29 research outputs found

    Powerful Skin Cancer Protection by a CPD-Photolyase Transgene

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    AbstractBackground: The high and steadily increasing incidence of ultraviolet-B (UV-B)-induced skin cancer is a problem recognized worldwide. UV introduces different types of damage into the DNA, notably cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and (6-4) photoproducts (6-4PPs). If unrepaired, these photolesions can give rise to cell death, mutation induction, and onset of carcinogenic events, but the relative contribution of CPDs and 6-4PPs to these biological consequences of UV exposure is hardly known. Because placental mammals have undergone an evolutionary loss of photolyases, repair enzymes that directly split CPDs and 6-4PPs into the respective monomers in a light-dependent and lesion-specific manner, they can only repair UV-induced DNA damage by the elaborate nucleotide excision repair pathway.Results: To assess the relative contribution of CPDs and 6-4PPs to the detrimental effects of UV light, we generated transgenic mice that ubiquitously express CPD-photolyase, 6-4PP-photolyase, or both, thereby allowing rapid light-dependent repair of CPDs and/or 6-4PPs in the skin. We show that the vast majority of (semi)acute responses in the UV-exposed skin (i.e., sunburn, apoptosis, hyperplasia, and mutation induction) can be ascribed to CPDs. Moreover, CPD-photolyase mice, in contrast to 6-4PP-photolyase mice, exhibit superior resistance to sunlight-induced tumorigenesis.Conclusions: Our data unequivocally identify CPDs as the principal cause of nonmelanoma skin cancer and provide genetic evidence that CPD-photolyase enzymes can be employed as effective tools to combat skin cancer

    A Non Mouse-Adapted Dengue Virus Strain as a New Model of Severe Dengue Infection in AG129 Mice

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    The spread of dengue (DEN) worldwide combined with an increased severity of the DEN-associated clinical outcomes have made this mosquito-borne virus of great global public health importance. Progress in understanding DEN pathogenesis and in developing effective treatments has been hampered by the lack of a suitable small animal model. Most of the DEN clinical isolates and cell culture-passaged DEN virus strains reported so far require either host adaptation, inoculation with a high dose and/or intravenous administration to elicit a virulent phenotype in mice which results, at best, in a productive infection with no, few, or irrelevant disease manifestations, and with mice dying within few days at the peak of viremia. Here we describe a non-mouse-adapted DEN2 virus strain (D2Y98P) that is highly infectious in AG129 mice (lacking interferon-α/β and -γ receptors) upon intraperitoneal administration. Infection with a high dose of D2Y98P induced cytokine storm, massive organ damage, and severe vascular leakage, leading to haemorrhage and rapid death of the animals at the peak of viremia. In contrast, very interestingly and uniquely, infection with a low dose of D2Y98P led to asymptomatic viral dissemination and replication in relevant organs, followed by non-paralytic death of the animals few days after virus clearance, similar to the disease kinetic in humans. Spleen damage, liver dysfunction and increased vascular permeability, but no haemorrhage, were observed in moribund animals, suggesting intact vascular integrity, a cardinal feature in DEN shock syndrome. Infection with D2Y98P thus offers the opportunity to further decipher some of the aspects of dengue pathogenesis and provides a new platform for drug and vaccine testing

    A dengue fever viremia model in mice shows reduction in viral replication and suppression of the inflammatory response after treatment with antiviral drugs.

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    Dengue fever is an emerging arboviral disease for which no vaccine or antiviral treatment exists and that causes thousands of fatalities each year. To develop an in vivo test system for antidengue drugs, AG129 mice, which are deficient for the interferon- alpha / beta and - gamma receptors, were injected with unadapted dengue virus, resulting in a dose-dependent transient viremia lasting several days and peaking on day 3 after infection. Additionally, nonstructural protein 1, increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines, and neutralizing IgM and IgG antibodies were found, and mice had splenomegaly. Oral administration of the antiviral compounds 7-deaza-2'-C-methyl-adenosine, N-nonyl-deoxynojirimycin, or 6-O-butanoyl castanospermine significantly reduced viremia in a dose-dependent manner, even after delayed treatment, leading to a reduction of splenomegaly and proinflammatory cytokine levels. The results validate this dengue viremia mouse model as a suitable system for testing antidengue drugs and indicate that antiviral treatment during the acute phase of dengue fever can reduce the severity of the disease

    Nuclear Domains Enriched in RNA 3′-processing Factors Associate with Coiled Bodies and Histone Genes in a Cell Cycle–dependent Manner

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    Nuclear domains, called cleavage bodies, are enriched in the RNA 3′-processing factors CstF 64 kDa and and CPSF 100 kDa. Cleavage bodies have been found either overlapping with or adjacent to coiled bodies. To determine whether the spatial relationship between cleavage bodies and coiled bodies was influenced by the cell cycle, we performed cell synchronization studies. We found that in G1 phase cleavage bodies and coiled bodies were predominantly coincident, whereas in S phase they were mostly adjacent to each other. In G2 cleavage bodies were often less defined or absent, suggesting that they disassemble at this point in the cell cycle. A small number of genetic loci have been reported to be juxtaposed to coiled bodies, including the genes for U1 and U2 small nuclear RNA as well as the two major histone gene clusters. Here we show that cleavage bodies do not overlap with small nuclear RNA genes but do colocalize with the histone genes next to coiled bodies. These findings demonstrate that the association of cleavage bodies and coiled bodies is both dynamic and tightly regulated and suggest that the interaction between these nuclear neighbors is related to the cell cycle–dependent expression of histone genes

    The Effect of P38 MAP Kinase Inhibition in a Mouse Model of Influenza

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    Influenza viruses are a common cause of human respiratory infections, resulting in epidemics of high morbidity and mortality. Previous work has suggested p38 MAPK inhibition could reduce viral replication and this was examined in vitro and in a murine influenza model. In vitro, the antiviral effect of p38 MAPK inhibitor BCT194 was evaluated in differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells; in vivo, female BALB/c mice were infected intranasally with 150 pfu of influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/34 and, treated with a closely related p38 MAPK inhibitor BCT197, dexamethasone or oseltamivir starting 24 hours post infection. Body weight, bronchoalveolar lavage cells, cytokines, total protein and lactate dehydrogenase as well as serum cytokines were measured; a subset of animals was evaluated histopathologically. Contrary to previous reports, inhibition of p38MAP kinase did not result in an effect on influenza replication. There was, however, improved weight loss, survival and lack of impaired viral control (when compared to untreated animals) at BCT197 doses relevant to those being used in clinical trials of acute exacerbations of COPD. As the use of inhibitors of innate inflammatory pathways may raise the concern of negative effects on infection regulation, this is encouraging