225 research outputs found

    The ZEW combined microsimulation-CGE model: innovative tool for applied policy analysis

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    This contribution describes the linkage of microsimulation models and computable general equilibrium (CGE) models using two already established models called “STSM” and “PACE-L” used by the Centre for European Economic Research. This state of the art research method for applied policy analysis combines the advantages of both model types: On the one hand, microsimulation models allow for detailed labor supply and distributional effects due to policy measures, as individual household data is used. On the other hand, by using a general equilibrium framework, labour market responses, such as wage and labour demand reactions are taken into account. --microsimulation,applied CGE analysis,linked micro-macro models

    So sehen Sieger aus: Evidenz fĂŒr die 1. Deutsche Fußball- Liga

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    Auf Basis detaillierter Informationen zu den Spielen der 1. deutschen Fußball- Bundesliga aus sechs Spielzeiten, darunter die Spielzeiten 2011/2012 und 2012/2013 sowie jeweils zwei lĂ€nger zurĂŒckliegende Spielzeiten unmittelbar vor und nach der EinfĂŒhrung der Drei-Punkteregel in der Saison 1995/1996, zeigt dieser Beitrag die intertemporale Entwicklung diverser Indikatoren fĂŒr Taktik und Spielweise auf. So fĂ€llt die Anzahl der pro Spiel im Mittel eingesetzten nominellen Verteidiger in den jĂŒngeren Spielzeiten deutlich höher aus als in den 90er Jahren, wĂ€hrend auch der gesunkene Durchschnitt der Anzahl an nominellen Angreifern auf eine die Defensive stĂ€rkende Taktik hindeutet. Unsere jeweils fĂŒr Heim- und AuswĂ€rts-Mannschaften getrennt vorgenommenen ProbitschĂ€tzungen zur ErklĂ€rung der Wahrscheinlichkeit fĂŒr einen Sieg bestĂ€tigen die großen Erfolgsaussichten dieser Taktik

    Analysing welfare reform in a microsimulation-AGE model: the value of disaggregation

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    We present a combined, consistent microsimulation-AGE model that uses the labour market model PACE-L, data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and a discrete choice labour supply estimation. The model is used to analyse a reform that cuts the social assistance minimum income and lowers the transfer withdrawal rate in order to encourage labour force participation at the lower end of the wage distribution. We compare a disaggregated and an aggregated version of the model as well as a partial and a general equilibrium variant. It turns out that both disaggregation and general equilibrium feedback tend to mitigate the labour supply response to the reform proposal. While some labour supply indicators react quite sensitively to the level of aggregation, most macroeconomic variables are considerably more robust. --applied general equilibrium,discrete working time choice,labour market,wage bargaining,labour market reform,logit model,microsimulation

    The ZEW combined microsimulation-CGE model : innovative tool for applied policy analysis

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    This contribution describes the linkage of microsimulation models and computable general equilibrium (CGE) models using two already established models called “STSM” and “PACE-L” used by the Centre for European Economic Research. This state of the art research method for applied policy analysis combines the advantages of both model types: On the one hand, microsimulation models allow for detailed labor supply and distributional effects due to policy measures, as individual household data is used. On the other hand, by using a general equilibrium framework, labour market responses, such as wage and labour demand reactions are taken into account

    Carbon pricing in Germany’s road transport and housing sector: Options for reimbursing carbon revenues

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    In 2021, Germany launched a national emissions trading system (ETS) in its road transport and housing sectors that increases the cost burden of consumers of fossil fuels, the major source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. A promising approach to secure public acceptance for such a carbon pricing would be to entirely reallocate the resulting “carbon” revenues to consumers. This article discusses three alternatives that were discussed in the political arena prior to the introduction of the national carbon pricing: a) a per-capita reallocation to private households, b) the reduction of electricity prices by, e.g., decreasing the electricity tax, as well as c) targeted financial aid for vulnerable consumers, such as increasing housing benefits. To estimate both the revenues originating from carbon pricing and the resulting emission savings, we employ a partial equilibrium approach that is based on price elasticity estimates on individual fossil fuel consumption from the empirical literature. Most effective with respect to alleviating the burden of poor households would be increasing housing benefits. While this measure would not require large monetary resources, we argue that the remaining revenues should be preferably employed to reduce Germany’s electricity tax, which becomes more and more obsolete given the steadily increasing amount of electricity generated by renewable energy technologies

    Analysing Welfare Reform in a Microsimulation-AGE Model

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    We present a fully integrated microsimulation-AGE model that uses the labour market model PACE-L and data from the German Socio-Economic Panel. We use the model to analyse reform proposals designed to encourage labour force participation at the lower end of the wage distribution. A special focus of this paper is on comparing the fully disaggregated version of the model with more aggregated ones in order to pin down in which respects disaggregation can actually further our insights, and in which respects aggregation can be justifiedapplied general equilibrium, discrete working time choice, labour market, wage bargaining, labour market reform, logit model

