77 research outputs found

    Registration and Management of "Never Events" in Swiss Hospitals-The Perspective of Clinical Risk Managers.

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    BACKGROUND In Switzerland, there is no mandatory reporting of "never events." Little is known about how hospitals in countries with no "never event" policies deal with these incidents in terms of registration and analyses. OBJECTIVE The aim of our study was to explore how hospitals outside mandatory "never event" regulations identify, register, and manage "never events" and whether practices are associated with hospital size. METHODS Cross-sectional survey data were collected from risk managers of Swiss acute care hospitals. RESULTS Clinical risk managers representing 95 hospitals completed the survey (55% response rate). Among responding risk and quality managers, only 45% would be formally notified through a designated reporting channel if a "never event" has happened in their hospital. Averaged over a list of 8 specified events, only half of hospitals could report a systematic count of the number of events. Hospital size was not associated with "never event" management. Respondents reported that their hospital pays "too little attention" to the recording (46%), the analysis (34%), and the prevention (40%) of "never events." All respondents rated the systematic registration and analysis of "never events" as very (81%) or rather important (19%) for the improvement of patient safety. CONCLUSIONS A substantial fraction of Swiss hospitals do not have valid data on the occurrence of "never events" available and do not have reliable processes installed for the registration and exam of these events. Surprisingly, larger hospitals do not seem to be better prepared for "never events" management

    Speaking up or remaining silent about patient safety concerns in rehabilitation: A cross-sectional survey to assess staff experiences and perceptions.

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    Background and Aims Patient safety incidents may be prevented if healthcare workers speak up to voice their concerns when they observe hazardous clinical situations. This study aims to investigate the frequency of speaking up and healthcare workers' perception of organizational climate in rehabilitation clinics. Methods An online survey was conducted in five rehabilitation clinics. An existing survey instrument (Speaking Up About Patient Safety Questionnaire [SUPS-Q]) was adapted for this purpose. The instrument includes items on self-reported speak-up-related behavior (perceived safety concerns, withholding voice, and speaking up), anticipated speak-up behavior, barriers to speaking up, and speak-up-related climate measures (psychological safety, encouraging environment, and resignation). Data analysis included descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance for differences between groups, multiple regression, and measures for validity and reliability of the scales.\ud Results Four hundred seventy-one individuals participated in the survey (response rate of 32%). In the 4 weeks preceding the survey, 81% of respondents had specific concerns about patient safety, 83% performed speak up and 41% remained silent in one or more instances. Expected differences between professional groups were confirmed, but surprisingly, we found no effect of hierarchical level on speaking up behavior and perception of the speak-up climate. Factors that most frequently prevented healthcare workers from speaking up were ineffectiveness (38%), presence of patients (26%), and unpredictability of the actor's reaction (25%). The psychometric evaluation of the adapted SUPS-Q showed acceptable results for validity and reliability. Conclusions Healthcare workers in rehabilitation clinics frequently perceive safety concerns. The study underlines the importance of promoting a culture of safety and speaking up. The short survey instrument SUPS-Q can be used by rehabilitation clinics to initiate discussions related to facilitators and barriers to speaking up and to identify areas for improvement within the organization

    Compliance with the surgical safety checklist in Switzerland: an observational multicenter study based on self-reported data.

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    BACKGROUND Since publication of the surgical safety checklist by the WHO in 2009, it has been introduced in many hospitals. However, frequency and quality of surgical safety checklist use is often low probably limiting the effectiveness of the checklist in preventing patient harm. The focus of this study was to examine the current state of compliance with the surgical safety checklist in Switzerland and to evaluate how the data relates to international comparative data. METHODS Between November 2020 and March 2021 twelve hospitals with 15 sites collected for at least 200 surgical interventions each whether the three sections of the surgical safety checklist (Sign In, Team Time Out, Sign Out) have been applied. This data collection was part of a large quality improvement project focusing on measuring and improving compliance with the surgical safety checklist via peer observation and feedback. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data; chi-square tests were used to compare sub-samples. RESULTS The hospitals collected valid compliance data for 8622 surgical interventions. Mean compliance rate was 91% when distinguishing between the two categories applied (including partially applied) and not applied. In line with previous research, Sign In (93%) and Team Time Out (94%) sections have been applied more frequently than Sign Out (86%). All three surgical safety checklist sections have been applied in 79% of the surgical interventions, no sections in 1%. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study indicate that the overall application of the surgical safety checklist in Switzerland can be considered high, although the completeness, especially of the Sign Out section, could be improved. At present, it seems difficult to compare compliance rates from different studies as measurement methods and definitions of compliance vary widely. A systematization and homogenization of the methodology within, but also beyond, national borders is desirable for the future

    Implementation status of safety measures to prevent errors with non-oncologic methotrexate: surveys in community and hospital pharmacies.

