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4 research outputs found
Provenance of Jurassic accretionary complex: Mino terrane, inner zone of south-west Japan ? implications for palaeogeography of eastern Asia
Adachi M.
Adachi M.
+32 more
Argast S.
Bachman S.B.
Chang K.H.
Dewey J.F.
Dickinson W.R.
Dorsey R.H.
Enkeboll R.H.
Haskin L.A.
Hong Y.K.
Hori R.
Ingersoll R.V.
Kasper-Zubillaga J.J.
Kim Y.J.
Kondo N.
Korsch R.J.
Lee Y.I.
Matsuda T.
Moore G.F.
Moore G.F.
Nesbitt H.W.
Roser B.P.
Satoshi N.
Schweller W.J.
Schweller W.J.
Shibata K.
Shimamura K.
Tachibana N.
Wakita K.
Wakita K.
Walker D.
Wright A.
Yao A.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Latitudinal Variation in Sedimentary Processes in the Peru-Chile Trench off Central Chile
A. Huyer
B.G. McAdoo
+47 more
B.G. McAdoo
C. Goldfinger
C. Mordojovich
C. Sick
C.J. Vorosmarty
C.R. Ranero
C.R. Twidale
D. Angermann
D.G. Martinson
E. Bonatti
E.M. Herron
E.M. Herron
E.R. Flueh
F. Lamy
G. Heiken
G. Heiken
G. Kuhn
H. Kemnitz
J. Adam
J. Laursen
J. Laursen
J. Rabassa
J.C. Ingle
J.H. Behrmann
J.R. Petit
K. Rauch
M. Neteler
M.G. New
N. Kukowski
N.L. Bangs
N.L. Bangs
P. Wessel
P.R. Vail
R. Huene von
R. Huene von
R. Patzwahl
R.A. Zapata
R.D. Müller
S. Lamb
S. Lüth
S.C. Cande
T. Nakajima
T. Vietor
T.M. Thornburg
T.M. Thornburg
W.H.F. Smith
W.J. Schweller
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Deep-water fan-channel conglomerates of Late Cretaceous age, southern Chile
Bagnold R.A.
Bagnold R.A.
+40 more
Bouma A.H.
Bruhn R.L.
Cecioni G.O.
Dalziel I.W.D.
Dickinson W.R.
Dott R.H
Dott R.H
Dott R.H.
Flint R.F.
Furque G.
Griggs G.B.
Hampton M.A.
Hantzschel W.
Heezen B.C.
Hooke R.L.
Johnson A.M.
Katz H.R.
Komar P.D.
Lajoie J.
Lowe D.R.
Middleton G.V.
Middleton G.V.
Middleton G.V.
Molnia B.F.
Mutti E.
Mutti E.
Natland M.L.
Normark W.R.
Perrier R.
Piper D.J.W.
Ruddiman W.F.
Schweller W.J.
Scott K.M.
Shepard F.P.
Stauffer P.H.
Walker R.G.
Walker R.G.
Walton E.K.
Winn R.D
Winn R.D
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The sedimentological evolution of a Lower Palaeozoic accretionary fore-arc in the Southern Uplands of Scotland
Arthur M.A.
Bartolini C.
+49 more
Bergstrom S.M.
Clarkson C.M.
Cocks L.R.M.
Cocks L.R.M.
Craig G.Y.
Craig G.Y.
Crook K.A.W.
Curray J.R.
Dewey J.F.
Dewey J.F.
Dewey J.F.
Ingham J.K.
Kelling G.
Kelling G.
Kelling G.
Kelling G.
Kelling G.
Lambert R. St. J.
Lamont A.
Lamont A.
Leggett J.K.
McKerrow W.S.
Mutti E.
Phillips W.E.A.
Piper D.J.W.
Ricci Lucchi F.
Ritchie M.
Rolfe W.D.I.
Rolfe W.D.I.
Ross D.A.
Rust B.R.
Rust B.R.
Scholl D.W.
Schweller W.J.
Tipper J.C.
Tipper J.C.
Toghill P.
Von Huene R.
Walker R.G.
Walker R.G.
Walton E.K.
Walton E.K.
Walton E.K.
Walton E.K.
Walton E.K.
Warren P.T.
Warren P.T.
Williams A.
Ziegler A.M.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text