21 research outputs found
Raio de influência e coeficiente de armazenamento em poços tubulares do Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral
Análise da influência de fraturas, da precipitação e da produção de poços no pH e na condutividade elétrica (CE) das águas subterrâneas do Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral (SASG), na região nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul
As características físico-químicas e bacteriológicas da água subterrânea são influenciadas por diferentes fatores. Nesse estudo são apresentados os dados dos parâmetros pH e condutividade elétrica (CE), que foram monitorados durante 15 meses em 15 poços tubulares que captam água de aquíferos fraturados, no município de Carlos Barbosa (RS). Os dados desses parâmetros foram correlacionados com a ocorrência de fraturas (profundidade e quantidade) nos poços, precipitação e volumes produzidos. Os resultados indicaram a ocorrência de variações mensais nos dois parâmetros, tendo sido encontrados valores médios entre 6 e 6,8 para o pH e entre 116,5 e 259,7uS/cm para a CE. Também foi observada uma relação entre a profundidade e quantidade de fraturas, com os dois parâmetros. Com a análise dos dados de precipitação e volumes explotados, não foi encontrada uma correlação direta, embora tenha sido observada a existência da influência desses fatores em alguns períodos. Assim, as águas subterrâneas na região apresentam variações mensais dos parâmetros pH e CE que são influenciadas pelos processos de infiltração no manto de alteração e circulação de água pelos sistemas de fraturas.The physical-chemical and bacteriological characteristics of groundwater are influenced by different factors. This study analyses pH and EC data, which were monitored in 15 production wells during 15 months in the fractured aquifer within the Carlos Barbosa city (RS). These parameters were correlated with: (i) the occurrence of fractures along the well profile; (ii) daily and monthly precipitation amounts; (iii) the extracted groundwater volumes. The results indicated the occurrence of monthly variations in the pH and EC values, whose variations were between 6 and 6.8 and 116.5 and 259.7 uS/cm respectively. A correlation was also observed between the mentioned parameters and some fracture features (depth of interception and amount of intercepted fractures). The analysis of the rainfall data and extracted volumes revealed no direct correlation to the monitored parameters. The groundwater in this region shows monthly variations in the pH and EC values, which seems to be influenced by the hydrochemistry processes that occur during the infiltration path along the weathered mantle and in fractures
Prefacing unexplored archives from Central Andean surface-to-bedrock ice cores through a multifaceted investigation of regional firn and ice core glaciochemistry.
Shallow firn cores, in addition to a near-basal ice core, were recovered in 2018 from the Quelccaya ice cap (5470 m a.s.l) in the Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru, and in 2017 from the Nevado Illimani glacier (6350 m a.s.l) in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia. The two sites are ~450 km apart. Despite meltwater percolation resulting from warming, particle-based trace element records (e.g. Fe, Mg, K) in the Quelccaya and Illimani shallow cores retain well-preserved signals. The firn core chronologies, established independently by annual layer counting, show a convincing overlap indicating the two records contain comparable signals and therefore capture similar regional scale climatology. Trace element records at a ~1?4 cm resolution provide past records of anthropogenic emissions, dust sources, volcanic emissions, evaporite salts and marine-sourced air masses. Using novel ultra-high-resolution (120 ?m) laser technology, we identify annual layer thicknesses ranging from 0.3 to 0.8 cm in a section of 2000-year-old radiocarbon-dated near-basal ice which compared to the previous annual layer estimates suggests that Quelccaya ice cores drilled to bedrock may be older than previously suggested by depth-age models. With the information collected from this study in combination with past studies, we emphasize the importance of collecting new surface-to-bedrock ice cores from at least the Quelccaya ice cap, in particular, due to its projected disappearance as soon as the 2050s
Ice core chemistry database: an Antarctic compilation of sodium and sulfate records spanning the past 2000 years
