92 research outputs found

    Ostdeutsche Wirtschaft stagniert im Jahr 2013 - Kurzfassung

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    Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion in Ostdeutschland dürfte im Jahr 2013 stagnieren, während sie in Gesamtdeutschland wohl um 0,7% zulegt. Die Zuwachsraten liegen nun seit dem Jahr 2010 unter denen im Westen Deutschlands. Das liegt vor allem daran, dass die wichtigen Absatzmärkte der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft nicht in schnell wachsenden Schwellenländern, sondern in Europa liegen und die europäische Wirtschaft in der Krise steckt. Zudem ist in Ostdeutschland die Produktion von Vorleistungsgütern von größerer Bedeutung als in Westdeutschland, und deren Nachfrage entwickelte sich seit dem vergangenen Jahr schwach, nicht zuletzt weil Läger europaweit abgebaut werden. Allerdings wird die Konjunktur in Deutschland, und damit auch im Osten des Landes, im Verlauf des Jahres 2013 deutlich Fahrt aufnehmen

    Ostdeutsche Wirtschaft stagniert im Jahr 2013

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    Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion in Ostdeutsch-land dürfte im Jahr 2013 stagnieren, während sie in Gesamtdeutschland wohl um 0,7% zulegt. Die Zu-wachsraten liegen nun seit dem Jahr 2010 unter denen im Westen Deutschlands. Das liegt vor allem daran, dass die wichtigen Absatzmärkte der ostdeutschen Wirt-schaft nicht in schnell wachsenden Schwellenländern, sondern in Europa liegen und die europäische Wirt-schaft in der Krise steckt. Zudem ist in Ostdeutschland die Produktion von Vorleistungsgütern von größerer Bedeutung als in Westdeutschland, und deren Nach-frage entwickelte sich seit dem vergangenen Jahr schwach, nicht zuletzt weil Läger europaweit abgebaut werden. Allerdings wird die Konjunktur in Deutschland, und damit auch im Osten des Landes, im Verlauf des Jahres 2013 deutlich Fahrt aufnehmen. Die Flutkatastrophe an der Elbe und ihren Zuflüssen Anfang Juni hat zwar erhebliche Sachschäden, aber nur begrenzte Produktionsausfälle mit sich gebracht. Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen dürften der Bauwirtschaft für die zweite Jahreshälfte 2013 einige Impulse geben. Konvergenz des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Outputs zwischen West- und Ostdeutschland findet zurzeit auch pro Kopf nicht mehr statt. Dass Ostdeutschland von der Rezession im Euroraum stärker getroffen ist als Gesamtdeutschland, ist wohl nicht der einzige Grund. Auch die ungünstigere Bevölkerungsentwicklung bremst die Güternachfrage. Dabei werden die langfristigen demographischen Effekte schon jetzt von privaten und öffentlichen Haushalten antizipiert. So zwingt eine un-günstigere Bevölkerungsprognose ostdeutsche Länder zu schärferen Konsolidierungskursen als westdeutsche, weil sie die für die Zukunft zu erwartenden Einnahmen schmälert. Über die Frage der langfristigen Konver-genz entscheiden aber weniger Faktoren der Nachfrage als die Entwicklung der Angebotsbedingungen. Diese werden ebenfalls durch eine schrumpfende und al-ternde Bevölkerung verschlechtert. Allerdings hat sich die Wanderungsbilanz Ostdeutschlands vor allem durch den Zuzug aus dem Ausland zuletzt deutlich verbessert. Das Arbeitsangebot in den städtischen Ballungsräumen Ostdeutschlands sollte durch stärkere Integration um-liegender Arbeitsmärkte gestärkt werden

    Roles of Gβγ in membrane recruitment and activation of p110γ/p101 phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ

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    Receptor-regulated class I phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3K) phosphorylate the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns)-4,5-P2 to PtdIns-3,4,5-P3. This, in turn, recruits and activates cytosolic effectors with PtdIns-3,4,5-P3–binding pleckstrin homology (PH) domains, thereby controlling important cellular functions such as proliferation, survival, or chemotaxis. The class IB p110γ/p101 PI3Kγ is activated by Gβγ on stimulation of G protein–coupled receptors. It is currently unknown whether in living cells Gβγ acts as a membrane anchor or an allosteric activator of PI3Kγ, and which role its noncatalytic p101 subunit plays in its activation by Gβγ. Using GFP-tagged PI3Kγ subunits expressed in HEK cells, we show that Gβγ recruits the enzyme from the cytosol to the membrane by interaction with its p101 subunit. Accordingly, p101 was found to be required for G protein–mediated activation of PI3Kγ in living cells, as assessed by use of GFP-tagged PtdIns-3,4,5-P3–binding PH domains. Furthermore, membrane-targeted p110γ displayed basal enzymatic activity, but was further stimulated by Gβγ, even in the absence of p101. Therefore, we conclude that in vivo, Gβγ activates PI3Kγ by a mechanism assigning specific roles for both PI3Kγ subunits, i.e., membrane recruitment is mediated via the noncatalytic p101 subunit, and direct stimulation of Gβγ with p110γ contributes to activation of PI3Kγ

