15,595 research outputs found

    Current reversal and exclusion processes with history-dependent random walks

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    A class of exclusion processes in which particles perform history-dependent random walks is introduced, stimulated by dynamic phenomena in some biological and artificial systems. The particles locally interact with the underlying substrate by breaking and reforming lattice bonds. We determine the steady-state current on a ring, and find current-reversal as a function of particle density. This phenomenon is attributed to the non-local interaction between the walkers through their trails, which originates from strong correlations between the dynamics of the particles and the lattice. We rationalize our findings within an effective description in terms of quasi-particles which we call front barriers. Our analytical results are complemented by stochastic simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    On the metal-insulator transition in the two-chain model of correlated fermions

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    The doping-induced metal-insulator transition in two-chain systems of correlated fermions is studied using a solvable limit of the t-J model and the fact that various strong- and weak-coupling limits of the two-chain model are in the same phase, i.e. have the same low-energy properties. It is shown that the Luttinger-liquid parameter K_\rho takes the universal value unity as the insulating state (half-filling) is approached, implying dominant d-type superconducting fluctuations, independently of the interaction strength. The crossover to insulating behavior of correlations as the transition is approached is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Ferrimagnetic mixed-spin ladders in weak and strong coupling limits

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    We study two similar spin ladder systems with the ferromagnetic leg coupling. First model includes two sorts of spins, s= 1/2 and s= 1, and the second model comprises only s=1/2 legs coupled by a "triangular" rung exchange. The antiferromagnetic (AF) rung coupling destroys the long-range order and eventually makes the systems equivalent to the AF s=1/2 Heisenberg chain. We investigate the situation by different methods in weak and strong rung coupling limits. Particularly we compare the spin-wave theory and the bosonization method in the weak coupling regime of the second model. We analyze the spectra and correlations, and discuss the order parameter of these ladder systems.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    SPIRE imaging of M 82: Cool dust in the wind and tidal streams

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    M 82 is a unique representative of a whole class of galaxies, starbursts with superwinds, in the Very Nearby Galaxy Survey with Herschel. In addition, its interaction with the M 81 group has stripped a significant portion of its interstellar medium from its disk. SPIRE maps now afford better characterization of the far-infrared emission from cool dust outside the disk, and sketch a far more complete picture of its mass distribution and energetics than previously possible. They show emission coincident in projection with the starburst wind and in a large halo, much more extended than the PAH band emission seen with Spitzer. Some complex substructures coincide with the brightest PAH filaments, and others with tidal streams seen in atomic hydrogen. We subtract the far-infrared emission of the starburst and underlying disk from the maps, and derive spatially-resolved far-infrared colors for the wind and halo. We interpret the results in terms of dust mass, dust temperature, and global physical conditions. In particular, we examine variations in the dust physical properties as a function of distance from the center and the wind polar axis, and conclude that more than two thirds of the extraplanar dust has been removed by tidal interaction, and not entrained by the starburst wind

    Valence bond spin liquid state in two-dimensional frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets

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    Fermionic valence bond approach in terms of SU(4) representation is proposed to describe the J1J2J_{1}-J_{2} frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnetic (AF) model on a {\it bipartite} square lattice. A uniform mean field solution without breaking the translational and rotational symmetries describes a valence bond spin liquid state, interpolating the two different AF ordered states in the large J1J_{1} and large J2J_{2} limits, respectively. This novel spin liquid state is gapless with the vanishing density of states at the Fermi nodal points. Moreover, a sharp resonance peak in the dynamic structure factor is predicted for momenta q=(0,0){\bf q}=(0,0) and (π,π)(\pi ,\pi) in the strongly frustrated limit J2/J11/2J_{2}/J_{1}\sim 1/2, which can be checked by neutron scattering experiment.Comment: Revtex file, 4 pages, 4 figure

    The dust morphology of the elliptical Galaxy M86 with SPIRE

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    We present Herschel-SPIRE observations at 250–500 μm of the giant elliptical galaxy M 86 and examine the distribution of the resolved cold dust emission and its relation with other galactic tracers. The SPIRE images reveal three dust components: emission from the central region; a dust lane extending north-south; and a bright emission feature 10 kpc to the south-east. We estimate that ~10^6 M_☉ of dust is spatially coincident with atomic and ionized hydrogen, originating from stripped material from the nearby spiral NGC 4438 due to recent tidal interactions with M 86. The gas-to-dust ratio of the cold gas component ranges from ~20–80. We discuss the different heating mechanisms for the dust features

    A Census of X-ray gas in NGC 1068: Results from 450ks of Chandra HETG Observation

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    We present models for the X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068. These are fitted to data obtained using the High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG) on the Chandra X-ray observatory. The data show line and radiative recombination continuum (RRC) emission from a broad range of ions and elements. The models explore the importance of excitation processes for these lines including photoionization followed by recombination, radiative excitation by absorption of continuum radiation and inner shell fluorescence. The models show that the relative importance of these processes depends on the conditions in the emitting gas, and that no single emitting component can fit the entire spectrum. In particular, the relative importance of radiative excitation and photoionization/recombination differs according to the element and ion stage emitting the line. This in turn implies a diversity of values for the ionization parameter of the various components of gas responsible for the emission, ranging from log(xi)=1 -- 3. Using this, we obtain an estimate for the total amount of gas responsible for the observed emission. The mass flux through the region included in the HETG extraction region is approximately 0.3 Msun/yr assuming ordered flow at the speed characterizing the line widths. This can be compared with what is known about this object from other techniques.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, Ap. J. in pres

    Discovery of a binary AGN in the ultraluminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240 using Chandra

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    Ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) are outstanding due to their huge luminosity output in the infrared, which is predominantly powered by super starbursts and/or hidden active galactic nuclei (AGN). NGC 6240 is one of the nearest ULIRGs and is considered a key representative of its class. Here, we report the first high-resolution imaging spectroscopy of NGC 6240 in X-rays. The observation, performed with the ACIS-S detector aboard the Chandra X-ray observatory, led to the discovery of two hard nuclei, coincident with the optical-IR nuclei of NGC 6240. The AGN character of both nuclei is revealed by the detection of absorbed hard, luminous X-ray emission and two strong neutral Fe_K_alpha lines. In addition, extended X-ray emission components are present, changing their rich structure in dependence of energy. The close correlation of the extended emission with the optical Halpha emission of NGC 6240, in combination with the softness of its spectrum, clearly indicates its relation to starburst-driven superwind activity.Comment: ApJ Letters in press, 7 colour figures included; preprint and related papers on NGC 6240 also available at http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/~skomossa