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    BACKGROUND Accidental overdose of low-dose methotrexate can lead to serious patient harm. Different safety measures are recommended to prevent errors, yet, as errors continue to happen, their implementation is questionable. AIM To evaluate the implementation status of safety measures for methotrexate in community and hospital pharmacies. METHOD An electronic questionnaire was sent to head pharmacists of 163 community and 94 hospital pharmacies in Switzerland. The implementation of recommended safety measures (general measures, safety working procedures, IT-based measures) was assessed and descriptive analysis performed. An analysis of sales data underlined the relevance of our results, i.e., the population under risk for overdose. RESULTS A response was obtained from 53% (n = 87) of community and 50% (n = 47) of hospital pharmacists. Pharmacies had implemented a median of 6 (IQR 3, community) and 5 (IQR 5, hospital) safety measures overall. Most of these were defined safety procedures, instructing staff on how to handle methotrexate prescriptions. Across all safety measures, compliance with single procedures was perceived as "very likely" by 54% of community pharmacies. IT-based measures (e.g., alerts) were absent in 38% (n = 31) of community and 57% (n = 27) of hospital pharmacies. On average, every community pharmacy dispensed 22 packages annually. CONCLUSION Safety in relation to methotrexate in pharmacies relies mostly on staff instructions, which are considered weak measures. In light of the serious risk imposed on patients, pharmacies should set a focus on stronger IT-based measures that rely less on human performance

    Speaking up about patient safety in psychiatric hospitals - a cross-sectional survey study among healthcare staff.

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    Speaking up is an important communication strategy to prevent patient harm. The aim of this study was to examine speak up-related behaviour and climate for the first time in psychiatric hospitals. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among healthcare workers (HCWs) in six psychiatric hospitals with nine sites in Switzerland. Measures assessed speak up-related behaviour with 11 items organized in three scales (the frequency of perceived safety concerns, the frequency of withholding voice, and the frequency of speaking up). Speak up-related climate was assessed by 11 items organized in 3 subscales (psychological safety for speaking up, encouraging environment for speaking up, and resignation). Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, reliability, correlations and multiple regression analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and analysis of variance for comparing mean scores between professional groups. A total of 817 questionnaires were completed (response rate: 23%). In different items, 45%-65% of HCWs reported perceived safety concerns at least once during the past four weeks. Withholding voice was reported by 13-25% of HCWs, and speaking up was reported by 53%-72% of HCWs. Systematic differences in scores were found between professional groups (nurses, doctors, psychologists) and hierarchical groups (lower vs higher status). The vignette showed that hierarchical level and perceived risk of harm for the patient were significant predictors for the self-reported likelihood to speak up. Situations triggering safety concerns occur frequently in psychiatric hospitals. Speaking up and voicing concerns should be further promoted as an important safety measure

    Quality standards for safe medication in nursing homes: development through a multistep approach including a Delphi consensus study.

