4 research outputs found
Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Society of Internal Medicine'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
Isolated Cerebellar Reversible Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome in a Patient with End Stage Renal Disease
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Society of Internal Medicine'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
A case of the unilateral alteration due to hypertensive encephalopathy
- Author
- Biolsi B Milhaud D, Raczka F, et a
- Crasto GS Rizzo L, Sardo P, et al
- Demirtas Ö
- Digre KB Varner MW, Osborn AG, et
- Haubrich C Mull M, Hecklinger J, e
- Hinchey J Chaves C, Appignani B, e
- Johansson B Strandgaard S, Lassen
- Kalimo H Fredriksson K, Nordborg C
- Koch S Rabinstein A, Falcone S, et
- Lassen NA Agnoli A
- Park MS Nam TS, Lee SH, et al
- Schwartz RB Feske SK, Polak JF, et
- Schwartz RB Jones KM, Kalina P, et
- Watanabe Y Mitomo M, Tokuda Y, et
- Publication venue
- 'Societas Neurologica Japonica'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Reversible Posterior Encephalopathy Syndrome in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Lupus Nephritis
- Author
- Ay H Buonanno FS, Schaefer PW, et
- Bakshi R Shaikh ZA, Bates VE, Kink
- Brubaker LM Smith JK, Lee YZ, Lin
- Byrom F
- Casey SO McKinney A, Teksam M, Liu
- Casey SO Sampaio RC, Michel E, Tru
- Cassano G Gongora V, Zunino A, Rov
- Chan TM Li FK, Tang CS, et al
- Covarrubias DJ Luetmer PH, Campeau
- Dahl A Omdal R, Waterloo K, et al
- Delanty N Vaughan C, Frucht S, Stu
- Doelken M Lanz S, Rennert J, Alibe
- Doss-Esper CE Singhal AB, Smith MS
- Foocharoen C Tiamkao S, Srinakarin
- Heo K Park SA, Lee JY, Lee BI, Lee
- Hinchey J Chaves C, Appignani B, e
- Jennekens FG Kater L
- Kron J Hamper UM, Petri M
- Lanzino G Cloft H, Hemstreet MK, W
- Lateef A Lim AY
- Magnano MD Bush TM, Herrera I, Alt
- Mark AL
- Min L Zwerling J, Ocava LC, Chen I
- Mukherjee P McKinstry RC
- Ozyurek H Oguz G, Ozen S, et al
- Primavera A Audenino D, Mavilio N,
- Schwartz RB
- Schwartz RB Jones KM, Kalina P, et
- Servillo G Striano P, Striano S, e
- Shin KC Choi HJ, Bae YD, Lee JC, L
- Thaipisuttikul I Phanthumchinda K
- Wartenberg KE Parra A
- Weidauer S Gaa J, Sitzer M, Hefner
- Zar T Samson W, Palmisano J
- Zhang X Zhu Z, Zhang F, Shu H, Li
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Society of Internal Medicine'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study