3 research outputs found

    Adoption of Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology as an Organic Package of Practice towards Improvement of Nutrient Use Efficiency of Camellia Sinensis through Energization of Plant Physiological Functioning

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    The effectivity of Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology towards energization of plant physiological functioning was evaluated in comparison to other organic packages of Practice under FAO-CFC-TBI Project at Maud Tea Estate, Dibrugarh, Assam, India during 2008 to 2013. The study area lies in 27.26. N latitude and 95.12 E longitude covering a total area of 154.58 ha area with level to nearly level landscape. The experiment was laid down as per randomized block design (RBD) with 8 treatments replicated 3 times. The treatments included available two organic methods viz. Biodynamic Farming (BD) and Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) (developed by Dr. P. Das Biswas, Founder, Inhana Biosciences, Kolkata) as well as organic inputs viz. vermicompost, bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, herbal formulations which are used in organic tea gardens in India on large scale. The organic inputs selected for evaluation were combined to form different ‘Packages of Practice’ based on scientific rationale. The different packages were : Biodynamic (BD) with Biodynamic compost, Conventional Organic Practice with Indigenous compost @ 13.5 ton/ha (CO), Inhana Rational Farming Tech-nology with 8 ton Novcom Compost (IRF-2), Inhana Rational Farming Technology with 5.1 ton Novcom Compost (IRF-4), Vermi-compost @ 9.4 ton/ha + Conventional Organic Practice (VCO), Vermicompost @ 9.4 ton/ha + Microbial Formulations for both soil and plant management (VMI), Vermicompost @ 9.4 ton/ha + Microbial Formulations for only plant management i.e. Bio-pesticides+ Bio-growth promoter (VMIP). Agronomic Efficiency (NUE), which among other factors depends upon the nutrient uptake and utilization efficiency of plant or con-versely the state of plant physiology was assessed to score the different organic packages as per N expensed for unit crop production. Highest NUE was obtained under IRF packages followed by VMI, VMIP and VCO. The highest crop yield along with high NUE under IRF-2 indicated an effective management approach towards activation of plant physiology. But the most significant finding was that there was a considerable enhancement of nutrient use efficiency under the treatment plots which received total package of practice(ie. both plant and soil management) in comparison to the plots which received only the soil management part of the same package of practice (12.35 to 93.77 % increase). The results indicated towards a definitive role of organic plant management w.r.t. enhancement of the plant physiological functioning. While the agronomic efficiency was found highest in both soil management as well as complete package under IRF technology but also the percent change in agronomic efficiency (total package vs. only soil management part of the same package) was highest in case of IRF package of practice. This indicated positive impact of IRF plant management programme towards plant physiological functioning leading to higher crop response

    Characterization of soils in terms of pedological variability under different physiography of Damodar command area (part), West Bengal, India

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    Five representative soil profiles occurring on four different physiography under subtropical environment of Damodar command area, India, were studied for soil pedological variability. Two way approaches were taken to evaluate the extent of profile development. Firstly different extractants were used to determine various forms of Fe and Al and their different ratios. Average contents of Fe and Al, extracted by different extracting reagents were found to be in descending order, as follows: Aldith > Aloxa > Alpyr and Fedith > Feoxa > Fepyr. Analysis of pyrophosphate (pyr), oxalate (oxa), and dithionate (dith) extractable Fe and Al fractions indicated that with increasing soil age, the content of crystalline Fe and Al oxides increased at the expense of the poorly crystalline forms. The mean content of amorphous Fe and Al, crystalline Fe and Al, and their ratios estimated the degree of soil development. In the second part, elemental analysis was done, silica to sesquioxide ratio as well as ratio of alkali cations was measured and weathering index of each horizon was determined. The ratios and weathering indices indicated that except Madhpur soil series, all other soils were young and pedological development was still in progress in Damodar command area