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    OBJECTIVES The aim of the study was to develop quality standards reflecting minimal requirements for safe medication processes in nursing homes. DESIGN In a first step, relevant key topics for safe medication processes were deducted from a systematic search for similar guidelines, prior work and discussions with experts. In a second step, the essential requirements for each key topic were specified and substantiated with a literature-based rationale. Subsequently, the requirements were evaluated with a piloted, two-round Delphi study. SETTING Nursing homes in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS Interprofessional panel of 25 experts from science and practice. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES Each requirement was rated for its relevance for a safer and resident-oriented medication on a 9-point Likert-Scale based on the RAND/UCLA method. The requirements were considered relevant if, in the second round, the median relevance rating was ≥7 and the proportion of ratings ≥7 was ≥80%. RESULTS Five key topics with a total of 87 requirements were elaborated and rated in the Delphi study. After the second round (response rate in both rounds 100%), 85 requirements fulfilled the predefined criteria and were therefore included in the final set of quality standards. The five key topics are: (I) 'The medication is reviewed regularly and in defined situations', (II) 'The medication is reviewed in a structured manner', (III) 'The medication is monitored in a structured manner', (IV) 'All healthcare professionals are committed to an optimal interprofessional collaboration' and (V) 'Residents are actively involved in medication process'. CONCLUSIONS We developed normative quality standards for a safer and resident-oriented medication in Swiss nursing homes. Altogether, 85 requirements define the medication processes and the behaviour of healthcare professionals. A rigorous implementation may support nursing homes in taking a step towards safer and resident-oriented medication

    Patient safety priorities in mental healthcare in Switzerland: a modified Delphi study.

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    OBJECTIVE Identifying patient safety priorities in mental healthcare is an emerging issue. A variety of aspects of patient safety in medical care apply for patient safety in mental care as well. However, specific aspects may be different as a consequence of special characteristics of patients, setting and treatment. The aim of the present study was to combine knowledge from the field and research and bundle existing initiatives and projects to define patient safety priorities in mental healthcare in Switzerland. The present study draws on national expert panels, namely, round-table discussion and modified Delphi consensus method. DESIGN As preparation for the modified Delphi questionnaire, two round-table discussions and one semistructured questionnaire were conducted. Preparative work was conducted between May 2015 and October 2015. The modified Delphi was conducted to gauge experts' opinion on priorities in patient safety in mental healthcare in Switzerland. In two independent rating rounds, experts made private ratings. The modified Delphi was conducted in winter 2015. RESULTS Nine topics were defined along the treatment pathway: diagnostic errors, non-drug treatment errors, medication errors, errors related to coercive measures, errors related to aggression management against self and others, errors in treatment of suicidal patients, communication errors, errors at interfaces of care and structural errors. CONCLUSIONS Patient safety is considered as an important topic of quality in mental healthcare among experts, but it has been seriously neglected up until now. Activities in research and in practice are needed. Structural errors and diagnostics were given highest priority. From the topics identified, some are overlapping with important aspects of patient safety in medical care; however, some core aspects are unique

    Medication double-checking procedures in clinical practice: a cross-sectional survey of oncology nurses' experiences.

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    BACKGROUND Double-checking is widely recommended as an essential method to prevent medication errors. However, prior research has shown that the concept of double-checking is not clearly defined, and that little is known about actual practice in oncology, for example, what kind of checking procedures are applied. OBJECTIVE To study the practice of different double-checking procedures in chemotherapy administration and to explore nurses' experiences, for example, how often they actually find errors using a certain procedure. General evaluations regarding double-checking, for example, frequency of interruptions during and caused by a check, or what is regarded as its essential feature was assessed. METHODS In a cross-sectional survey, qualified nurses working in oncology departments of 3 hospitals were asked to rate 5 different scenarios of double-checking procedures regarding dimensions such as frequency of use in practice and appropriateness to prevent medication errors; they were also asked general questions about double-checking. RESULTS Overall, 274 nurses (70% response rate) participated in the survey. The procedure of jointly double-checking (read-read back) was most commonly used (69% of respondents) and rated as very appropriate to prevent medication errors. Jointly checking medication was seen as the essential characteristic of double-checking-more frequently than 'carrying out checks independently' (54% vs 24%). Most nurses (78%) found the frequency of double-checking in their department appropriate. Being interrupted in one's own current activity for supporting a double-check was reported to occur frequently. Regression analysis revealed a strong preference towards checks that are currently implemented at the responders' workplace. CONCLUSIONS Double-checking is well regarded by oncology nurses as a procedure to help prevent errors, with jointly checking being used most frequently. Our results show that the notion of independent checking needs to be transferred more actively into clinical practice. The high frequency of reported interruptions during and caused by double-checks is of concern

    Morbiditäts- und Mortalitätskonferenzen in Niedersachsen: Status quo und Weiterentwicklungsbedarf

