2 research outputs found

    Reproductive Behavior of Zebu and 5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental Genotypes in Central Cuba Locations

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the reproductive behavior of female Zebu and 5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental on a genetic farm in the central region of Cuba. The research was made between 2010 and 2014. The individual records of 255 cows; 200 Zebus (106 white and 94 bermeja) and 55 crossbreds (5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental) were included. The calving-first insemination interval (CFII), calving-gestation interval (SP), inter-calving period (CCI), and service per gestation (S/G) were calculated. Besides, the effects of genotype, parity, quarter and calving year were evaluated using the above indicators. The descriptive statistics were estimated, and a general linear model was used to determine the effects of each variation source. The three genotypes showed low reproductive efficiency, though slightly more favorable for 5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental. The CFII, SP, and CCI were influenced (P <0.05) by the calving year, genotype, and parity, whereas SP was influenced by the calving quarter only (P <0.05). The gestation service was not affected by any factor. It was concluded that the three genotypes studied underwent severe deterioration of reproductive indicators, influenced by the genotype, quarter, calving year, and parity

    Comportamiento reproductivo de los genotipos Cebú y 5/8 Cebú x 3/8 Simmental en la región central de Cuba

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the reproductive behavior of female Zebú and 5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental on a genetic farm in the central region of Cuba. The research was made between 2010 and 2014. The individual records of 255 cows; 200 Zebus (106 White and 94 Bermeja) and 55 crossbreds (5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental) were included. The calving-first insemination interval (CFI) and calving-gestation interval (CGI), inter-calving period (ICP), and service per gestation (S/G) were calculated. Besides, the effects of genotype, parity, quarter and year of calving were evaluated using the above indicators. The descriptive stratigraphy was calculated, and a general linear model was used to determine the effects of each variation source. The three genotypes showed low reproductive efficiency, though slightly more favorable for 5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental. The calving year, genotype, and parity influenced (P < 0.05) the CFI, CGI, and ICP. The calving quarter only influenced (P < 0.05) the CGI. The gestation service was not influenced by any factor. It was concluded that the three genotypes studied underwent high deterioration of reproductive indicators, influenced by the genotype, quarter, calving year, and parity.El objetivo fue evaluar el comportamiento reproductivo de hembras de los genotipos Cebú y 5/8 Cebú x 3/8 Simmental en una granja genética de la región central de Cuba. La investigación se desarrolló entre los años 2010 y 2014. Se consideraron 255 registros individuales de vacas; 200 y 55 hembras de los genotipos Cebú (106 de la variedad blanca y 94 bermeja) y 55 del 5/8 Cebú x 3/8 Simmental, respectivamente. Se calcularon los intervalos parto-primera inseminación (IPPS), parto-gestación (IPG) y periodo interpartal (IPP) y servicios por gestación (S/G). Además, se evaluaron los efectos del genotipo, la paridad, el trimestre y año del parto sobre los indicadores antes mencionados. Se calcularon los estadígrafos descriptivos de los indicadores y para determinar el efecto de cada fuente de variación sobre ellos se empleó un modelo lineal general. Existió baja eficiencia reproductiva en los tres genotipos, con una situación más favorable en el 5/8 Cebú x 3/8 Simmental. El año de parto, el genotipo y la paridad influyeron (P < 0,05) sobre el IPPS, IPG e IPP. El trimestre de parto solo influyó (P < 0,05) sobre el IPG. Ningún factor tuvo influencia sobre los servicios por gestación. Se concluye que en los tres genotipos estudiados existió un marcado deterioro de los indicadores reproductivos, influenciados por el genotipo, trimestre, año del parto y paridad