30 research outputs found

    Generation and origin of natural gas in Lower Palaeozoic shales from southern Sweden

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    The Lower Palaeozoic succession in Scandinavia includes several excellent marine source rocks notably the Alum Shale, the Dicellograptus shale and the Rastrites Shale that have been targets for shale gas exploration since 2008. We here report on samples of these source rocks from cored shallow scientific wells in southern Sweden. The samples contain both free and sorbed hydrocarbon gases with concentrations significantly above the background gas level. The gases consist of a mixture of thermogenic and bacterially derived gas. The latter likely derives from both carbonate reduction and methyl fermentation processes. The presence of both thermogenic and biogenic gas in the Lower Palaeozoic shales is in agreement with results from past and present exploration activities; thermogenic gas is a target in deeply buried, gas-mature shales in southernmost Sweden, Denmark and northern Poland, whereas biogenic gas is a target in shallow, immature-marginally mature shales in south central Sweden. We here document that biogenic gas signatures are present also in gas-mature shallow buried shales in Skåne in southernmost Sweden

    Shale gas investigations in Denmark:Lower Palaeozoic shales on Bornholm

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    The Cambrian to Lower Silurian succession in Denmark is mostly composed of organic-rich black shales that were deposited in an epicontinental sea during a period of high global sea level (Haq & Schutter 2008). The mid-Cambrian to early Ordovician Alum Shale was intensively studied in the 1980s for its source-rock properties (e.g. Buchardt et al. 1986). Recent attention has focused on its potential as an unconventional shale gas source (Energistyrelsen 2010). On southern Bornholm, many wells have been drilled through the Lower Palaeozoic succession because of its importance for groundwater exploitation. In western Denmark, only the deep exploration wells Slagelse-1 and Terne-1 have penetrated the Alum Shale, and knowledge of the unit west of Bornholm is thus very limited (Fig. 1)

    Shale fabric and organic nanoporosity in lower Palaeozoic shales, Bornholm, Denmark

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    In organic-rich shales, pores form during oil and gas genesis within organic matter (OM) domains. The porosity thus differs markedly from that of conventional reservoir lithologies. Here we present the first description of shale fabric and pore types in the lower Palaeozoic shales on Bornholm, Denmark. The pores have been studied using the focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) technique, which allows for high resolution SEM images of ion polished surfaces. Shale porosity is influenced by many factors including depositional fabric, mineralogical composition, diagenesis and oil and gas generation (Schieber 2013). Here we discuss some of these factors based on a study of lower Palaeozoic shale samples from the Billegrav-2 borehole on Bornholm (Fig. 1) undertaken by Henningsen & Jensen (2017). The shales are dry gas-mature (2.3% graptolite reflectance; Petersen et al. 2013) and have been extensively used as analogies for the deeply buried Palaeozoic shales elsewhere in Denmark (Schovsbo et al. 2011; Gautier et al. 2014). The Danish lower Palaeozoic shale gas play was tested by the Vendsyssel-1 well drilled in northern Jylland in 2015. Gas was discovered within a c. 70 m thick gas-mature, organic rich succession (Ferrand et al. 2016). However, the licence was subsequently relinquished, due to a too low gas content. The present study confirms a close similarity of pore development between the shales on Bornholm and in the Vendsys sel-1 indicating a high porosity within this stratigraphic level throughout the subsurface of Denmark. However, the rather different development of porosity in the different shale units presents a hitherto neglected aspect of the Palaeozoic gas play in Denmark

    Challenges for the sustainability of university-run biobanks

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    Most university biobanks begin like other university research projects, i.e. with an idea conceived by an individual researcher in pursuit of his/her own research interests, publications, funding and career. Some biobanks, however, come to have scientific value that goes beyond the projects that were initially responsible for the collection of the samples and data they contain. Such value may derive from inter alia the uniqueness of the samples in terms of their sheer volume, the quality of the samples, the ability to link the samples with information retrieved in disease registries, or the fact that the samples represent very rare diseases. This paper focuses on biobanks of this kind, and the special obligations that publicly funded universities have to ensure the sustainability of biobanks with continued scientific value. We argue that universities should adopt policies to deal with the various, diverse issues which may arise during the lifecycle of a biobank. The policies should be flexible, accommodate the freedoms of individual researchers, and reflect the multifaceted nature of biobanks. Yet they should be specific enough to provide guidance and robust enough to safeguard legal norms and ethical values. The paper sets out concrete recommendations which universities should consider and act upon