    Analysing Welfare Reform in a Microsimulation-AGE Model: The Value of Disaggregation

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    We present a combined, consistent microsimulation-AGE model that uses the labour market model PACE-L, data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and a discrete choice labour supply estimation. The model is used to analyse a reform that cuts the social assistance minimum income and lowers the transfer withdrawal rate in order to encourage labour force participation at the lower end of the wage distribution. We compare a disaggregated and an aggregated version of the model as well as a partial and a general equilibrium variant. It turns out that both disaggregation and general equilibrium feedback tend to mitigate the labour supply response to the reform proposal. While some labour supply indicators react quite sensitively to the level of aggregation, most macroeconomic variables are considerably more robust

    Reformen im Niedriglohnsektor : eine integrierte CGE-Mikrosimulationsstudie der Arbeitsangebots- und BeschÀftigungseffekte

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    Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Quantifizierung der mit der EinfĂŒhrung des Arbeitslosengeldes II verbundenen Arbeitsangebots- und BeschĂ€ftigungseffekte. ZusĂ€tzlich wird ein Reformszenario simuliert, welches die Anreizstruktur imNiedriglohnbereich verbessern soll. Methodisch wird ein Mikrosimulationsmodell mit einem allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodell kombiniert. Dieses Vorgehen vereint die Vorteile der Mikrosimulation durch die detaillierte BerĂŒcksichtigung der Haushalte auf Basis der Daten des Sozioökonomischen Panels mit den Vorteilen eines allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodells. So werden neben den Erstrundeneffekten auch RĂŒckkopplungseffekte aufgrund von PreisĂ€nderungen mit eingeschlossen. FĂŒr die Hartz IV-Reform lĂ€sst sich auf Basis der Simulationsergebnisse ein geringfĂŒgiger BeschĂ€ftigungsgewinn in Höhe von 45.000 Personen quantifizieren. DemgegenĂŒber errechnet sich fĂŒr das alternative Szenario, welches eine Absenkung der RegelsĂ€tze sowie der Transferentzugsquote vorsieht, ein BeschĂ€ftigungsgewinn von 190.000 Personen

    Reformen im Niedriglohnsektor: Eine integrierte CGE-Mikrosimulationsstudie der Arbeitsangebots- und BeschÀftigungseffekte

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    Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Quantifizierung der mit der EinfĂŒhrung des Arbeitslosengeldes II verbundenen Arbeitsangebots- und BeschĂ€ftigungseffekte. ZusĂ€tzlich wird ein Reformszenario simuliert, welches die Anreizstruktur im Niedriglohnbereich verbessern soll. Methodisch wird ein Mikrosimulationsmodell mit einem allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodell kombiniert. Dieses Vorgehen vereint die Vorteile der Mikrosimulation durch die detaillierte BerĂŒcksichtigung der Haushalte auf Basis der Daten des Sozioökonomischen Panels mit den Vorteilen eines allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodells. So werden neben den Erstrundeneffekten auch RĂŒckkopplungseffekte aufgrund von PreisĂ€nderungen mit eingeschlossen. FĂŒr die Hartz IV-Reform lĂ€sst sich auf Basis der Simulationsergebnisse ein geringfĂŒgiger BeschĂ€ftigungsgewinn in Höhe von 45.000 Personen quantifizieren. DemgegenĂŒber errechnet sich fĂŒr das alternative Szenario, welches eine Absenkung der RegelsĂ€tze sowie der Transferentzugsquote vorsieht, ein BeschĂ€ftigungsgewinn von 190.000 Personen. --Mikrosimulation,CGE-Modelle,Arbeitsangebot

    Extending the host range of Listeria monocytogenes by rational protein design

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    SummaryIn causing disease, pathogens outmaneuver host defenses through a dedicated arsenal of virulence determinants that specifically bind or modify individual host molecules. This dedication limits the intruder to a defined range of hosts. Newly emerging diseases mostly involve existing pathogens whose arsenal has been altered to allow them to infect previously inaccessible hosts. We have emulated this chance occurrence by extending the host range accessible to the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes by the intestinal route to include the mouse. Analyzing the recognition complex of the listerial invasion protein InlA and its human receptor E-cadherin, we postulated and verified amino acid substitutions in InlA to increase its affinity for E-cadherin. Two single substitutions increase binding affinity by four orders of magnitude and extend binding specificity to include formerly incompatible murine E-cadherin. By rationally adapting a single protein, we thus create a versatile murine model of human listeriosis
