3 research outputs found

    Datalogging in Singapore schools: supporting effective implementations

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    This paper reports the findings of a national survey on the use of dataloggers in secondary schools (grades 7–10) and junior colleges (grades 11–12). In particular, it explores the types of learning activities that teachers conduct using dataloggers, the support structures they deem necessary and the difficulties they face. Of the 593 respondents, 394 (67%) had used dataloggers in the last two years, mainly in demonstrations and set experiments. The three most important support structures included: supportive laboratory technicians, training on the use of dataloggers, and instructional material on how to use dataloggers within the curriculum. The difficulties which deterred the respondents from using dataloggers included the logistics and time taken to set up datalogging equipment and activities, insufficient numbers of computer workstations, and the mishandling of equipment by students, leading to equipment malfunctions. To expand the use of dataloggers in school, the respondents suggest that dedicated laboratories be set up for datalogging activities, more curricular material to support datalogging be prepared, more familiarisation courses be run for teachers and laboratory technicians and, in particular, how dataloggers fit within an inquiry science learning approach.17 page(s

    Dataloggers and inquiry science

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    This paper reports the findings of an online survey aimed at exploring the use of dataloggers in learning inquiry science and project work in secondary schools and junior colleges. It examines the type of activities which teachers conduct using dataloggers, the support structures they deem necessary and the difficulties they faced. Out of the 593 Heads of Department (Science) and science teachers who responded to the online questionnaire survey, 394 (67%) have used dataloggers in the last 2 years, mainly in demonstrations and set experiments. The three most important support structures that were listed by the respondents included: supportive laboratory technicians who were able to use dataloggers, training on the use of dataloggers, and instructional material about how to use dataloggers in the curriculum. The difficulties which deterred the respondents from using dataloggers included the difficulty and time taken to set up the datalogging equipment and activities, insufficient computer workstations, and the mishandling of equipment by students. Recommendations about facilitating the use of dataloggers in school include the setting up of laboratories dedicated for datalogging activities, having courses on datalogging for teachers and laboratory technicians, and the preparing curricular materials on datalogging.10 page(s

    Title Datalogging in Singapore schools: Supporting effective implementations Author(s) Datalogging in Singapore Schools: Supporting effective implementations Datalogging in Singapore Schools: Supporting effective implementations

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    Abstract This paper reports the findings of a national survey on the use of dataloggers in secondary schools (Grades 7-10) and junior colleges (Grades 11-12). In particular, it explores the types of learning activities that teachers conduct using dataloggers, the support structures they deem necessary, and the difficulties they face. Out of the 593 respondents, 394 (67%) had used dataloggers in the last two years, mainly in demonstrations and set experiments. The three most important support structures included: supportive laboratory technicians, training on the use of dataloggers, and instructional material on how to use dataloggers within the curriculum. The difficulties which deterred the respondents from using dataloggers included the logistics and time taken to set up datalogging equipment and activities, insufficient numbers of computer workstations, and the mishandling of equipment by students leading to equipment malfunctions. To expand the use of dataloggers in school, the respondents suggest that dedicated laboratories be set up for datalogging activities, more curricular material to support datalogging be prepared, more familiarisation courses be run for teachers and laboratory technicians and, in particular, how dataloggers fit within an inquiry science learning approach