3,184 research outputs found

    Delayed-choice quantum eraser for the undergraduate laboratory

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    In a delayed-choice quantum eraser, interference fringes are obtained by erasing which-way information after the interfering particle has already been irreversibly detected. Following an introductory review of delayed-choice experiments and quantum erasure, we describe the experimental realization of an optical delayed-choice quantum eraser, suitable for advanced undergraduates, based on polarization-entangled pairs of single photons. In our experiment, the delay of the erasure is implemented using two different setups. The first setup employs an arrangement of mirrors to increase the optical path length of the photons carrying which-way information. In the second setup, we use fiber-optic cables to elongate the path of these photons after their passage through the polarization analyzer but prior to their arrival at the detector. We compare our results to data obtained in the absence of a delay and find excellent agreement. This shows that the timing of the erasure is irrelevant, as also predicted by quantum mechanics. The experiment can serve as a valuable pedagogical tool for conveying the fundamentals of quantum mechanics.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, identical to published versio

    Observation of the quantum paradox of separation of a single photon from one of its properties

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    We report an experimental realization of the quantum paradox of the separation of a single photon from one of its properties (the so-called "quantum Cheshire cat"). We use a modified Sagnac interferometer with displaced paths to produce appropriately pre- and postselected states of heralded single photons. Weak measurements of photon presence and circular polarization are performed in each arm of the interferometer by introducing weak absorbers and small polarization rotations and analyzing changes in the postselected signal. The absorber is found to have an appreciable effect only in one arm of the interferometer, while the polarization rotation significantly affects the signal only when performed in the other arm. We carry out both sequential and simultaneous weak measurements and find good agreement between measured and predicted weak values. In the language of Aharonov et al. and in the sense of the ensemble averages described by weak values, the experiment establishes the separation of a particle from one its properties during the passage through the interferometer.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, identical to published versio

    A confirmed location in the Galactic halo for the high-velocity cloud 'chain A'

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    The high-velocity clouds of atomic hydrogen, discovered about 35 years ago, have velocities inconsistent with simple Galactic rotation models that generally fit the stars and gas in the Milky Way disk. Their origins and role in Galactic evolution remain poorly understood, largely for lack of information on their distances. The high-velocity clouds might result from gas blown from the Milky Way disk into the halo by supernovae, in which case they would enrich the Galaxy with heavy elements as they fall back onto the disk. Alternatively, they may consist of metal-poor gas -- remnants of the era of galaxy formation, accreted by the Galaxy and reducing its metal abundance. Or they might be truly extragalactic objects in the Local Group of galaxies. Here we report a firm distance bracket for a large high-velocity cloud, Chain A, which places it in the Milky Way halo (2.5 to 7 kiloparsecs above the Galactic plane), rather than at an extragalactic distance, and constrains its gas mass to between 10^5 and 2 times 10^6 solar masses.Comment: 8 pages, including 4 postscript figures. Letter to Nature, 8 July 199

    Observation of the quantum paradox of separation of a single photon from one of its properties

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    We report an experimental realization of the quantum paradox of the separation of a single photon from one of its properties (the so-called quantum Cheshire cat ). We use a modified Sagnac interferometer with displaced paths to produce appropriately pre- and postselected states of heralded single photons. Weak measurements of photon presence and circular polarization are performed in each arm of the interferometer by introducing weak absorbers and small polarization rotations and analyzing changes in the postselected signal. The absorber is found to have an appreciable effect only in one arm of the interferometer, while the polarization rotation significantly affects the signal only when performed in the other arm. We carry out both sequential and simultaneous weak measurements and find good agreement between measured and predicted weak values. In the language of Aharonov et al. and in the sense of the ensemble averages described by weak values, the experiment establishes the separation of a particle from one its properties during the passage through the interferometer

