38 research outputs found

    Der Einsatz Synthetischer Aufgabenumgebungen zur Untersuchung kollaborativer Prozesse in Leitzentralen am Beispiel der "generic Control Center Task Environment" (ConCenT)

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    Leitzentralen sind sozio-technische Systeme, deren Effektivität in großem Maße von den Fähigkeiten ihrer Mitarbeiter zum koordinierten Handeln abhängt. Es wurde eine synthetische Aufgabenumgebung ConCenT entwickelt, welche darauf ausgelegt ist, Koordinationsmuster im kognitiven System „Team“ im Kontext einer sich entfaltenden Aufgabenbearbeitung anhand von übergeordneten Blickbewegungsmustern erkennbar und messbar zu machen. Der Schwerpunkte des Beitrags liegt in der Vorstellung des Entwicklungsprozesses und der Versuchsumgebung ConCenT (generic Control Center Task Environment) und endet mit einem Ausblick auf geplante experimentelle Studien

    Selection Requirements to Work in Future ATM Systems

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    Different findings concerning staff selection requirements for future Air Traffic Management (ATM) resulting from empirical studies and expert judgement are summarised. The biggest impacts are foreseen for ATCO’s, commercial pilots, ATM technical staff and a/c maintenance staff, mainly related to advanced ATM concept features. An empirical study involving ATCOs and pilots encompassing workshops and simulations studying elements of a free flight scenario revealed significant changes in ability requirements for ATCOs and pilots. They indicate higher ability requirements for pilots in future ATM systems and only small changes for air traffic controllers. Pilot and air traffic controller profiles are likely to assimilate with regard to cognitive abilities. ‘Operational Monitoring’ is expected to become a core requirement for future ATM systems. A definition and a respective requirements analysis scale are proposed

    Determining Job Requirements for the Next Aviator Generation

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    The aviation industry is envisioning a tremendous growth of air traffic within the next two decades. New technologies and operational concepts will be the key enablers to accommodate the increasing amount of movements in a safe, efficient and environment friendly manner. Current working concepts reach from improved interoperability of national ATM systems, via satellite based navigation, collaborative decision making, and self separation of aircraft up to fully automated air-ground-space systems. It can be expected that the introduction of such concepts will have a significant impact on the working conditions and job requirements of future air traffic controllers and pilots, who were selected on traditional job profiles reflecting the current and past operational settings. Our paper is presenting elements of a prospective job analysis of future aviators assigned to specific operational tasks within the future air transport system. Results will be based on reviews of available international concept papers, conducted future workshops with present job holders and low fidelity simulation runs of collaborative air traffic control and aircraft separation tasks. Relevant enroute and arrival scenarios will be discussed and presented at the symposium with some preliminary data of the initial tryout studies

    Automation in Surgery: The Surgeons' Perspective on Human Factors Issues of Image-Guided Navigation

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Image-guided navigation (IGN) systems support the surgeon in navigating through the patients' anatomy. Previous research on IGN has focused on technical feasibility and clinical applications. Yet, as the introduction of IGN corresponds to a partial automation of the surgeon's task, well known issues of human-automation interaction might play a crucial role for the success of IGN as well. The present study represents a first attempt to assess the impact of IGN on four key issues of human automation-interaction, i.e., workload, situation awareness, trust, and skill degradation, from the surgeons' perspective. A nation-wide survey among 213 German surgeons from 94 different hospitals was conducted. Results revealed (1) a workload-shift due to IGN rather than a reduction of workload, (2) benefits of IGN with respect to situation awareness, (3) comparatively high levels of perceived reliability, trust and reliance, and (4) skill degradation as a possible risk, albeit only for inexperienced surgeons