Changes in sea ice conditions and atmospheric circulation over the Southern Ocean play an important role in modulating Antarctic climate. However, observations of both sea ice and wind conditions are limited in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, both temporally and spatially, prior to the satellite era (1970 onwards). Ice core chemistry data can be used to reconstruct changes over annual, decadal, and millennial timescales. To facilitate sea ice and wind reconstructions, the CLIVASH2k (CLimate Variability in Antarctica and the Southern Hemisphere over the past 2000 years) working group has compiled a database of two species, sodium [Na+] and sulfate [SO2− 4 ], commonly measured ionic species. The database (https://doi.org/10.5285/9E0ED16E-F2AB4372-8DF3-FDE7E388C9A7; Thomas et al., 2022) comprises records from 105 Antarctic ice cores, containing records with a maximum age duration of 2000 years. An initial filter has been applied, based on evaluation against sea ice concentration, geopotential height (500 hPa), and surface wind fields to identify sites suitable for reconstructing past sea ice conditions, wind strength, or atmospheric circulation
Ice core chemistry database: an Antarctic compilation of sodium and sulfate records spanning the past 2000 years
Changes in sea ice conditions and atmospheric circulation over the Southern Ocean play an important
role in modulating Antarctic climate. However, observations of both sea ice and wind conditions are limited in
Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, both temporally and spatially, prior to the satellite era (1970 onwards).
Ice core chemistry data can be used to reconstruct changes over annual, decadal, and millennial timescales. To
facilitate sea ice and wind reconstructions, the CLIVASH2k (CLimate Variability in Antarctica and the Southern
Hemisphere over the past 2000 years) working group has compiled a database of two species, sodium [Na+] and
sulfate [SO2−
], commonly measured ionic species. The database (https://doi.org/10.5285/9E0ED16E-F2AB4372-8DF3-FDE7E388C9A7; Thomas et al., 2022) comprises records from 105 Antarctic ice cores, containing
records with a maximum age duration of 2000 years. An initial filter has been applied, based on evaluation
against sea ice concentration, geopotential height (500 hPa), and surface wind fields to identify sites suitable for
reconstructing past sea ice conditions, wind strength, or atmospheric circulation
Variabilidade química e climática no registro do Testemunho de Gelo Mount Johns – Antártica
Esta tese interpreta o registro ambiental de um testemunho de gelo antártico pela análise de elementostraço. Esse testemunho de gelo, daqui em diante chamado Mount Johns (MJ), foi coletado no manto de gelo da Antártica Ocidental (79°55’28”S e 94°23’18”W; 91,20 m de comprimento) no verão austral de 2008/09. O testemunho foi descontaminado e subamostrado no Climate Change Institute (University of Maine – Maine /EUA). As primeiras 2137 amostras, correspondentes aos 45 m superiores do testemunho, foram analisadas no espectrômetro de massas Element 2 do CCI para 24 elementos-traço (Sr, Cd, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Pb, Bi, U, As, Li, Al, S, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Na, Mg e K). Essa parte do testemunho representa 125 anos (1883–2008) de registro, segundo datação relativa baseada na variação sazonal nas concentrações de Na, Sr e S e na identificação dos principais eventos vulcânicos ocorridos no período. A taxa de acumulação média no local de amostragem foi 0,21 m a-1 em eq. H2O no mesmo período de tempo. As concentrações são controladas pelas variações climáticas sazonais (verão/inverno), por mudanças na circulação atmosféricas, por anomalias de temperatura, pela distância de transporte e pelas fontes naturais e antrópicas desses aerossóis. Baseada na análise dos fatores de enriquecimento crustal e marinho e em correlações de Pearson, as concentrações de Al, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, S, Sr e Ti são de origem natural. Poeira e solo de fontes continentais, oriundas principalmente de áreas áridas na Austrália, Nova Zelândia e Patagônia, são consideradas importantes fontes de Al, Mg e Ti. Aerossóis marinhos do Pacífico Sul, transportados para o continente antártico pelas massas de ar, são fontes predominantes de Na, Sr, K, S e Ca. Para os elementos Ba, Fe e Mn, tanto fontes crustais como marinhas são