37 research outputs found

    Removing redundancy and inconsistency in memory-based collaborative filtering

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    RAD-DINO: Exploring Scalable Medical Image Encoders Beyond Text Supervision

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    Language-supervised pre-training has proven to be a valuable method for extracting semantically meaningful features from images, serving as a foundational element in multimodal systems within the computer vision and medical imaging domains. However, resulting features are limited by the information contained within the text. This is particularly problematic in medical imaging, where radiologists' written findings focus on specific observations; a challenge compounded by the scarcity of paired imaging-text data due to concerns over leakage of personal health information. In this work, we fundamentally challenge the prevailing reliance on language supervision for learning general purpose biomedical imaging encoders. We introduce RAD-DINO, a biomedical image encoder pre-trained solely on unimodal biomedical imaging data that obtains similar or greater performance than state-of-the-art biomedical language supervised models on a diverse range of benchmarks. Specifically, the quality of learned representations is evaluated on standard imaging tasks (classification and semantic segmentation), and a vision-language alignment task (text report generation from images). To further demonstrate the drawback of language supervision, we show that features from RAD-DINO correlate with other medical records (e.g., sex or age) better than language-supervised models, which are generally not mentioned in radiology reports. Finally, we conduct a series of ablations determining the factors in RAD-DINO's performance; notably, we observe that RAD-DINO's downstream performance scales well with the quantity and diversity of training data, demonstrating that image-only supervision is a scalable approach for training a foundational biomedical image encoder

    Exploring the Boundaries of GPT-4 in Radiology

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    The recent success of general-domain large language models (LLMs) has significantly changed the natural language processing paradigm towards a unified foundation model across domains and applications. In this paper, we focus on assessing the performance of GPT-4, the most capable LLM so far, on the text-based applications for radiology reports, comparing against state-of-the-art (SOTA) radiology-specific models. Exploring various prompting strategies, we evaluated GPT-4 on a diverse range of common radiology tasks and we found GPT-4 either outperforms or is on par with current SOTA radiology models. With zero-shot prompting, GPT-4 already obtains substantial gains (≈\approx 10% absolute improvement) over radiology models in temporal sentence similarity classification (accuracy) and natural language inference (F1F_1). For tasks that require learning dataset-specific style or schema (e.g. findings summarisation), GPT-4 improves with example-based prompting and matches supervised SOTA. Our extensive error analysis with a board-certified radiologist shows GPT-4 has a sufficient level of radiology knowledge with only occasional errors in complex context that require nuanced domain knowledge. For findings summarisation, GPT-4 outputs are found to be overall comparable with existing manually-written impressions.Comment: EMNLP 2023 mai

    Transductive and Inductive Methods for Approximate Gaussian Process Regression

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    Gaussian process regression allows a simple analytical treatment of exact Bayesian inference and has been found to provide good performance, yet scales badly with the number of training data. In this paper we compare several approaches towards scaling Gaussian processes regression to large data sets: the subset of representers method, the reduced rank approximation, online Gaussian processes, and the Bayesian committee machine. Furthermore we provide theoretical insight into some of our experimental results. We found that subset of representers methods can give good and particularly fast predictions for data sets with high and medium noise levels. On complex low noise data sets, the Bayesian committee machine achieves significantly better accuracy, yet at a higher computational cost

    The Bayesian Committee Support Vector Machine

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    Empirical evidence indicates that the training time for the support vector machine (SVM) scales to the square of the number of training data points. In this paper, we introduce the Bayesian committee support vector machine (BC-SVM) and achieve an algorithm for training the SVM which scales linearly in the number of training data points. We verify the good performance of the BC-SVM using several data sets

    Local Factorization of Functions

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    This paper is concerned with the notion of a local factorization of a function where we are mostly interested in the special case that this function is a probability distribution. We introduce the notions of local independence and of the local Kullback-Leibler divergence. We introduce a specific approximate local factorization. The number of terms required in the approximation is linear in the number of input dimensions and the approximation does not require the calculation of higher derivatives (as in a Taylor expansion) and is not limited to approximations near the mode of a function. We provide examples where we believe the approximation might be useful as in the approximate calculation of certain integrals

    Learning Gaussian Processes from Multiple Tasks

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    We consider the problem of multi-task learning, that is, learning multiple related functions. Our approach is based on a hierarchical Bayesian framework, that exploits the equivalence between parametric linear models and nonparametric Gaussian processes (GPs). The resulting models can be learned easily via an EM-algorithm. Empirical studies on multi-label text categorization suggest that the presented models allow accurate solutions of these multi-task problems. 1