    Delayed-choice quantum eraser for the undergraduate laboratory

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    In a delayed-choice quantum eraser, interference fringes are obtained by erasing which-way information after the interfering particle has already been irreversibly detected. Following an introductory review of delayed-choice experiments and quantum erasure, we describe the experimental realization of an optical delayed-choice quantum eraser, suitable for advanced undergraduates, based on polarization-entangled pairs of single photons. In our experiment, the delay of the erasure is implemented using two different setups. The first setup employs an arrangement of mirrors to increase the optical path length of the photons carrying which-way information. In the second setup, we use fiber-optic cables to elongate the path of these photons after their passage through the polarization analyzer but prior to their arrival at the detector. We compare our results to data obtained in the absence of a delay and find excellent agreement. This shows that the timing of the erasure is irrelevant, as also predicted by quantum mechanics. The experiment can serve as a valuable pedagogical tool for conveying the fundamentals of quantum mechanics

    Inner Molecular Rings in Barred Galaxies: BIMA SONG CO Observations

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    Although inner star-forming rings are common in optical images of barred spiral galaxies, observational evidence for the accompanying molecular gas has been scarce. In this paper we present images of molecular inner rings, traced using the CO (1-0) emission line, from the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland-Association Survey of Nearby Galaxies (BIMA SONG). We detect inner ring CO emission from all five SONG barred galaxies classified as inner ring (type (r)). We also examine the seven SONG barred galaxies classified as inner spiral (type (s)); in one of these, NGC 3627, we find morphological and kinematic evidence for a molecular inner ring. Inner ring galaxies have been classified as such based on optical images, which emphasize recent star formation. We consider the possibility that there may exist inner rings in which star formation efficiency is not enhanced. However, we find that in NGC 3627 the inner ring star formation efficiency is enhanced relative to most other regions in that galaxy. We note that the SONG (r) galaxies have a paucity of CO and H alpha emission interior to the inner ring (except near the nucleus), while NGC 3627 has relatively bright bar CO and H alpha emission; we suggest that galaxies with inner rings such as NGC 3627 may be misclassified if there are significant amounts of gas and star formation in the bar.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysical Journal, July 2002 A version of the paper with full resolution figures is available at: http://www.astro.umd.edu/~mregan/ms.ps.g

    Density Waves Inside Inner Lindblad Resonance: Nuclear Spirals in Disk Galaxies

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    We analyze formation of grand-design two-arm spiral structure in the nuclear regions of disk galaxies. Such morphology has been recently detected in a number of objects using high-resolution near-infrared observations. Motivated by the observed (1) continuity between the nuclear and kpc-scale spiral structures, and by (2) low arm-interarm contrast, we apply the density wave theory to explain the basic properties of the spiral nuclear morphology. In particular, we address the mechanism for the formation, maintenance and the detailed shape of nuclear spirals. We find, that the latter depends mostly on the shape of the underlying gravitational potential and the sound speed in the gas. Detection of nuclear spiral arms provides diagnostics of mass distribution within the central kpc of disk galaxies. Our results are supported by 2D numerical simulations of gas response to the background gravitational potential of a barred stellar disk. We investigate the parameter space allowed for the formation of nuclear spirals using a new method for constructing a gravitational potential in a barred galaxy, where positions of resonances are prescribed.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, higher resolution available at http://www.pa.uky.edu/~ppe/papers/nucsp.ps.g

    Machine Learning based Prediction of Ditching Loads

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    We present approaches to predict dynamic ditching loads on aircraft fuselages using machine learning. The employed learning procedure is structured into two parts, the reconstruction of the spatial loads using a convolutional autoencoder (CAE) and the transient evolution of these loads in a subsequent part. Different CAE strategies are assessed and combined with either long short-term memory (LSTM) networks or Koopman-operator based methods to predict the transient behaviour. The training data is compiled by an extension of the momentum method of von-Karman and Wagner and the rationale of the training approach is briefly summarised. The application included refers to a full-scale fuselage of a DLR-D150 aircraft for a range of horizontal and vertical approach velocities at 6{\deg} incidence. Results indicate a satisfactory level of predictive agreement for all four investigated surrogate models examined, with the combination of an LSTM and a deep decoder CAE showing the best performance