    AKT1 and MYC Induce Distinctive Metabolic Fingerprints in Human Prostate Cancer

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    Cancer cells may overcome growth factor dependence by deregulating oncogenic and/or tumor-suppressor pathways that affect their metabolism, or by activating metabolic pathways de novo with targeted mutations in critical metabolic enzymes. It is unknown whether human prostate tumors develop a similar metabolic response to different oncogenic drivers or a particular oncogenic event results in its own metabolic reprogramming. Akt and Myc are arguably the most prevalent driving oncogenes in prostate cancer. Mass spectrometry–based metabolite profiling was performed on immortalized human prostate epithelial cells transformed by AKT1 or MYC, transgenic mice driven by the same oncogenes under the control of a prostate-specific promoter, and human prostate specimens characterized for the expression and activation of these oncoproteins. Integrative analysis of these metabolomic datasets revealed that AKT1 activation was associated with accumulation of aerobic glycolysis metabolites, whereas MYC overexpression was associated with dysregulated lipid metabolism. Selected metabolites that differentially accumulated in the MYC-high versus AKT1-high tumors, or in normal versus tumor prostate tissue by untargeted metabolomics, were validated using absolute quantitation assays. Importantly, the AKT1/MYC status was independent of Gleason grade and pathologic staging. Our findings show how prostate tumors undergo a metabolic reprogramming that reflects their molecular phenotypes, with implications for the development of metabolic diagnostics and targeted therapeutics.Fil: Priolo, Carmen. Department of Medical Oncology. Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Pyne, Saumyadipta. Department of Medical Oncology. Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Rose, Joshua. Department of Medical Oncology. Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Regan, Erzsébet Ravasz. Harvard Medical School; Estados UnidosFil: Zadra, Giorgia. Department of Medical Oncology. Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Photopoulos, Cornelia. Department of Medical Oncology. Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Cacciatore, Stefano. Department of Medical Oncology. Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Schultz, Denise. Johns Hopkins University; Estados UnidosFil: Scaglia, Natalia. Department of Medical Oncology. Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: McDunn, Jonathan. Metabolon Inc.; Estados UnidosFil: de Marzo, Angelo M.. Johns Hopkins University; Estados UnidosFil: Loda, Massimo. Department of Pathology. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Estados Unidos. Department of Medical Oncology. Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Estados Unidos. University of Cambridge; Estados Unidos. King's College London. Division of Cancer Studies; Estados Unido

    Silicon Photomultiplier Research and Development Studies for the Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the the next generation facility of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes; two sites will cover both hemispheres. CTA will reach unprecedented sensitivity, energy and angular resolution in very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy. Each CTA array will include four Large Size Telescopes (LSTs), designed to cover the low-energy range of the CTA sensitivity (\sim20 GeV to 200 GeV). In the baseline LST design, the focal-plane camera will be instrumented with 265 photodetector clusters; each will include seven photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), with an entrance window of 1.5 inches in diameter. The PMT design is based on mature and reliable technology. Recently, silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are emerging as a competitor. Currently, SiPMs have advantages (e.g. lower operating voltage and tolerance to high illumination levels) and disadvantages (e.g. higher capacitance and cross talk rates), but this technology is still young and rapidly evolving. SiPM technology has a strong potential to become superior to the PMT one in terms of photon detection efficiency and price per square mm of detector area. While the advantage of SiPMs has been proven for high-density, small size cameras, it is yet to be demonstrated for large area cameras such as the one of the LST. We are working to develop a SiPM-based module for the LST camera, in view of a possible camera upgrade. We will describe the solutions we are exploring in order to balance a competitive performance with a minimal impact on the overall LST camera design.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    On Geometric Alignment in Low Doubling Dimension

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    In real-world, many problems can be formulated as the alignment between two geometric patterns. Previously, a great amount of research focus on the alignment of 2D or 3D patterns, especially in the field of computer vision. Recently, the alignment of geometric patterns in high dimension finds several novel applications, and has attracted more and more attentions. However, the research is still rather limited in terms of algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, most existing approaches for high dimensional alignment are just simple extensions of their counterparts for 2D and 3D cases, and often suffer from the issues such as high complexities. In this paper, we propose an effective framework to compress the high dimensional geometric patterns and approximately preserve the alignment quality. As a consequence, existing alignment approach can be applied to the compressed geometric patterns and thus the time complexity is significantly reduced. Our idea is inspired by the observation that high dimensional data often has a low intrinsic dimension. We adopt the widely used notion "doubling dimension" to measure the extents of our compression and the resulting approximation. Finally, we test our method on both random and real datasets, the experimental results reveal that running the alignment algorithm on compressed patterns can achieve similar qualities, comparing with the results on the original patterns, but the running times (including the times cost for compression) are substantially lower