139 research outputs found

    Sub-groups (profiles) of individuals experiencing post-traumatic growth during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Objective: Some people experience post-traumatic growth (PTG), entailing positive changes such as a greater appreciation of life following traumatic events. We examined PTG in the context of the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, notably working from home and social distancing. We aimed to assess whether distinct sub-groups (profiles) of individuals experiencing PTG could be identified by how they appraised and coped with the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: For this cross-sectional study, we used convenience sampling. In total, 951 participants from the general population completed an online questionnaire with items focusing on primary and secondary appraisal, positive reappraisal, rumination, and coping flexibility. For the latent profile analysis, we selected a sample of 392 individuals who had experienced moderate degrees of pandemic-related PTG, reporting at least two of the 10 positive changes in the PTG Inventory-Short Form. Results: We identified two distinct profiles among people experiencing PTG. The first was characterised by low levels of primary appraisal and stressfulness and higher levels of secondary appraisal (e.g., resilient group), increased coping flexibility and greater use of positive reappraisal. The second was characterised by higher levels of stressfulness and primary appraisal (e.g., stressed group) and greater use of rumination. Conclusion: The two sub-groups evidently appraised and coped with the COVID-19 pandemic differently. Therefore, future research should account for these different profiles of people experiencing PTG

    Understanding care needs of cancer patients with depressive symptoms:The importance of patients' recognition of depressive symptoms

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    Objective The majority of cancer patients with depressive symptoms does not perceive a need for psychological care. Reasons for this are still unclear. We examined the mediating role of cancer patients' perceptions of depressive symptoms in the relationship between depressive symptoms and perceived need for psychological care. Methods For this cross-sectional study, we recruited 127 Dutch cancer patients with moderate to severe levels of depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ]-9 >= 10) who did not receive professional psychological care. Depressive symptoms were measured with the PHQ-9 questionnaire, by using three different depression score operationalizations. We used mediation analyses to test the mediating role of patients' illness perceptions (measured with subscales of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire) in the relation between depressive symptoms and need for care. Results Whilst results did not show significant direct associations between depressive symptoms and perceived need for psychological care, we found positive indirect effects of severity (B = 0.07, SE = 0.04, p < 0.02), meeting the DSM-5 diagnosis (B = 0.45, SE = 0.26, p < 0.02) and having relatively more affective symptoms (B = 2.37, SE = 1.10, p < 0.02) on need for care through the identity perception. Conclusions Including assessments of patients' recognition of depressive symptoms and their perceptions of depression treatment efficacy might improve depression screening in cancer patients by more accurately identifying those with a need for psychological care. Moreover, improving patients' knowledge and recognition of symptoms as being depressive symptoms might be a possible target point in increasing care needs and hereby optimizing the uptake of psychological care in cancer patients with depressive symptoms

    Trajectories of Fatigue in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Fatigue is one of the most frequently reported symptoms by patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), both during active disease phases as well as during clinical remission. This study addressed whether different trajectories of fatigue over time can be identified among patients with IBD. Subsequently, we compared the demographic and clinical characteristics between trajectories. METHODS: The current study included 849 patients with IBD diagnosed with either Crohn disease (CD; n = 511) or ulcerative colitis (UC; n = 338) who visited the University Medical Center in Groningen (the Netherlands) at least 3 times during a 9-year follow-up. We conducted latent class growth analyses to identify distinct trajectories. RESULTS: In all patients with IBD (and in the subgroup with CD), we found 5 trajectories for fatigue. In the UC subgroup, we found 4 fatigue trajectories. One trajectory present in both patients with CD (11.45%) and patients with UC (4.75%) was characterized by chronic elevated levels of fatigue across time. Women and parents were more prevalent in trajectories with higher fatigue severity. We also found significant associations among the fatigue trajectories with disease activity and psychological well-being. CONCLUSIONS: The results clearly showed the existence of distinct fatigue paths over time in patients with IBD. Those reporting more chronic elevated levels of fatigue also reported greater disease activity and reduced well-being. Therefore, reducing disease activity may be important for the treatment of fatigue. In addition, given the significant association with well-being, it is possible that reducing fatigue may improve self-reported well-being

