62 research outputs found

    Compressible fluids interacting with a linear-elastic shell

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    We study the Navier--Stokes equations governing the motion of an isentropic compressible fluid in three dimensions interacting with a flexible shell of Koiter type. The latter one constitutes a moving part of the boundary of the physical domain. Its deformation is modeled by a linearized version of Koiter's elastic energy. We show the existence of weak solutions to the corresponding system of PDEs provided the adiabatic exponent satisfies γ>127\gamma>\frac{12}{7} (γ>1\gamma>1 in two dimensions). The solution exists until the moving boundary approaches a self-intersection. This provides a compressible counterpart of the results in [D. Lengeler, M. \Ruzicka, Weak Solutions for an Incompressible Newtonian Fluid Interacting with a Koiter Type Shell. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 211 (2014), no. 1, 205--255] on incompressible Navier--Stokes equations

    Self-improving property of the fast diffusion equation

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    We show that the gradient of the mm-power of a solution to a singular parabolic equation of porous medium-type (also known as fast diffusion equation), satisfies a reverse H\"older inequality in suitable intrinsic cylinders. Relying on an intrinsic Calder\'on-Zygmund covering argument, we are able to prove the local higher integrability of such a gradient for m∈((n−2)+n+2,1)m\in\left(\frac{(n-2)_+}{n+2},1\right). Our estimates are satisfied for a general class of growth assumptions on the non linearity. In this way, we extend the theory for m≥1m\geq 1 (see [GS16] in the list of references) to the singular case. In particular, an intrinsic metric that depends on the solution itself is introduced for the singular regime.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1603.0724
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