6 research outputs found

    Chloroplasts in plant cells show active glassy behavior under low-light conditions

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    Plants have developed intricate mechanisms to adapt to changing light conditions. Besides photo- and helio- tropism -- the differential growth towards light and the diurnal motion with respect to sunlight -- chloroplast motion acts as a fast mechanism to change the intracellular structure of leaf cells. While chloroplasts move towards the sides of the plant cell to avoid strong light, they accumulate and spread out into a layer on the bottom of the cell at low light to increase the light absorption efficiency. Although the motion of chloroplasts has been studied for over a century, the collective organelle-motion leading to light adapting self-organized structures remains elusive. Here we study the active motion of chloroplasts under dim light conditions, leading to an accumulation in a densely packed quasi-2D layer. We observe burst-like re-arrangements and show that these dynamics resemble colloidal systems close to the glass transition by tracking individual chloroplasts. Furthermore, we provide a minimal mathematical model to uncover relevant system parameters controlling the stability of the dense configuration of chloroplasts. Our study suggests that the meta-stable caging close to the glass-transition in the chloroplast mono-layer serves a physiological relevance. Chloroplasts remain in a spread-out configuration to increase the light uptake, but can easily fluidize when the activity is increased to efficiently re-arrange the structure towards an avoidance state. Our research opens new questions about the role that dynamical phase transitions could play in self-organized intracellular responses of plant cells towards environmental cues

    Ultrasensitive and robust mechanoluminescent living composites

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    Mechanosensing, the transduction of extracellular mechanical stimuli into intracellular biochemical signals, is a fundamental property of living cells. However, endowing synthetic materials with mechanosensing capabilities comparable to biological levels is challenging. Here, we developed ultrasensitive and robust mechanolumines-cent living composites using hydrogels embedded with dinoflagellates, unicellular microalgae with a near-instantaneous and ultrasensitive bioluminescent response to mechanical stress. Not only did embedded dinoflagellates retain their intrinsic mechanoluminescence, but with hydrophobic coatings, living composites had a lifetime of ~5 months under harsh conditions with minimal maintenance. We 3D-printed living composites into large-scale mechanoluminescent structures with high spatial resolution, and we also enhanced their mechanical properties with double-network hydrogels. We propose a counterpart mathematical model that captured experimental mechanoluminescent observations to predict mechanoluminescence based on deformation and applied stress. We also demonstrated the use of the mechanosensing composites for biomimetic soft actuators that emitted colored light upon magnetic actuation. These mechanosensing composites have substantial potential in biohybrid sensors and robotics.</p