significativas. Adicionalmente, Mn e S apresentam um aporte considerável de origem vulcânica (variando de 20–30% na concentração total). Os resultados também mostram enriquecimento significativo nas concentrações de arsênio devido a atividades antrópicas. Foi observado concentrações médias da ordem de 1,92 pg g-1 antes de 1900, aumentando até 7,94 pg g-1 em 1950. Este enriquecimento está diretamente relacionado às emissões da mineração e fundição de metais não-ferrosos na América do Sul, principalmente no Chile. A queda na concentração de arsênio observado no século XXI (concentração média de 1,94 pg g-1 após 1999) é interpretada como uma consequência à introdução de leis ambientais (em 1994) para reduzir emissões desse elemento durante os processos de mineração e fundição de cobre no Chile. O modelo de trajetórias HYSPLIT mostra uma clara variação sazonal no transporte entre os meses de verão/outono e inverno/primavera, onde predomina o transporte de oeste durante o ano todo e um transporte secundário de nordeste durante o verão/outono. As correlações entre as concentrações médias dos elementos-traço estudados e o modelo de reanálises ERA-Interim para o período 1979–2008, indicam que as concentrações de aerossóis marinhos são fortemente influenciadas pelas condições meteorológicas, por exemplo, por anomalias na temperatura da superfície do mar e concentração de gelo marinho.This thesis interprets the environmental record of an Antarctic ice core by the analysis of trace elements. This ice core, henceforward called Mount Johns (MJ), was collected in the West Antarctica ice sheet (79°55'28"S and 94°23'18"W; 91.20 m long) in the austral summer of 2008/09. The core was decontaminated and subsampled at the Climate Change Institute (CCI, University of Maine - Maine / USA). The first 2137 samples, corresponding to the upper 45 m of the core, were analyzed in the CCI's JRC Element 2 spectrometer for 24 trace elements (Sr, Cd, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Pb, Bi, U, As, Li, Al, S, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Na, Mg and K). This part of the core represents a 125 years (1883– 2008) record, according to relative dating based on Na, Sr and S seasonal variations and on the identification of major volcanic events in the period. The mean accumulation rate for the sampling site was 0.21 m-1 in eq. H2O in the same time period. The concentrations are controlled by seasonal climatic changes (summer/winter), by changes in atmospheric circulation, temperature anomalies, the transport distance and the natural and anthropogenic sources of these aerosols. Based on analysis of crustal and marine enrichment factors and Pearson correlations, the Al, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, S, Sr and Ti concentrations have natural origin. Dust and soil from continental sources, primarily coming from arid areas in Australia, New Zealand and Patagonia, are considered important sources of Al, Mg and Ti. South Pacific marine aerosols, transported to the Antarctic continent by air masses, are predominant sources of Na, Sr, K, S and Ca. For the elements Ba, Fe and Mn, both crustal and marine sources are significant. In addition, Mn and S show a considerable contribution of volcanic origin (ranging from 20-30% of the total concentration). The results also show significant enrichment in arsenic concentrations due to human activities. Before 1900 the mean concentration was approximately 1.92 pg g-1, rising to 7.94 pg g-1 in 1950. This enrichment is directly related to mining emissions and casting of non-ferrous metals in South America, mainly in Chile. The decrease in the arsenic concentration, observed in the twenty-first century (mean concentration of 1.94 pg g-1 after 1999) is interpreted as a consequence of the introduction of environmental laws (in 1994) to reduce emissions of this element during the cupper mining and smelting in Chile. The HYSPLIT trajectories model show a clear seasonal variation in transport between the summer/autumn all and winter/spring months, where predominates an eastward transport throughout the year and a secondary transport from the northeast during the summer/fall. Correlations between the mean concentrations of the studied trace elements and the ERA-Interim reanalysis models for the 1979-2008 period indicate that marine aerosols concentrations are heavily influenced by weather conditions, for example, by sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration anomalies