155 research outputs found

    Epigenomic views of innate lymphoid cells

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    The discovery of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) with selective production of cytokines typically attributed to subsets of T helper cells forces immunologists to reassess the mechanisms by which selective effector functions arise. The parallelism between ILCs and T cells extends beyond these two cell types and comprises other innate-like T lymphocytes. Beyond the recognition of specialized effector functionalities in diverse lymphocytes, features typical of T cells, such as plasticity and memory, are also relevant for innate lymphocytes. Herein, we review what we have learned in terms of the molecular mechanisms underlying these shared functions, focusing on insights provided by next generation sequencing technologies. We review data on the role of lineage-defining- and signal-dependent transcription factors (TFs). ILC regulomes emerge developmentally whereas the much of the open chromatin regions of T cells are generated acutely, in an activation-dependent manner. And yet, these regions of open chromatin in T cells and ILCs have remarkable overlaps, suggesting that though accessibility is acquired by distinct modes, the end result is that convergent signaling pathways may be involved. Although much is left to be learned, substantial progress has been made in understanding how TFs and epigenomic status contribute to ILC biology in terms of differentiation, specification, and plasticity

    Transcriptional, epigenetic and pharmacological control of JAK/STAT pathway in NK cells

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    Differentiation of Natural Killer (NK) cells is a stepwise process having its origin in the bone marrow and proceeding in the periphery, where these cells follow organ specific trajectories. Several soluble factors and cytokines regulate the distinct stages of NK cell differentiation, and ultimately, their functional properties. Cytokines activating the Janus kinases (JAKs) and members of the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway control distinct aspects of NK cell biology, ranging from development, terminal differentiation, activation, and generation of cells with adaptive properties. Here, we discuss how the recent advances of next generation sequencing (NGS) technology have led to unravel novel molecular aspects of gene regulation, with the aim to provide genomic views of how STATs regulate transcriptional and epigenetic features of NK cells during the different functional stages

    Fisurectomy and anoplasty with botulinum toxin injection in patients with chronic anal posterior fissure with hypertonia: a long-term evaluation

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    Chronic anal fissure\u2019s (CAF) etiopathogenesis remain unclear. CAF of the posterior commissure (CAPF) are often characterized by internal anal sphincter (IAS) hypertonia. The treatment of this disease aimed to reduce IAS hypertonia. Due to the high rate of anal incontinence after LIS, the employment of sphincter preserving surgical techniques associated to pharmacological sphincterotomy appears more sensible. The aim of our study is to evaluate the long-term results of fissurectomy and anoplasty with V\u2013Y cutaneous flap advancement associated to 30 UI of botulinum toxin injection for CAPF with IAS hypertonia. We enrolled 45 patients undergone to fissurectomy and anoplasty with V\u2013Y cutaneous flap advancement and 30 UI botulinum toxin injection. All patients were followed up for at least 5 years after the surgical procedure, with evaluation of anal continence, recurrence rate and MRP (Maximum resting pressure), MSP (Maximum restricting pressure), USWA (Ultrasound wave activity). All patients healed within 40 days after surgery. We observed 3 \u201cde novo\u201d post-operative anal incontinence cases, temporary and minor; the pre-operative ones have only temporary worsened after surgery. We reported 3 cases of recurrences, within 2 years from surgery, all healed after conservative medical therapy. At 5 year follow-up post-operative manometric findings were similar to those of healthy subjects. At 5 years after the surgical procedure, we achieved good results, and these evidences show that surgical section of the IAS is not at all necessary for the healing process of the CAPF

    An Energy Blockchain, a Use Case on Tendermint

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    The recent advances in distributed energy systems require new models for exchanging energy among prosumers in microgrids. The blockchain technology promises to solve the digital issues related to distributed systems without a trusted authority and to allow quick and secure energy transactions, which are verified and cryptographically protected. Transactions are approved and subsequently recorded on all the machines participating in the blockchain. This work demonstrates how users, which are nodes of the energy and digital networks, exchange energy supported by a customized blockchain based on Tendermint. We focus on the procedures for generating blocks and defining data structures for storing energy transactions

