169 research outputs found

    A Convex Framework for Optimal Investment on Disease Awareness in Social Networks

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    We consider the problem of controlling the propagation of an epidemic outbreak in an arbitrary network of contacts by investing on disease awareness throughout the network. We model the effect of agent awareness on the dynamics of an epidemic using the SAIS epidemic model, an extension of the SIS epidemic model that includes a state of "awareness". This model allows to derive a condition to control the spread of an epidemic outbreak in terms of the eigenvalues of a matrix that depends on the network structure and the parameters of the model. We study the problem of finding the cost-optimal investment on disease awareness throughout the network when the cost function presents some realistic properties. We propose a convex framework to find cost-optimal allocation of resources. We validate our results with numerical simulations in a real online social network.Comment: IEEE GlobalSIP Symposium on Network Theor

    ELASTICITY: Topological Characterization of Robustness in Complex Networks

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    Just as a herd of animals relies on its robust social structure to survive in the wild, similarly robustness is a crucial characteristic for the survival of a complex network under attack. The capacity to measure robustness in complex networks defines the resolve of a network to maintain functionality in the advent of classical component failures and at the onset of cryptic malicious attacks. To date, robustness metrics are deficient and unfortunately the following dilemmas exist: accurate models necessitate complex analysis while conversely, simple models lack applicability to our definition of robustness. In this paper, we define robustness and present a novel metric, elasticity- a bridge between accuracy and complexity-a link in the chain of network robustness. Additionally, we explore the performance of elasticity on Internet topologies and online social networks, and articulate results

    Effect of Coupling on the Epidemic Threshold in Interconnected Complex Networks: A Spectral Analysis

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    In epidemic modeling, the term infection strength indicates the ratio of infection rate and cure rate. If the infection strength is higher than a certain threshold -- which we define as the epidemic threshold - then the epidemic spreads through the population and persists in the long run. For a single generic graph representing the contact network of the population under consideration, the epidemic threshold turns out to be equal to the inverse of the spectral radius of the contact graph. However, in a real world scenario it is not possible to isolate a population completely: there is always some interconnection with another network, which partially overlaps with the contact network. Results for epidemic threshold in interconnected networks are limited to homogeneous mixing populations and degree distribution arguments. In this paper, we adopt a spectral approach. We show how the epidemic threshold in a given network changes as a result of being coupled with another network with fixed infection strength. In our model, the contact network and the interconnections are generic. Using bifurcation theory and algebraic graph theory, we rigorously derive the epidemic threshold in interconnected networks. These results have implications for the broad field of epidemic modeling and control. Our analytical results are supported by numerical simulations.Comment: 7 page
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