30 research outputs found

    Measuring the Success of Social Media: Matching Identified Success Factors to Social Media KPIs

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    With the rise of social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., recently, a lot of excitement and optimism around the potential of corporate social media usage have emerged. Social media activities allow companies to reach an attractive mass audience segment, but just as for any other marketing medium, measurement is a critical component of success. Hence, many critical success factors (CSFs) necessary for successful B2C social media efforts have been compiled in literature over the last years. Although these CSFs are numerous, a classification for a purposeful application as well as corresponding key performance indicators (KPIs) for the concrete measurement of CSFs are missing. Therefore, first (1), this research aims at the identification of existing CSFs for social media in enterprises in literature and classifying them by their specific application. Second (2), to allow the definite measurement of CSFs, corresponding KPIs are identified and matched towards them

    "What does the customer want to tell us?" - An automated classification approach for social media posts at SMEs.

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    Social media posts created by customers capture a lot of business relevant information for decision-makers, e.g., current consumer expectations on products and services. For that purpose, the social media posts need to be analyzed thoroughly. In this respect, a topic-related classification facilitates managerial decision-making because business-relevant topics, social media users discuss about, immediately become obvious and the need for action can be derived. For instance, it may get obvious that the majority of a company’s negative customer posts refers to a particular product or a specific campaign. However, such a classification of social media posts is particularly challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This is because human resources for a manual examination of posts are missing and an automatic analysis is error-prone due to particularities of customer posts such as the occurrence of regional dialect or branch-specific expressions. We thus develop a tool, which enables the automatized topic-related classification of social media posts and matches the particular requirements of SMEs in southern Germany. Our solution is evaluated by using a data set stemming from three collaborating companies

    Beiträge zur Geschichte des Landkreises Regensburg 40

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    Marginalien von 12 Autoren, darin: Sparkasse Regensburg: Silbermedaille 'Mittelalter in Ostbayern' (S. 3); Fendl, Josef: Heimatgeschichte in zwei Dialekt-Monologen (S. 3-6); Deml, Hans: Eine Karriere im Mittelalter: Hans Vetter aus "Kohlßriedt" (S. 7); Schwaiger, Dieter: Kriegsnöte in der Pfarrei Deuerling (S. 8-11); Donau Post: Frauenzells großer Baumeister kam aus Wörth (S. 12); Raab, Michael: Großer Hexenprozeß zu Geisling 1689-1691 (S. 13-17); Lermer, Xaver: Die Donau (bei Geisling) / Haidau - Haidauer Weg / Das Jahr 1809 (S. 18-21); Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Zwei Aufsätze zur Schulgeschichte Altenthanns: Für Bemühungen wird nur Spott und Grobheit gebracht - Von Altenthann wollten junge Lehrer sofort wieder weg, Bei unehelichen Kindern verlor Altenthann die Geduld (S. 22-25); Donau Post: In Wolfskofen fanden sie eine neue Heimat (S. 25-26); Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Vor 25 Jahren Fähre von Pfatter nach Wörth eingestellt - Beim Uferer Karl Schiller gingen die Nazi-Größen baden (S. 27); Staudigl, Franz Xaver: Kampf um die Glaubens- und Gewissensfreiheit (S. 28-36); Koschier, Franz: Der Festzug - Hinweise für Organisation und Gestaltung (S. 37-40); Fendl, Josef: Die Kapelle bei St. Johann (S. 40

    Regensburger Land. Der Landkreis Regensburg in Geschichte und Gegenwart 1 (2008)

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    Die neue Schriftenreihe „Regensburger Land. Der Landkreis Regensburg in Geschichte und Gegenwart“ soll im Stile eines Almanachs möglichst jährlich mit einem Band erscheinen und informative Beiträge zur regionalen Geschichte und Kultur enthalten. Ansprechend aufgemacht und reich bebildert, ist sie an eine breite Leserschaft gerichtet