    The role of mindfulness and self-compassion in depressive symptoms and affect:A Comparison between Cancer Patients and Healthy Controls

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    Objectives: Mindfulness and self-compassion are related to psychological well-being and can be regarded as personal resources. It is, however, unclear whether these resources are always beneficial (direct effect) or only in stressful circumstances (buffer effect). We therefore examined whether mindfulness and self-compassion are equally or more strongly related to depressive symptoms and affect in cancer patients, compared to healthy controls. Methods: Using a case-control design, 245 cancer patients were matched to 245 healthy controls (without chronic somatic comorbidities). Both groups filled out questionnaires concerning mindfulness (Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire), self-compassion (Self-Compassion Scale), depressive symptoms (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale), and affect (Positive and Negative Affect Scale). Using correlation and regression analyses, we examined within both groups the associations for mindfulness (i.e., total score and five facets) and self-compassion (i.e., total score, two factors and six facets) with depressive symptoms and affect. Results: Mindfulness and self-compassion were equally strongly related to depressive symptoms and affect in cancer patients versus healthy controls. Mindfulness facets Act with awareness and Non-judgment were strongly related to depressive symptoms, negative affect, and the negative self-compassion factor. In contrast, mindfulness facets Describe and Observe were strongly related to positive affect and the positive self-compassion factor. When distinguishing the six self-compassion facets, Isolation and Mindfulness were strongly related to depressive symptoms, Over-identification to negative affect, and Mindfulness to positive affect. Conclusions: Results suggest that mindfulness and self-compassion are basic human personal resources associated with psychological functioning, regardless of the presence or absence of stressful life experiences

    Do individuals with and without depression value depression differently?:And if so, why?

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    Purpose Health state valuations, used to evaluate the effectiveness of healthcare interventions, can be obtained either by the patients or by the general population. The general population seems to value somatic conditions more negatively than patients, but little is known about valuations of psychological conditions. This study examined whether individuals with and without depression differ in their valuations of depression and whether perceptions regarding depression (empathy, perceived susceptibility, stigma, illness perceptions) and individual characteristics (mastery, self-compassion, dysfunctional attitudes) bias valuations of either individuals with or without depression. Methods In an online study, a general population sample used a time-trade-off task to value 30 vignettes describing depression states (four per participant) and completed questionnaires on perceptions regarding depression and individual characteristics. Participants were assigned to depression groups (with or without depression), based on the PHQ-9. A generalized linear mixed model was used to assess discrepancies in valuations and identify their determinants. Results The sample (N = 1268) was representative of the Dutch population on age, gender, education and residence. We found that for mild depression states, individuals with depression (N = 200) valued depression more negatively than individuals without depression (N = 1068) (p = .007). Variables related to perceptions of depression and individual characteristics were not found to affect valuations of either individuals with or individuals without depression. Conclusion Since the general population values depression less negatively, using their perspective might result in less effectiveness for interventions for mild depression. Perceptions of depression or to individual characteristics did not seem to differentially affect valuations made by either individuals with or without depression

    Putting mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to the test in routine clinical practice:A transdiagnostic panacea or a disorder specific intervention?

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    BACKGROUND: Over the past two decades there has been a growing number of randomized clinical trials supporting the efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in the treatment of several psychiatric disorders. Since evidence for its effectiveness in routine clinical practice is lagging behind, we aimed to examine adherence, outcome and predictors of MBCT in a well-characterized, heterogeneous outpatient population in routine clinical practice. METHODS: Data were collected from a naturalistic uncontrolled cohort of 998 patients formally diagnosed with mainly depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, somatoform disorders and/or ADHD. Patients received protocolized MBCT and completed self-report questionnaires pre- and post-treatment on overall functioning (Outcome Questionnaire, primary outcome), depressive symptoms, worry, mindfulness skills and self-compassion. Pre-to post-treatment changes were analysed for the overall sample and each diagnostic category separately with paired sample t-tests, reliable change indices (only overall sample) and repeated measures ANOVA for groups with and without comorbidity. Multiple linear regression was carried out to assess possible predictors of adherence and change in overall functioning. RESULTS: Adherence was high (94%) but negatively affected by lower levels of education, more comorbidity and presence of ADHD. Outcome in terms of improvement in overall functioning was good in the overall sample (Cohen's d = 0.50, 30% showed reliable improvement vs. 3.5% reliable deterioration) and within each diagnostic category (Cohen's d range = 0.37-0.61). Worse overall functioning at baseline was the only predictor for a larger treatment effect. CONCLUSIONS: After MBCT, overall functioning improved in a large heterogeneous psychiatric outpatient population independent of diagnosis or comorbidity

