival (OS) rate was 96%, 96%, and 93%, respectively in normal, obese, and overweight patients. Overweight patients had significantly worse OS than normal ones (HR = 3.69, 95%CI = 1.82–4.53 p = 0.027) whereas no statistically significant differences were seen between obese and normal patients (HR 2.45, 95%CI = 0.68–8.78, p = 0.169). Conclusions: A lifestyle intervention can lead to clinically meaningful weight loss and increase PA in patients with BC. These results could contribute to improving the OS in obese patients compared to overweight ones

    Strong Anisotropy in Liquid Water upon Librational Excitation using Terahertz Laser Fields

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    Tracking the excitation of water molecules in the homogeneous liquid is challenging due to the ultrafast dissipation of rotational excitation energy through the hydrogen-bonded network. Here we demonstrate strong transient anisotropy of liquid water through librational excitation using single-color pump-probe experiments at 12.3 THz. We deduce a third order response of chi^3 exceeding previously reported values in the optical range by three orders of magnitude. Using a theory that replaces the nonlinear response with a material response property amenable to molecular dynamics simulation, we show that the rotationally damped motion of water molecules in the librational band is resonantly driven at this frequency, which could explain the enhancement of the anisotropy in the liquid by the external Terahertz field. By addition of salt (MgSO4), the hydration water is instead dominated by the local electric field of the ions, resulting in reduction of water molecules that can be dynamically perturbed by THz pulses

    Substrate specificity and complex stability of coproporphyrin ferrochelatase is governed by hydrogen‐bonding interactions of the four propionate groups

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    Coproporpyhrin III is the substrate of coproporphyrin ferrochelatases (CpfCs). These enzymes catalyse the insertion of ferrous iron into the porphyrin ring. This is the penultimate step within the coproporphyrin‐dependent haeme biosynthesis pathway. This pathway was discovered in 2015 and is mainly utilised by monoderm bacteria. Prior to this discovery, monoderm bacteria were believed to utilise the protoporphyrin‐dependent pathway, analogously to diderm bacteria, where the substrate for the respective ferrochelatase is protoporphyrin IX, which has two propionate groups at positions 6 and 7 and two vinyl groups at positions 2 and 4. In this work, we describe for the first time the interactions of the four‐propionate substrate, coproporphyrin III, and the four‐propionate product, iron coproporphyrin III (coproheme), with the CpfC from Listeria monocytogenes and pin down differences with respect to the protoporphyrin IX and haeme b complexes in the wild‐type (WT) enzyme. We further created seven LmCpfC variants aiming at altering substrate and product coordination. The WT enzyme and all the variants were comparatively studied by spectroscopic, thermodynamic and kinetic means to investigate in detail the H‐bonding interactions, which govern complex stability and substrate specificity. We identified a tyrosine residue (Y124 in LmCpfC), coordinating the propionate at position 2, which is conserved in monoderm CpfCs, to be highly important for binding and stabilisation. Importantly, we also describe a tyrosine‐serine‐threonine triad, which coordinates the propionate at position 4. The study of the triad variants indicates structural differences between the coproporphyrin III and the coproheme complexes.Enzyme EC 4.99.1.

    Vibrational dynamics changes of protein hydration water across the dynamic transition

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    The vibrational dynamics of protein hydration water has been studied by incoherent neutron scattering. Experiments on a sample of fully deuterated maltose binding protein allowed us to single out the hydration water susceptibility. The main inelastic features, corresponding to hydrogen-bond bending, hydrogen-bond stretching and librational excitations, have been followed over a temperature range extending from 50 to 300 K. It turns out that the temperature dependence of the hydrogen-bond stretching contribution is quite similar to that of the mean square displacements deduced by the quasielastic signal, thus suggesting a close relationship between the anharmonicity of longitudinal phonon-like motions and the onset of diffusive molecular dynamics. On the other hand, both hydrogen-bond bending and librational excitations show a temperature dependence consistent with a harmonic character over the whole temperature range

    First genome-wide data from Italian European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.): strong and ancient differentiation between Alps and Apennines

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    The European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is one of the most widespread forest trees in Europe whose distribution and intraspecific diversity has been largely shaped by repeated glacial cycles. Previous studies, mainly based on palaeobotanical evidence and a limited set of chloroplast and nuclear genetic markers, highlighted a complex phylogeographic scenario, with southern and western Europe characterized by a rather heterogeneous genetic structure, as a result of recolonization from different glacial refugia. Despite its ecological and economic importance, the genome of this broad-leaved tree has only recently been assembled, and its intra-species genomic diversity is still largely unexplored. Here, we performed whole-genome resequencing of nine Italian beech individuals sampled from two stands located in the Alpine and Apennine mountain ranges. We investigated patterns of genetic diversity at chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear genomes and we used chloroplast genomes to reconstruct a temporally-resolved phylogeny. Results allowed us to test European beech differentiation on a whole-genome level and to accurately date their divergence time. Our results showed comparable, relatively high levels of genomic diversity in the two populations and highlighted a clear differentiation at chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The molecular clock analysis indicated an ancient split between the Alpine and Apennine populations, occurred between the Günz and the Riss glaciations (approximately 660 kyrs ago), suggesting a long history of separation for the two gene pools. This information has important conservation implications in the context of adaptation to ongoing climate change

    Revisiting catalytic His and Glu residues in coproporphyrin ferrochelatase - unexpected activities of active site variants

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    The identification of the coproporphyrin-dependent heme biosynthetic pathway, which is used almost exclusively by monoderm bacteria, in 2015 by Dailey and coworkers triggered studies aimed at investigating the enzymes involved in this pathway that were originally assigned to the protoporphyrin-dependent heme biosynthetic pathway. Here we revisit the active site of coproporphyrin ferrochelatase by a biophysical and biochemical investigation using the physiological substrate coproporphyrin III, which in contrast to the previously used substrate protoporphyrin IX has four propionate substituents and no vinyl groups. In particular, we have compared the reactivity of wild-type coproporphyrin ferrochelatase from the firmicute Listeria monocytogenes with those of variants, namely H182A and E263Q, involving two key active site residues. Interestingly, both variants are active only towards the physiological substrate coproporphyrin III but inactive towards protoporphyrin IX. In addition, E263 is impairing the final oxidation from ferrous coproheme to ferric coproheme. The characteristics of the active site in terms of the residues involved and the substrate binding properties are discussed by structural and functional means, providing a further contribution to the deciphering of the enigmatic reaction mechanism