    High Proportions of People With Nonceliac Wheat Sensitivity Have Autoimmune Disease or Antinuclear Antibodies.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: There is much interest in wheat sensitivity among people without celiac disease (CD), but little is known about any risks associated with the condition. We evaluated the prevalence of autoimmune diseases (ADs) among patients with nonceliac wheat sensitivity (NCWS), and investigated whether they carry antinuclear antibodies (ANA). METHODS: We performed a retrospective study of 131 patients diagnosed with NCWS (121 female; mean age, 29.1 years) at 2 hospitals in Italy from January 2001 through June 2011. Data were also collected from 151 patients with CD or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (controls). Patient medical records were reviewed to identify those with ADs. We also performed a prospective study of 42 patients (38 female; mean age, 34 years) diagnosed with NCWS from July 2011 through March 2014 at 3 hospitals in Italy. One hundred age- and sex-matched subjects with CD or IBS served as controls. Serum samples were collected from all subjects and ANA levels were measured by immunofluorescence analysis. Participants completed a questionnaire and their medical records were reviewed to identify those with ADs. RESULTS: In the retrospective analysis, similar portions of subjects with NCWS (29%) and CD (29%) developed ADs (mainly Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 29 cases), compared with a smaller proportion of subjects with IBS (4%) (P < .001). In the prospective study, 24% of subjects with NCWS, 20% of subjects with CD, and 2% of subjects with IBS developed ADs (P < .001). In the retrospective study, serum samples tested positive for ANA in 46% of subjects with NCWS (median titer, 1:80), 24% of subjects with CD (P < .001), and 2% of subjects IBS (P < .001); in the prospective study, serum samples were positive for ANA in 28% of subjects with NCWS, 7.5% of subjects with CD (P = .02), and 6% of subjects with IBS (P = .005 vs patients with NCWS). ANA positivity was associated with the presence of the HLA DQ2/DQ8 haplotypes (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Higher proportions of patients with NCWS or CD develop autoimmune disorders, are ANA positive, and showed DQ2/DQ8 haplotypes compared with patients with IBS

    Anti-Transglutaminase Antibody Assay of the Culture Medium of Intestinal Biopsy Specimen Can Improve the Accuracy of Celiac Disease Diagnosis.

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    BACKGROUND: We measured anti-transglutaminase (anti-tTG) antibody in the culture medium of intestinal biopsy specimens from patients with suspected celiac disease (CD) and evaluated the relationship between antibody production and severity of intestinal mucosal damage. METHODS: We performed diagnostic testing for CD on 273 consecutive patients. In addition to routine histologic evaluation of duodenal biopsy specimens, we assayed anti-tTG antibodies in serum and in the culture medium of duodenal biopsy specimens. RESULTS: CD was diagnosed in 191 of the 273 patients. Sensitivity and specificity of the serum anti-endomysium (EmA) and anti-tTG assays were 83% and 85% and 99% and 95%, respectively, and both had 88% diagnostic accuracy. EmA and anti-tTG assayed in the culture medium had 98% sensitivity, 100% specificity, and 98% diagnostic accuracy (vs serum assays; P <0.0001). Twenty-nine CD patient specimens (16%) were negative for serum anti-tTG and EmA; for 24 of these patients, anti-tTG assay of the culture medium was positive. The CD patients whose biopsy specimens were positive for serum antibodies showed the following intestinal histologies: total villous atrophy, 35%; severe villous atrophy, 25%; mild atrophy, 25%; villi with no atrophy but with increased intraepithelial lymphocytes, 15%. None of the CD patients whose specimens were negative for serum antibodies showed total or severe villous atrophy; 77% had mild villous atrophy, and 23% had no villous atrophy but had increased intraepithelial lymphocyte counts. Mild villous atrophy was also seen in specimens from approximately 15% of patients without CD. CONCLUSION: Anti-tTG assay of the culture medium of biopsy specimens can improve the accuracy of CD diagnosis in patients negative for serum antibodies

    Misinterpreting Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Functional Diarrhea: Pathophysiological Highlights

