43 research outputs found

    Approximate and Probabilistic Differential Privacy Definitions

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    This technical report discusses three subtleties related to the widely used notion of differential privacy (DP). First, we discuss how the choice of a distinguisher influences the privacy notion and why we should always have a distinguisher if we consider approximate DP. Secondly, we draw a line between the very intuitive probabilistic differential privacy (with probability 1−δ1-\delta we have ε\varepsilon-DP) and the commonly used approximate differential privacy ((ε,δ)(\varepsilon,\delta)-DP). Finally we see that and why probabilistic differential privacy (and similar notions) are not complete under post-processing, which has significant implications for notions used in the literature

    Tight on Budget? Tight Bounds for r-Fold Approximate Differential Privacy

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    Many applications, such as anonymous communication systems, privacy-enhancing database queries, or privacy-enhancing machine-learning methods, require robust guarantees under thousands and sometimes millions of observations. The notion of r-fold approximate differential privacy (ADP) offers a well-established framework with a precise characterization of the degree of privacy after r observations of an attacker. However, existing bounds for r-fold ADP are loose and, if used for estimating the required degree of noise for an application, can lead to over-cautious choices for perturbation randomness and thus to suboptimal utility or overly high costs. We present a numerical and widely applicable method for capturing the privacy loss of differentially private mechanisms under composition, which we call privacy buckets. With privacy buckets we compute provable upper and lower bounds for ADP for a given number of observations. We compare our bounds with state-of-the-art bounds for r-fold ADP, including Kairouz, Oh, and Viswanath\u27s composition theorem (KOV), concentrated differential privacy and the moments accountant. While KOV proved optimal bounds for heterogeneous adaptive k-fold composition, we show that for concrete sequences of mechanisms tighter bounds can be derived by taking the mechanisms\u27 structure into account. We compare previous bounds for the Laplace mechanism, the Gauss mechanism, for a timing leakage reduction mechanism, and for the stochastic gradient descent and we significantly improve over their results (except that we match the KOV bound for the Laplace mechanism, for which it seems tight). Our lower bounds almost meet our upper bounds, showing that no significantly tighter bounds are possible

    Delegatable Functional Signatures

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    We introduce delegatable functional signatures (DFS) which support the delegation of signing capabilities to another party, called the evaluator, with respect to a functionality F. In a DFS, the signer of a message can choose an evaluator, specify how the evaluator can modify the signature without voiding its validity, allow additional input and decide how the evaluator can further delegate its capabilities. The main contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we propose DFS, a novel cryptographic primitive that unifies several seemingly different signature primitives, including functional signatures as defined by Boyle, Goldwasser, and Ivan (eprint 2013/401), sanitizable signatures, identity based signatures, and blind signatures. To achieve this unification, we present several definitions of unforgeability and privacy. Finding appropriate and meaningful definitions in this context is challenging due to the natural mealleability of DFS and due to the multi-party setting that may involve malicious keys. Second, we present a complete characterization of the instantiability of DFS under common assumptions, like the existence of one-way functions. Here, we present both positive and negative results. On the positive side we show that DFS not achieving our notion of privacy can be constructed from one-way functions. Furthermore, we show that unforgerable and private DFS can be constructed from doubly enhanced trapdoor permutations. On the negative side we show that the previous result is optimal regarding its underlying assumptions presenting an impossibility result for unforgeable private DFS from one-way permutations

    Secrecy without Perfect Randomness: Cryptography with (Bounded) Weak Sources

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    Cryptographic protocols are commonly designed and their security proven under the assumption that the protocol parties have access to perfect (uniform) randomness. Physical randomness sources deployed in practical implementations of these protocols often fall short in meeting this assumption, but instead provide only a steady stream of bits with certain high entropy. Trying to ground cryptographic protocols on such imperfect, weaker sources of randomness has thus far mostly given rise to a multitude of impossibility results, including the impossibility to construct provably secure encryption, commitments, secret sharing, and zero-knowledge proofs based solely on a weak source. More generally, indistinguishability-based properties break down for such weak sources. In this paper, we show that the loss of security induced by using a weak source can be meaningfully quantified if the source is bounded, e.g., for the well-studied Santha-Vazirna (SV) sources. The quantification relies on a novel relaxation of indistinguishability by a quantitative parameter. We call the resulting notion differential indistinguishability in order to reflect its structural similarity to differential privacy. More concretely, we prove that indistinguishability with uniform randomness implies differential indistinguishability with weak randomness. We show that if the amount of weak randomness is limited (e.g., by using it only to seed a PRG), all cryptographic primitives and protocols still achieve differential indistinguishability

    (Nothing else) MATor(s): Monitoring the Anonymity of Tor\u27s Path Selection

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    In this paper we present MATor: a framework for rigorously assessing the degree of anonymity in the Tor network. The framework explicitly addresses how user anonymity is impacted by real-life characteristics of actually deployed Tor, such as its path selection algorithm, Tor consensus data, and the preferences and the connections of the user. The anonymity assessment is based on rigorous anonymity bounds that are derived in an extension of the AnoA framework (IEEE CSF 2013). We show how to apply MATor on Tor\u27s publicly available consensus and server descriptor data, thereby realizing the first real-time anonymity monitor. Based on experimental evaluations of this anonymity monitor on Tor Metrics data, we propose an alternative path selection algorithm that provides stronger anonymity guarantees without decreasing the overall performance of the Tor network

