17 research outputs found

    Trial by Dutch laboratories for evaluation of non-invasive prenatal testing. Part I—clinical impact

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    Objective: To evaluate the clinical impact of nationwide implementation of genome-wide non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in pregnancies at increased risk for fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 (TRIDENT study). Method: Women with elevated risk based on first trimester combined testing (FCT ≥ 1:200) or medical history, not advanced maternal age alone, were offered NIPT as contingent screening test, performed by Dutch University Medical laboratories. We analyzed uptake, test performance, redraw/failure rate, turn-around time and pregnancy outcome. Results: Between 1 April and 1 September 2014, 1413/23 232 (6%) women received a high-risk FCT result. Of these, 1211 (85.7%) chose NIPT. One hundred seventy-nine women had NIPT based on medical history. In total, 1386/1390 (99.7%) women received a result, 6 (0.4%) after redraw. Mean turn-around time was 14 days. Follow-up was available in 1376 (99.0%) pregnancies. NIPT correctly predicted 37/38 (97.4%) trisomies 21, 18 or 13 (29/30, 4/4 and 4/4 respectively); 5/1376 (0.4%) cases proved to be false positives: trisomies 21 (n = 2), 18 (n = 1) and 13 (n = 2). Estimated reduction in invasive testing was 62%. Conclusion: Introduction of NIPT in the Dutch National healthcare-funded Prenatal Screening Program resulted in high uptake and a vast reduction of invasive testing. Our study supports offering NIPT to pregnant women at increased risk for fetal trisomy. © 2016 The Authors. Prenatal Diagnosis published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2016 The Authors. Prenatal Diagnosis published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Noninvasive Prenatal Test Results Indicative of Maternal Malignancies:A Nationwide Genetic and Clinical Follow-Up Study

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    PURPOSE: Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for fetal aneuploidy screening using cell-free DNA derived from maternal plasma can incidentally raise suspicion for cancer. Diagnostic routing after malignancy suspicious-NIPT faces many challenges. Here, we detail malignancy suspicious-NIPT cases, and describe the clinical characteristics, chromosomal aberrations, and diagnostic routing of the patients with a confirmed malignancy. Clinical lessons can be learned from our experience. METHODS: Patients with NIPT results indicative of a malignancy referred for tumor screening between April 2017 and April 2020 were retrospectively included from a Dutch nationwide NIPT implementation study, TRIDENT-2. NIPT profiles from patients with confirmed malignancies were reviewed, and the pattern of chromosomal aberrations related to tumor type was analyzed. We evaluated the diagnostic contribution of clinical and genetic examinations. RESULTS: Malignancy suspicious-NIPT results were reported in 0.03% after genome-wide NIPT, and malignancies confirmed in 16 patients (16/48, 33.3%). Multiple chromosomal aberrations were seen in 23 of 48 patients with genome-wide NIPT, and a malignancy was confirmed in 16 patients (16/23, 69.6%). After targeted NIPT, 0.005% malignancy suspicious-NIPT results were reported, in 2/3 patients a malignancy was confirmed. Different tumor types and stages were diagnosed, predominantly hematologic malignancies (12/18). NIPT data showed recurrent gains and losses in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphomas and classic Hodgkin lymphomas. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography were most informative in diagnosing the malignancy. CONCLUSION: In 231,896 pregnant women, a low percentage (0.02%) of NIPT results were assessed as indicative of a maternal malignancy. However, when multiple chromosomal aberrations were found, the risk of a confirmed malignancy was considerably high. Referral for extensive oncologic examination is recommended, and may be guided by tumor-specific hallmarks in the NIPT profile

    Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification versus karyotyping in prenatal diagnosis: the M.A.K.E. study

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: In the past 30 years karyotyping was the gold standard for prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal aberrations in the fetus. Traditional karyotyping (TKT) has a high accuracy and reliability. However, it is labor intensive, the results take 14-21 days, the costs are high and unwanted findings such as abnormalities with unknown clinical relevance are not uncommon. These disadvantages challenged the practice of karyotyping. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) is a new molecular genetic technique in prenatal diagnosis. Previous preclinical evidence suggests equivalence of MLPA and traditional karyotyping (TKT) regarding test performance. METHODS/DESIGN: The proposed study is a multicentre diagnostic substitute study among pregnant women, who choose to have amniocentesis for the indication advanced maternal age and/or increased risk following prenatal screening test. In all subjects, both MLPA and karyotyping will be performed on the amniotic fluid sample. The primary outcome is diagnostic accuracy. Secondary outcomes will be maternal quality of life, women's preferences and costs. Analysis will be intention to treat and per protocol analysis. Quality of life analysis will be carried out within the study population. The study aims to include 4500 women. DISCUSSION: The study results are expected to help decide whether MLPA can replace traditional karyotyping for 'low-risk' pregnancies in terms of diagnostic accuracy, quality of life and women's preferences. This will be the first clinical study to report on all relevant aspects of the potential replacement

    Trial by Dutch laboratories for evaluation of non-invasive prenatal testing.:Part I-clinical impact