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    Irritable bowel syndrome with predominant diarrhea (IBS-D) and functional diarrhea (FD) are disorders of gut–brain interaction characterized by recurring symptoms which have a serious impact on the patient’s quality of life. Their pathophysiology is far from being completely understood. In IBS-D growing evidence suggests that bile acid malabsorption (BAM) could be present in up to 30% of patients. Microscopic colitis (MC) is a well-known cause of watery diarrhea and some patients, at first, can be diagnosed as IBS-D or FD. Both BAM and MC are often responsible for the lack of response to conventional treatments in patients labelled as “refractory”. Moreover, because BAM and MC are not mutually exclusive, and can be found in the same patient, they should always be considered in the diagnostic workout when a specific treatment for BAM or MC is unsatisfactory. In the present review the possible shared pathogenetic mechanisms between BAM and MC are discussed highlighting how MC can induce a secondary BAM. Moreover, a brief overview of the current literature regarding the prevalence of their association is provided

    Multiple food hypersensitivity as a cause of refractory chronic constipation in adults

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    Chronic constipation that is unresponsive to laxative treatment is a severe illness, but children unresponsive to laxatives have been successfully treated with an elimination diet. We report the first cases of refractory chronic constipation caused by food hypersensitivity in adults. Four patients with refractory constipation who were unresponsive to high doses of laxatives were put on an oligo-antigenic diet and underwent successive double-blind, placebo-controlled, food challenges (DBPFC). Routine laboratory tests, immunological assays, colonoscopy, esophago-gastroduodenoscopy and rectal and duodenal histology were performed. While on an elimination diet, bowel habits normalized in all patients and a DBPFC challenge triggered the reappearance of constipation. In comparison with another 13 patients with refractory constipation unresponsive to the elimination diet, observed over the same period, the patients with food-hypersensitivity-related constipation had the following characteristics: longer duration of illness (p < 0.03), lower body mass index (p < 0.03), higher frequency of self-reported food intolerance (p < 0.01), higher frequency of nocturnal abdominal pain and anal itching (p < 0.01). In patients with food hypersensitivity, hemoglobin concentrations and peripheral leukocytes were lower than those in controls (p < 0.03). The duodenal and rectal mucosa histology showed lymphocyte and eosinophil infiltration, and the duodenal villi were flattened in two cases. In adult patients, refractory chronic constipation may be caused by food hypersensitivity and an elimination diet is effective in these subjects

    Risk of low bone mineral density and low body mass index in patients with non-celiac wheat-sensitivity: a prospective observation study.

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    Background: Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) or ‘wheat sensitivity’ (NCWS) is included in the spectrum of gluten-related disorders. No data are available on the prevalence of low bone mass density (BMD) in NCWS. Our study aims to evaluate the prevalence of low BMD in NCWS patients and search for correlations with other clinical characteristics. Methods: This prospective observation study included 75 NCWS patients (63 women; median age 36 years) with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)-like symptoms, 65 IBS and 50 celiac controls. Patients were recruited at two Internal Medicine Departments. Elimination diet and double-blind placebo controlled (DBPC) wheat challenge proved the NCWS diagnosis. All subjects underwent BMD assessment by Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA), duodenal histology, HLA DQ typing, body mass index (BMI) evaluation and assessment for daily calcium intake. Results: DBPC cow's milk proteins challenge showed that 30 of the 75 NCWS patients suffered from multiple food sensitivity. Osteopenia and osteoporosis frequency increased from IBS to NCWS and to celiac disease (CD) (P <0.0001). Thirty-five NCWS patients (46.6%) showed osteopenia or osteoporosis. Low BMD was related to low BMI and multiple food sensitivity. Values of daily dietary calcium intake in NCWS patients were significantly lower than in IBS controls. Conclusions: An elevated frequency of bone mass loss in NCWS patients was found; this was related to low BMI and was more frequent in patients with NCWS associated with other food sensitivity. A low daily intake of dietary calcium was observed in patients with NCWS

    JAK inhibition differentially affects NK cell and ILC1 homeostasis

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    Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors are widely used in the treatment of multiple autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Immunologic and transcriptomic profiling have revealed major alterations on natural killer (NK) cell homeostasis associated with JAK inhibitions, while information on other innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) is still lacking. Herein, we observed that, in mice, the homeostatic pool of liver ILC1 was less affected by JAK inhibitors compared to the pool of NK cells present in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. JAK inhibition had overlapping effects on the transcriptome of both subsets, mainly affecting genes regulating cell cycle and apoptosis. However, the differential impact of JAK inhibition was linked to the high levels of the antiapoptotic gene Bcl2 expressed by ILC1. Our findings provide mechanistic explanations for the effects of JAK inhibitors on NK cells and ILC1 which could be of major clinically relevance