    Anonymity Trilemma: Strong Anonymity, Low Bandwidth Overhead, Low Latency---Choose Two

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    This work investigates the fundamental constraints of anonymous communication (AC) protocols. We analyze the relationship between bandwidth overhead, latency overhead, and sender anonymity or recipient anonymity against a global passive (network-level) adversary. We confirm the trilemma that an AC protocol can only achieve two out of the following three properties: strong anonymity (i.e., anonymity up to a negligible chance), low bandwidth overhead, and low latency overhead. We further study anonymity against a stronger global passive adversary that can additionally passively compromise some of the AC protocol nodes. For a given number of compromised nodes, we derive as a necessary constraint a relationship between bandwidth and latency overhead whose violation make it impossible for an AC protocol to achieve strong anonymity. We analyze prominent AC protocols from the literature and depict to which extent those satisfy our necessary constraints. Our fundamental necessary constraints offer a guideline not only for improving existing AC systems but also for designing novel AC protocols with non-traditional bandwidth and latency overhead choices

    Divide and Funnel: a Scaling Technique for Mix-Networks

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    While many anonymous communication (AC) protocols have been proposed to provide anonymity over the internet, scaling to a large number of users while remaining provably secure is challenging. We tackle this challenge by proposing a new scaling technique to improve the scalability/anonymity of AC protocols that distributes the computational load over many nodes without completely disconnecting the paths different messages take through the network. We demonstrate that our scaling technique is useful and practical through a core sample AC protocol, Streams, that offers provable security guarantees and scales for a million messages. The scaling technique ensures that each node in the system does the computation-heavy public key operation only for a tiny fraction of the total messages routed through the Streams network while maximizing the mixing/shuffling in every round. We demonstrate Streams\u27 performance through a prototype implementation. Our results show that Streams can scale well even if the system has a load of one million messages at any point in time. Streams maintains a latency of 1616 seconds while offering provable ``one-in-a-billion\u27\u27 unlinkability, and can be leveraged for applications such as anonymous microblogging and network-level anonymity for blockchains. We also illustrate by examples that our scaling technique can be useful to many other AC protocols to improve their scalability and privacy, and can be interesting to protocol developers

    AnoA: A Framework For Analyzing Anonymous Communication Protocols

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    Anonymous communication (AC) protocols such as the widely used Tor network have been designed to provide anonymity over the Internet to their participating users. While AC protocols have been the subject of several security and anonymity analyses in the last years, there still does not exist a framework for analyzing complex systems, such as Tor, and their different anonymity properties in a unified manner. In this work we present AnoA: a generic framework for defining, analyzing, and quantifying anonymity properties for AC protocols. In addition to quantifying the (additive) advantage of an adversary in an indistinguishability-based definition, AnoA uses a multiplicative factor, inspired from differential privacy. AnoA enables a unified quantitative analysis of well-established anonymity properties, such as sender anonymity, sender unlinkability, and relationship anonymity. AnoA modularly specifies adversarial capabilities by a simple wrapper-construction, called adversary classes. We examine the structure of these adversary classes and identify conditions under which it suffices to establish anonymity guarantees for single messages in order to derive guarantees for arbitrarily many messages. We coin this condition single-challenge reducability. This then leads us to the definition of Plug\u27n\u27Play adversary classes (PAC), which are easy to use, expressive, and single-challenge reducable. Additionally, we show that our framework is compatible with the universal composability (UC) framework. Leveraging a recent security proof about Tor, we illustrate how to apply AnoA to a simplified version of Tor against passive adversaries

    How Interactions Influence Users' Security Perception of Virtual Reality Authentication?

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    Users readily embrace the rapid advancements in virtual reality (VR) technology within various everyday contexts, such as gaming, social interactions, shopping, and commerce. In order to facilitate transactions and payments, VR systems require access to sensitive user data and assets, which consequently necessitates user authentication. However, there exists a limited understanding regarding how users' unique experiences in VR contribute to their perception of security. In our study, we adopt a research approach known as ``technology probe'' to investigate this question. Specifically, we have designed probes that explore the authentication process in VR, aiming to elicit responses from participants from multiple perspectives. These probes were seamlessly integrated into the routine payment system of a VR game, thereby establishing an organic study environment. Through qualitative analysis, we uncover the interplay between participants' interaction experiences and their security perception. Remarkably, despite encountering unique challenges in usability during VR interactions, our participants found the intuitive virtualized authentication process beneficial and thoroughly enjoyed the immersive nature of VR. Furthermore, we observe how these interaction experiences influence participants' ability to transfer their pre-existing understanding of authentication into VR, resulting in a discrepancy in perceived security. Moreover, we identify users' conflicting expectations, encompassing their desire for an enjoyable VR experience alongside the assurance of secure VR authentication. Building upon our findings, we propose recommendations aimed at addressing these expectations and alleviating potential conflicts