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    textabstractObjective: To evaluate the clinical impact of nationwide implementation of genome-wide non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in pregnancies at increased risk for fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 (TRIDENT study). Method: Women with elevated risk based on first trimester combined testing (FCT ≥ 1:200) or medical history, not advanced maternal age alone, were offered NIPT as contingent screening test, performed by Dutch University Medical laboratories. We analyzed uptake, test performance, redraw/failure rate, turn-around time and pregnancy outcome. Results: Between 1 April and 1 September 2014, 1413/23 232 (6%) women received a high-risk FCT result. Of these, 1211 (85.7%) chose NIPT. One hundred seventy-nine women had NIPT based on medical history. In total, 1386/1390 (99.7%) women received a result, 6 (0.4%) after redraw. Mean turn-around time was 14 days. Follow-up was available in 1376 (99.0%) pregnancies. NIPT correctly predicted 37/38 (97.4%) trisomies 21, 18 or 13 (29/30, 4/4 and 4/4 respectively); 5/1376 (0.4%) cases proved to be false positives: trisomies 21 (n = 2), 18 (n = 1) and 13 (n = 2). Estimated reduction in invasive testing was 62%. Conclusion: Introduction of NIPT in the Dutch National healthcare-funded Prenatal Screening Program resulted in high uptake and a vast reduction of invasive testing. Our study supports offering NIPT to pregnant women at increased risk for fetal trisomy. © 2016 The Authors. Prenatal Diagnosis published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2016 The Authors. Prenatal Diagnosis published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Clinical impact of additional findings detected by genome-wide non-invasive prenatal testing:Follow-up results of the TRIDENT-2 study

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    In the TRIDENT-2 study, all pregnant women in the Netherlands are offered genome-wide non-invasive prenatal testing (GW-NIPT) with a choice of receiving either full screening or screening solely for common trisomies. Previous data showed that GW-NIPT can reliably detect common trisomies in the general obstetric population and that this test can also detect other chromosomal abnormalities (additional findings). However, evidence regarding the clinical impact of screening for additional findings is lacking. Therefore, we present follow-up results of the TRIDENT-2 study to determine this clinical impact based on the laboratory and perinatal outcomes of cases with additional findings. Between April 2017 and April 2019, additional findings were detected in 402/110,739 pregnancies (0.36%). For 358 cases, the origin was proven to be either fetal (n = 79; 22.1%), (assumed) confined placental mosaicism (CPM) (n = 189; 52.8%), or maternal (n = 90; 25.1%). For the remaining 44 (10.9%), the origin of the aberration could not be determined. Most fetal chromosomal aberrations were pathogenic and associated with severe clinical phenotypes (61/79; 77.2%). For CPM cases, occurrence of pre-eclampsia (8.5% [16/189] vs 0.5% [754/159,924]; RR 18.5), and birth weigh

    Trisomy 13 or 18 (mosaicism) in first trimester cytotrophoblast cells: false-positive results in 11 out of 51 cases

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    Objective: The finding of full or mosaic trisomy 13 or IS in first trimester chorionic villus sampling (CVS) may be a false-positive result. This report provides incidence and outcome information that may be helpful in counselling individual patients and in choosing adequate follow-up. Study design: From a series of 6820 CVS cases, we retrospectively collected data on all patients (n = 51) with full (n = 30) or mosaic (n = 5) trisomy 18, and full (n = 13) or mosaic (n = 3) trisomy 13 in cytotrophoblast cells. Results: Five false-positives were seen in patients with full trisomy 18 and three in the mosaic cases. One false-positive result was observed in full trisomy 13 and two false-positives in cases of mosaicism. No false-negative results were reported. Conclusion: The diagnosis of trisomy 13 or 18 in cytotrophoblasts should be confirmed in other tissues, unless fetal abnormalities are seen at ultrasound. In case of mosaicism, follow-up amniocentesis is advised. 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserve

    Trends in the utilization of invasive prenatal diagnosis in The Netherlands during 2000-2009

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    Objective To analyze trends in the number and type of invasive procedure, reasons for referral, maternal age and chromosomal abnormalities over a 10-year period and correlate the trends to changes in the national prenatal screening policy. Methods Data from 10 706 invasive prenatal procedures yielding a full karyotype, performed between 2000 and 2009 were extracted from the cytogenetic database in the central region of The Netherlands. Trends were analyzed. Results Over a 10-year period, the number of invasive procedures halved and the percentage of chromosomal abnormalities detected, increased from 5.5 to 9.4%. After 2007, however, 5.7% of karyotypes in women over 36 years were found to be abnormal, versus 18.1% in women below 36 years. In 2009, 71.5% of women over 36 are still referred for invasive prenatal diagnosis on the indication advanced maternal age. Conclusions Changes in prenatal screening policy significantly increased referral after screening and improved the efficacy of invasive prenatal diagnosis. We show the continuing effect of the different policies applied in the past to women below and above the age of 36. To further improve efficacy of invasive prenatal diagnosis, first trimester combination screening should be actively offered to women of all ages. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Discordant NIPT result in a viable trisomy-21 pregnancy due to prolonged contribution to cfDNA by a demised trisomy-14 cotwin

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    One of the confounders in noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is the vanishing twin phenomenon. Prolonged contribution to the maternal Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) pool by cytotrophoblasts representing a demised, aneuploid cotwin may lead to a false-positive outcome for a normal, viable twin. We show that a vanishing trisomy-14 twin contributes to cfDNA for more than 2 weeks after demise

    Cell-free fetal DNA in the maternal circulation originates from the cytotrophoblast: proof from an unique case

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    Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and direct karyotyping of cytotrophoblast were normal for a male fetus, but cultured chorionic villus mesenchymal cells and umbilical cord fibroblasts showed nonmosaic trisomy 18. This observation provides direct evidence for the cytotrophoblastic origin of cell-free fetal DNA and yields a biological explanation for falsely reassuring NIPT result