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    BACKGROUND Morbidity and mortality conferences (M&MC) are a tool to foster individual and organizational learning in hospitals, and they are important to improve patient safety. So far, no data has been available about the implementation of M&MC in Lower Saxony and the characteristics of M&MCs. The aim of this study was to assess the status quo of M&MC in Lower Saxony and to identify the potential for improvement. METHODS A cross-sectional survey study was conducted among chief physicians in surgery, internal medicine, anesthesiology/intensive care, gynecology/obstetrics and pediatrics (response rate: 50 %). RESULTS Apart from technical topics (37 %), the main issues addressed are process (92 %) and teamwork (64 %) issues. The results also show a strong heterogeneity in terms of structures and processes of implemented M&MC in Lower Saxony. Despite a high level of satisfaction (85 %) and perceived effectiveness (93 %), most participants see potential for improvement of "their" M&MC (58 %). CONCLUSION Chief physicians in Lower Saxony report both a high level of acceptance and the need for further improvement of the M&MCs, which represents good preconditions for further development towards effective M&MCs.Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Morbiditäts- und Mortalitätskonferenzen (MMK) sind ein Instrument sowohl des individuellen als auch des organisationalen Lernens in Krankenhäusern und wichtig für die Verbesserung der Patientensicherheit. Bisher war allerdings unklar, wie verbreitet die MMK in Niedersachsen ist und wie sie umgesetzt wird. Das Ziel der Studie war, den Status Quo der MMK in Niedersachsen zu erfassen und Verbesserungspotenzial zu eruieren. Methode Es wurde eine Querschnittstudie mittels Online-Befragung von Chefärztinnen und -ärzten der chirurgischen Fächer, internistischen Fächer, der Anästhesiologie/Intensivmedizin, der Gynäkologie/Geburtshilfe und Pädiatrie durchgeführt (Rücklauf-Quote: 50%). Resultate In den MMK werden neben fachlichen Themen (37%) zunehmend Probleme in den Prozessen (92%) und der Zusammenarbeit (64%) besprochen. Die Resultate zeigen auch, dass die MMK in Niedersachsen bezüglich Struktur und Prozessen sehr heterogen sind. Trotz hoher Zufriedenheit (85%) und subjektiv eingeschätzter Wirksamkeit (93%) der MMK sehen die meisten Teilnehmenden Verbesserungspotenzial (58%). Schlussfolgerung Da generell sowohl eine hohe Akzeptanz als auch das Bedürfnis nach einer Weiterentwicklung sichtbar sind, existieren gute Voraussetzungen, die MMK weiterzuentwickeln

    Effect of a two-year national quality improvement program on surgical checklist implementation.

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    Use of the surgical checklist in Switzerland is still incomplete and unsatisfactory. A national improvement program was developed and conducted in Switzerland to implement and improve the use of the surgical safety checklists. The aims of the implementation program were to implement comprehensive and correct checklist use in participating hospitals in every patient and in every surgical procedure; and to improve safety climate and teamwork as important cultural context variables. 10 hospitals were selected for participation in the implementation program. A questionnaire assessing use, knowledge, and attitudes towards the checklist and the Safety Climate Survey were conducted at two measurement occasions each in October/November 2013 and January/February 2015. Significant increases emerged for frequency of checklist use (F(1,1001)=340.9, p<0.001), satisfaction (F(1,1232)=25.6, p<0.001), and knowledge(F(1,1294)=184.5, p<0.001). While significant differences in norms (F(1,1284)=17.9, p<0.001) and intentions (F(1,1284)=7.8, p<0.01) were observed, this was not the case for attitudes (F(1,1283)=.8, n.s.) and acceptance (F(1,1284)=0.1, n.s.). Significant differences for safety climate and teamwork emerged in the present study (F(1,3555)=11.8, p<0.001 and F(1,3554)=24.6, p<0.001, respectively). However, although statistical significance was reached, effects are very small and practical relevance is thus questionable. The results of the present study suggest that the quality improvement program conducted by the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation in 10 hospitals led to successful checklist implementation. The strongest effects were seen in aspects concerning behaviour and knowledge specifically related to checklist use. Less impact was achieved on general cultural variables safety climate and teamwork. However, as a trend was observable, these variables may simply need more time in order to change substantially
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