    Benefit finding in renal transplantation and its association with psychological and clinical correlates:A prospective study

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    OBJECTIVES: The identification of positive psychological changes, including benefit finding (BF), in chronic illness has gained substantial interest. However, less is known about BF in the context of a positive medical intervention. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) can be regarded as a burdensome condition, but transplantation is expected to restore physical and psychological functioning to a large extent after a period of illness. The aim of this study was to examine (1) changes in BF from pre- to 12 months post-transplantation, (2) the concurrent association of disease-related characteristics and optimism to BF, and (3) the potential causal relations between BF and distress. METHODS: In this longitudinal study, 319 patients completed questionnaires before, 3 months, 6 months, and/or 12 months post-transplantation. Multilevel models were used for the analyses. Measures included the Illness Cognitions Questionnaire to measure BF, the Life Orientation Test to measure optimism, and the General Health Questionnaire to measure distress. RESULTS: Benefit finding increased from pre- to post-transplantation. Fewer symptoms and comorbidities, and more optimism, were related to more BF over all time-points. The direction of the relation between BF and distress changed over time. Before transplantation, distress predicted an increase in BF, whereas post-transplantation, distress predicted a decrease in BF. The causal relation between BF and distress post-transplantation appeared to be reciprocal. CONCLUSIONS: A positive medical intervention such as renal transplantation might facilitate the development of BF. This study indicates the need for longitudinal research on the relation between BF and psychological health in the face of positive events. Statement of contribution What is already known on this subject? Benefit finding refers to the identification of positive psychological changes following a negative life event. Individuals can experience benefit finding following chronic illness. The positive event of kidney transplantation is associated with improvements in patients' physical and psychological functioning. What does this study add? Benefit finding increases from pre- to post-kidney transplantation. Fewer symptoms and comorbidities, and higher optimism are related to more benefit finding. Before transplantation, distress predicts an increase in benefit finding. After transplantation, there appears to be a reciprocal relation between distress and benefit finding such that distress predicts a decrease in benefit finding and benefit finding predicts a decrease in distress

    Trajectories of fatigue in cancer patients during psychological care

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    OBJECTIVE: Psycho-oncological institutions offer specialized care for cancer patients. Little is known how this care might impact fatigue. This study aimed to identify fatigue trajectories during psychological care, examined factors distinguishing these trajectories and predicted fatigue severity after nine months of psychological care. DESIGN: Naturalistic, longitudinal study of 238 cancer patients receiving psycho-oncological care in the Netherlands. Data were collected before initiation of psychological care (T1) and three (T2) and nine months (T3) afterwards. Latent class growth analysis, repeated measure analyses (RMA) and linear regression analysis were performed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Fatigue severity: Checklist Individual Strength. RESULTS: Three fatigue trajectories were identified: high- (30%), moderate- (62%) and low-level fatigue (8%). While statistically significant decreases in fatigue were found, this decrease was not clinically relevant. RMA showed main effects for time for fatigue trajectories on depression, anxiety, personal control and illness cognitions. Fatigue severity and physical symptoms at T1, but not demographic or clinical factors, were predictive of fatigue severity at T3. CONCLUSIONS: Fatigue is very common during psycho-oncological care, and notably not clinically improving. As symptoms of fatigue, depression, anxiety and physical symptoms often cluster, supplementary fatigue treatment should be considered when it is decided to treat other symptoms first
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