292 research outputs found

    Cellular Pressure and Volume Regulation and Implications for Cell Mechanics

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    Mechanical Response of the Coiled Coil

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    Morphology of Caulobacter crescentus and the Mechanical Role of Crescentin

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    AbstractBacterial cells exist in a wide variety of shapes. To understand the mechanism of bacterial shape maintenance, we investigate the morphology of Caulobacter crescentus, which is a Gram-negative bacterium that adopts a helical crescent shape. It is known that crescentin, an intermediate filament homolog of C. crescentus, is required for maintaining this asymmetrical cell shape. We employ a continuum model to understand the interaction between the bacterial cell wall and the crescentin bundle. The model allows us to examine different scenarios of attaching crescentin to the cell wall and compute the shape of the bacterium. Results show that if the sole influence of crescentin is mechanical, then the crescentin bundle is unrealistically rigid and must be attached to the cell wall directly. The model suggests that alternative roles for crescentin such as how it influences cell wall growth must be considered

    Organization of FtsZ Filaments in the Bacterial Division Ring Measured from Polarized Fluorescence Microscopy

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    AbstractCytokinesis in bacteria is accomplished by a ring-shaped cell-division complex (the Z-ring). The primary component of the Z-ring is FtsZ, a filamentous tubulin homolog that serves as a scaffold for the recruitment of other cell-division-related proteins. FtsZ forms filaments and bundles. In the cell, it has been suggested that FtsZ filaments form the arcs of the ring and are aligned in the cell-circumferential direction. Using polarized fluorescence microscopy in live Escherichia coli cells, we measure the structural organization of FtsZ filaments in the Z-ring. The data suggest a disordered organization: a substantial portion of FtsZ filaments are aligned in the cell-axis direction. FtsZ organization in the Z-ring also appears to depend on the bacterial species. Taken together, the unique arrangement of FtsZ suggests novel unexplored mechanisms in bacterial cell division

    Organization of Cellular Receptors into a Nanoscale Junction during HIV-1 Adhesion

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    The fusion of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) with its host cell is the target for new antiretroviral therapies. Viral particles interact with the flexible plasma membrane via viral surface protein gp120 which binds its primary cellular receptor CD4 and subsequently the coreceptor CCR5. However, whether and how these receptors become organized at the adhesive junction between cell and virion are unknown. Here, stochastic modeling predicts that, regarding binding to gp120, cellular receptors CD4 and CCR5 form an organized, ring-like, nanoscale structure beneath the virion, which locally deforms the plasma membrane. This organized adhesive junction between cell and virion, which we name the viral junction, is reminiscent of the well-characterized immunological synapse, albeit at much smaller length scales. The formation of an organized viral junction under multiple physiopathologically relevant conditions may represent a novel intermediate step in productive infection

    Cell density and actomyosin contractility control the organization of migrating collectives within an epithelium

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    The mechanisms underlying collective migration are important for understanding development, wound healing, and tumor invasion. Here we focus on cell density to determine its role in collective migration. Our findings show that increasing cell density, as might be seen in cancer, transforms groups from broad collectives to small, narrow streams. Conversely, diminishing cell density, as might occur at a wound front, leads to large, broad collectives with a distinct leader–follower structure. Simulations identify force-sensitive contractility as a mediator of how density affects collectives, and guided by this prediction, we find that the baseline state of contractility can enhance or reduce organization. Finally, we test predictions from these data in an in vivo epithelium by using genetic manipulations to drive collective motion between predicted migratory phases. This work demonstrates how commonly altered cellular properties can prime groups of cells to adopt migration patterns that may be harnessed in health or exploited in disease

    Actin cap associated focal adhesions and their distinct role in cellular mechanosensing

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    The ability for cells to sense and adapt to different physical microenvironments plays a critical role in development, immune responses, and cancer metastasis. Here we identify a small subset of focal adhesions that terminate fibers in the actin cap, a highly ordered filamentous actin structure that is anchored to the top of the nucleus by the LINC complexes; these differ from conventional focal adhesions in morphology, subcellular organization, movements, turnover dynamics, and response to biochemical stimuli. Actin cap associated focal adhesions (ACAFAs) dominate cell mechanosensing over a wide range of matrix stiffness, an ACAFA-specific function regulated by actomyosin contractility in the actin cap, while conventional focal adhesions are restrictively involved in mechanosensing for extremely soft substrates. These results establish the perinuclear actin cap and associated ACAFAs as major mediators of cellular mechanosensing and a critical element of the physical pathway that transduce mechanical cues all the way to the nucleus

    Model of a fluid at small and large length scales and the hydrophobic effect

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    We present a statistical field theory to describe large length scale effects induced by solutes in a cold and otherwise placid liquid. The theory divides space into a cubic grid of cells. The side length of each cell is of the order of the bulk correlation length of the bulk liquid. Large length scale states of the cells are specified with an Ising variable. Finer length scale effects are described with a Gaussian field, with mean and variance affected by both the large length scale field and by the constraints imposed by solutes. In the absence of solutes and corresponding constraints, integration over the Gaussian field yields an effective lattice gas Hamiltonian for the large length scale field. In the presence of solutes, the integration adds additional terms to this Hamiltonian. We identify these terms analytically. They can provoke large length scale effects, such as the formation of interfaces and depletion layers. We apply our theory to compute the reversible work to form a bubble in liquid water, as a function of the bubble radius. Comparison with molecular simulation results for the same function indicates that the theory is reasonably accurate. Importantly, simulating the large length scale field involves binary arithmetic only. It thus provides a computationally convenient scheme to incorporate explicit solvent dynamics and structure in simulation studies of large molecular assemblies
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