11 research outputs found
Commutativity of the adiabatic elimination limit of fast oscillatory components and the instantaneous feedback limit in quantum feedback networks
We show that, for arbitrary quantum feedback networks consisting of several
quantum mechanical components connected by quantum fields, the limit of
adiabatic elimination of fast oscillator modes in the components and the limit
of instantaneous transmission along internal quantum field connections commute.
The underlying technique is to show that both limits involve a Schur complement
procedure. The result shows that the frequently used approximations, for
instance to eliminate strongly coupled optical cavities, are mathematically
Commutativity of the adiabatic elimination limit of fast oscillatory components and the instantaneous feedback limit in quantum feedback networks
We show that, for arbitrary quantum feedback networks consisting of several
quantum mechanical components connected by quantum fields, the limit of
adiabatic elimination of fast oscillator modes in the components and the limit
of instantaneous transmission along internal quantum field connections commute.
The underlying technique is to show that both limits involve a Schur complement
procedure. The result shows that the frequently used approximations, for
instance to eliminate strongly coupled optical cavities, are mathematically
consistent.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, minor typos corrected and minor editorial
changes. Published in Journal of Mathematical Physic
Erweiterung eines Verfahrens zur automatisierten Parameteridentifikation eines Fahrzeugmodells
Für eine gegebene Fahrdynamiksimulationssoftware sollte eine Methode entwickelt werden, welche das Modell anhand realer Messdaten so parametriert, dass das modellierte Fahrzeugverhalten dem des realen Fahrzeugs ähnelt. Die Parameteridentifikation über eine Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzung und einen Optimierungsprozess nach dem Newton-Raphson-Verfahren wurde erfolgreich umgesetzt und durchgeführt. Die resultierende Übereinstimmung zwischen simulierten und gemessenen Ausgängen ist zufriedenstellend. Insgesamt wurden 12 Parameter durch den Optimierungsprozess modifiziert. 14 weitere Parameter waren durch Messungen oder Herstellerangaben bekannt. Es wurden zwei Fahrmanöver für die Optimierung herangezogen. Eine Optimierung über mehr Fahrmanöver ist zeitaufwendig, wäre jedoch im Rahmen weiterer Arbeiten erstrebenswert
Sprachliche Identität in mehrsprachigen Räumen - deutschbasierte Minderheitensprachen in Italien, der Ukraine und den USA
The impact of different motion cueing aspects concerning the perceived and subjectively rated motion feedback during longitudinal and lateral vehicle control tasks
A study took place at the DLR Institute of Transportation Systems’ dynamic simulator SimCar with the aim to get subjective ratings and objective measures for the impact of certain variations in motion feedback. Four motion conditions using three different motion cueing algorithm designs were used to compare the performance of new approaches to the well known classical washout algorithm. Especially the role of tilt limiting and tilting point variations is an important factor within this context. An in depth discussion of these aspects will be included in the paper. Differences in driving performance were evaluated for both, longitudinal and lateral vehicle control with respect to the motion condition. For this, the subjects had to drive on a roundabout and a straight road with an intersection. Magnitude and timing of the motion response, manoeuvre performance and simulator sickness appearance were the criteria for the assessment of perceived motion. The experimental design and paired comparison techniques enable the direct comparison between all motion conditions and hence the evaluation of the quality and the acceptance of the respective variations in motion feedback.
First analyses show that especially for motion feedback of lateral accelerations the new approaches were favoured. Comparing these three motion conditions, a preference of the fast tilt coordination method with the tilting point around the drivers head can be observed. A comprehensive description of the new motion cueing approaches will be presented within this paper as well as detailed analysis of the test drivers’ subjective assessments