    Regensburger Land. Der Landkreis Regensburg in Geschichte und Gegenwart 2 (2009)

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    Die Schriftenreihe „Regensburger Land. Der Landkreis Regensburg in Geschichte und Gegenwart“ soll im Stile eines Almanachs möglichst jährlich mit einem Band erscheinen und informative Beiträge zur regionalen Geschichte und Kultur enthalten. Ansprechend aufgemacht und reich bebildert, ist sie an eine breite Leserschaft gerichtet

    Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluation von automatisierten Ansätzen zur Analyse von Social-Media Inhalten

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    Diese Dissertation behandelt die Konzeption und Entwicklung der hybriden Softwarelösung „Universität Regensburg: Social-Media Analysis Research Toolkit“ (UR:SMART), welche die mehrstufige Kombination verschiedener Social-Media Analysetechniken(Sentiment Analyse, Klassifikation von Posts, Clustering und quantitative Analysen) und verschiedene Datenformate (z. B. strukturierte bzw. unstrukturierte Daten) unterstützt. Der entwickelte, hybride Analyseansatz ermöglicht eine detaillierte, mehrstufige Untersuchung verschiedener Datenbasen, einschließlich Social-Media Posts oder Kommentaren auf der Fanseite oder Website eines Unternehmens. Somit kann ein breiteres Spektrum hochkomplexer Problemstellungen, auf Basis der Kombination verschiedener Analyseformen sowie der Integration neuer Analysetypen, gelöst werden. Auf diese Weise kann ein Unternehmen, welches die hybride Analyse verwendet, beispielsweise direkt über die Gründe informiert werden, die zu einer positiven oder negativen Kundenerfahrung führen(z. B. Kundendienst, Produktqualität usw.). Solche Informationen stellen einen erheblichen Wissenszuwachs dar und können auf viele sinnvolle Arten genutzt werden, beispielsweise als verlässliche Entscheidungsgrundlage bei der Planung künftiger CRM Kampagnen

    Highly efficient light emission from stacking faults intersecting nonpolar GaInN quantum wells

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    We report on the optical properties of m-plane GaInN/GaN quantum wells (QWs). We found that the emission energy of GaInN QWs grown on m-plane SiC is significantly lower than on non-polar bulk GaN, which we attribute to the high density of stacking faults. Temperature and power dependent photoluminescence reveals that the GaInN QWs on SiC have almost as large internal quantum efficiencies as on bulk GaN despite the much higher defect density. Our results indicate that quantum-wire-like features formed by stacking faults intersecting the quantum wells provide a highly efficient light emission completely dominating the optical properties of the structures

    A Prototype for Supporting Novices in Collaboration Business Process Modeling Using a Tablet Device

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    Business process modeling is a decisive task as process models prepare the ground for business transformation and process improvement initiatives. However, modeling projects fall short of their initial aim when process participants are not involved in the act of model creation. The employees’ individual process knowledge has been recognized as a crucial success factor to define high-quality process models that reflect a company’s working procedures correctly. This paper introduces a prototype supporting collaborative modeling of business processes on tablet devices aimed at process modeling novices


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    Social media posts created by customers capture a lot of business relevant information for decision-makers, e.g., current consumer expectations on products and services. For that purpose, the social media posts need to be analyzed thoroughly. In this respect, a topic-related classification facilitates managerial decision-making because business relevant topics, social media users discuss about, immediately become obvious and the need for action can be derived. For instance, it may get obvious that the majority of a company’s negative customer posts refers to a particular product or a specific campaign. However, such a classification of social media posts is particularly challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This is because human resources for a manual examination of posts are missing and an automatic analysis is error-prone due to particularities of customer posts such as the occurrence of regional dialect or branch-specific expressions. We thus develop a tool, which enables the automatized topic-related classification of social media posts and matches the particular requirements of SMEs in southern Germany. Our solution is evaluated by using a data set stemming from three collaborating companies