116 research outputs found

    The effect of fluoride on enamel and dentin formation in the uremic rat incisor

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    Renal impairment in children is associated with tooth defects that include enamel pitting and hypoplasia. However, the specific effects of uremia on tooth formation are not known. In this study, we used rat mandibular incisors, which continuously erupt and contain all stages of tooth formation, to characterize the effects of uremia on tooth formation. We also tested the hypothesis that uremia aggravates the fluoride (F)-induced changes in developing teeth. Rats were subjected to a two-stage 5/6 nephrectomy or sham operation and then exposed to 0 (control) or 50 ppm NaF in drinking water for 14 days. The effects of these treatments on food intake, body growth rate, and biochemical serum parameters for renal function and calcium metabolism were monitored. Nephrectomy reduced food intake and weight gain. Intake of F by nephrectomized rats increased plasma F levels twofold and further decreased food intake and body weight gain. Uremia affected formation of dentin and enamel and was more extensive than the effect of F alone. Uremia also significantly increased predentin width and induced deposition of large amounts of osteodentin-like matrix-containing cells in the pulp chamber. In enamel formation, the cells most sensitive to uremia were the transitional-stage ameloblasts. These data demonstrate that intake of F by rats with reduced renal function impairs F clearance from the plasma and aggravates the already negative effects of uremia on incisor tooth development

    Il ruolo delle Regioni italiane in materia di diritti umani, cultura di pace e cooperazione allo sviluppo, alla luce del nuovo titolo V della Costituzione

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    In the last century, from the end of the eighties, the Italian Regions began to equip themselves with a law regarding the promotion of human rights, a culture of peace and developmental cooperation. Based on new article 117, comma IX, of the Constitution, the power of the Regions to conclude understandings with territorial component units within foreign States and agreements with foreign States has been expressly considered, even only in the cases and with the disciplinary forms of the laws of the State. The Regions are not subjects of international law insofar as they are subject to a superior authority and therefore fail to meet the requirements for independence. To realize developmental cooperation initiatives in favour of emerging countries or also the protection of human rights and promotion of a culture of peace in those countries, the Regions can: turn to the contractual tool; formally conclude understandings and agreements; realize projects and initiatives directly or by delegating the execution to public and private agencies and corporations; contribute financially to projects which are to be realized completely by public and private agencies and corporations. When they are concurring to achieve acts that might create rights and obligations at an international level, the Regions always operate as organs of the State of which inseparably form part (that is the Italian Republic

    Paget Disease of Bone in Japanese Patients: A Report of Three Cases

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    La radiografia digitale in Reumatologia.

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    Il testo è dedicato alla descrizione dei quadri radiologici osservabili in corso delle diverse malattie reumatiche. Vengono esaminate tutte le malattie e riportati i quadri morfologici caratteristici. Una particolare attenzione è dedicata agli aspetti diagnostico differenziali. Le implicazioni, i vantaggi e la versatilità della nuova tecnologia digitale vengono illustrate nel dettaglio

    La xeroradiografia in Reumatologia. Vol 3. L'arto inferiore: il ginocchio, il piede.

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    none3Vengono descritte le principali alterazioni radiologiche osservabili a carico del ginocchio e del piede nelle diverse affezioni osteo-articolari. La descrizione è corredata da numerose immagini ottenute applicando la tecnica xeroradiografica.Il testo è stato utilizzato da diverse Scuole di Specializzazione in reumatologia e Radiologia.noneScutellari PN; Orzincolo C; Trotta F.Scutellari, Pier Nuccio; Orzincolo, Carlo; Trotta, Francesc

    La Xeroradiografia in Reumatologia. Vol. 2. L'arto superiore: la spalla, il gomito.

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    none3Vengono descritte le alterazioni radiologiche osservabili a carico di spalla e gomito nelle diverse malattie osteo-articolari. Il testo è corredato da numerosi immagini ottenute con tecnica xeroradiografica.Il testo è stato utilizzato in numerose Scuole di Specializzazione in Reumatologia e Radiologia.noneTrotta F; Scutellari PN; Orzincolo C.Trotta, Francesco; Scutellari, Pier Nuccio; Orzincolo, Carl