    Investigating Transactive Memory Systems of Multiteam Systems in Aviation

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    The highly effective air traffic depends and will also depend in the future on the collaboration of human protagonists from different organizations. The project “Inter-Team Collaboration” (ITC) aims to provide system engineers with tools and concepts for human factors that allow systemic access to the social side of socio-technical systems. A main question is how to induce collaborative decision-making within the dynamic environment of air traffic management (ATM) in order to make it more adaptive and resilient. Research design A crucial factor for collaboration in multi-team systems is the transactive memory system (TMS), built up and maintained by the interactions between team members as well as multi-team members. There are currently plans to develop an intervention which would facilitate the formation of TMS structures within the multi-team. Furthermore, a set of methods will be used to assess the TMS structures and communication processes in the laboratory studies and field cases. A laboratory study is planned to examine the initial TMS intervention under controlled conditions with non-expert participants. In addition to the laboratory study, we will use large-scale simulations in the context of three use-cases with experienced operators in order to investigate these methods. The three cases are, first, the Airport Control Center for Airport Management, second, the sector-less, time-based control of aircraft, and third, the Multiple-Remote-Tower Center. Results / Practical Implications / Relevance By using real-time simulations with operational experts, the results will have implication what kind of intervention is appropriate for enhancing TMS structures of MTS in aviation and how can TMS structures be measured? In conclusion, the ITC project presents the opportunity to investigate these topics in an interdisciplinary team as well as to bring together different capabilities and competencies for the purpose of investigating transactive memory systems of MTS in aviation on different levels and in an iterative process

    User Participation in the Design of Trustworthy Human-AI-Collaboration in Air-Traffic Control

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    The introduction of AI-based systems is one of the core elements in the course of digital transformation in aviation. Human factors expertise is needed to find user-centered approaches of human-AI collaboration. The DLR project Collaboration of human operators and AI systems (LOKI) aims at developing concepts, demonstrators and prototypes for trustworthy human-AI collaboration in air traffic control. To consider users’ perspective in early design phases, two workshops with experienced air traffic controllers of Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS) and Austro Control were conducted. The metaplan method was used to asses users’ expectations and their requirements on Human-AI collaboration. In both workshops, ten air traffic controllers participated. The workshops highlighted what users expect from trustworthy Human-AI collaboration in Air Traffic Control. The main results were users’ assessment which of their tasks could be delegated to an AI system and how the delegation of tasks to AI-systems should be designed. The workshops were a success among the participants as they provided insight into future requirements, responsibilities and tasks. Furthermore, they helped outline potential challenges in the interaction concept that must be solved to integrate AI systems successfully in aviation. These findings will be used for the concept design of prototypes

    ConCent: Eine Simulationsplattform zur Untersuchung kollobarativer Entscheidungsprozesse in Leitzentralen

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    Leitzentralen sind sozio-technische Systeme, deren Mitarbeiter die für den Betriebsablauf erforderlichen Ressourcen räumlich und zeitlich koordinieren. Im Falle unvorhergesehener Ereignisse müssen im Leitzentralenteam Entscheidungen getroffen werden, wie die Situation zu managen ist. Aus der Human-Faktor- Perspektive setzt dies einen Prozess zum Aufbau eines gemeinsamen Situationsverständnisses im Team voraus (Cooke et al., 2013; Waterson et al., 2015). Der Informationsauswahl und Informationsanalyse liegen Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse zugrunde, die über die Messung des Blickverhaltens erfassbar sind. Werden Blickdaten mehrerer Teammitglieder in einen gemeinsamen Kontext gesetzt, kann ein sich im Verlauf ausbildender, gemeinsamer Aufmerksamkeitsfokus und damit die Herausbildung eines in der Gruppe bestehenden Situationsverständnisses objektiv nachgewiesen werden (siehe z.B. Hauland, 2008). Das DLR-Projekt COCO (Collaborative operations in control rooms) zielt darauf ab, die sich auf ein gemeinsames Situationsverständnis positiv und negativ auswirkenden Verhaltensdispositionen zu identifizieren. Der Einsatz der experimentalpsychologischen Simulationsplattform ConCenT (generic Control Center Task Environment) erlaubt die integrierte Auswertung von Interaktion und Kommunikation in Gruppen unter Einbindung von Blickmessmethodik. Der Schwerpunkt des Beitrags liegt in der Vorstellung des Entwicklungsprozesses und der Versuchsumgebung ConCen