81 research outputs found

    De chirurgische betekenis van de inwendige kringspier van het anale kanaal : een klinisch en manometrisch onderzoek

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    The high pressure zone within the anal canal is largely due to the activity of the internal anal sphincter and provides an effective barrier against rectal pressure. The continuous contraction of the internal sphincter also has a congesting effect on the vascular cushions, thereby making the anal canal airtight and watertight. The internal anal sphincter thus seems to be an important factor maintaining faecal continence. Evidence has accumulated which suggests a possible role for this sphincter muscle in the pathogenesis of anorectal disorders. The aim of the study, described in this thesis, was to investigate the importance of the internal anal sphincter in the pathogenesis as well as in the surgical treatment of perianal abscesses, hemorrhoids and anal fissuresIn dit proefschrift zal in de eerste plaats getracht worden de vraag te beantwoorden of hemorroïden en anale fissuren gepaard gaan met een verhoogde activiteit van de inwendige kringspier. Vervolgens zal het daaruit voortvloeiende onderzoek naar de eventuele betekenis van laterale interne sphincterotomie voor de behandeling van deze aandoeningen besproken worden. Tenslotte zal getracht worden de vraag te beantwoorden of het mogelijk en wenselijk is perianale abcessen in een vroeg stadium definitief te behandelen door aan de incisie en drainage een partiele interne sphincterectomie toe te voege

    Pro-inflammatory cytokines in cryptoglandular anal fistulas

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    Background: Sphincter-preserving procedures for the treatment of transsphincteric fistulas fail in at least one out of every three patients. It has been suggested that failure is due to ongoing disease in the remaining fistula tract. Cytokines play an important role in inflammation. At present, biologicals targeting cytokines are available. Therefore, detection and identification of cytokines in anal fistulas might have implications for future treatment modalities. The objective of the present study was to assess local production of a selected panel of cytokines in anal fistulas, including pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-1β and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α). Methods: Fistula tract tissue was obtained from 27 patients with a transsphincteric fistula of cryptoglandular origin who underwent flap repair, ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract or a combination of both procedures. Patients with a rectovaginal fistula or a fistul

    Long-term follow-up of retrograde colonic irrigation for defaecation disturbances

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    Objective. Irrigation of the distal part of the large bowel is a nonsurgical alternative for patients with defaecation disturbance. In our institution, all patients with defaecation disturbances, not responding to medical treatment and biofeedback therapy, were offered retrograde colonic irrigation (RCI). This study is aimed at evaluating the long-term feasibility and outcome of RCI. Methods. Between 1989 and 2001, a consecutive series of 267 patients was offered RCI. All patients received instructions about RCI by one of our enterostomal therapists. Twenty-eight patients were lost to follow-up. A detailed questionnaire was sent by mail to 239 patients. The total response rate was 79% (190 patients). Based on the returned questionnaires it became clear the 21 (11%) patients never started RCI. The long-term feasibility and outcome of RCI was therefore assessed in the remaining group of 169 patients. Thirty-two patients were admitted with soiling, 71 patints with faecal incontinence, 37 patients with obstructed defaecation and 29 had defaecation disturbance after low anterior resection or pouch surgery. Results. According to the returned questionnaires, RCI was considered effective by 91 (54%) patients. Among patients with soling and faecal incontinence, RCI was found to be effective in, respectively, 47 and 41% of the subjects. Despite of the reported effectiveness, 10 (67%) patients with soiling and 5 (17%) patients with faecal incontinence decide to stop. Among patients with obstructed defaecation and those with defaecation disturbances after low anterior resection or pouch surgery the effectiveness of RCI was found to be 65 and 79%, respectively. None of these patients ceased their therapy. The overall succes-rate of long-term RCI was therefore 45%. Conclusions. Long-term RCI is beneficial for 45% of patients with defaecation disturbance. In the group of patients who considered RCI effective and beneficial, discontinuation of therapy was only observe among those with soiling and faecal incontinence

    Validation of two age dependent D-dimer cut-off values for exclusion of deep vein thrombosis in suspected elderly patients in primary care: retrospective, cross sectional, diagnostic analysis

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    Objective To determine whether the use of age adapted D-dimer cut-off values can be translated to primary care patients who are suspected of deep vein thrombosis

    Repeat Transanal Advancement Flap Repair: Impact on the Overall Healing Rate of High Transsphincteric Fistulas and on Fecal Continence

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    PURPOSE: Transanal advancement flap repair (TAFR) has been advocated as the treatment of choice for transsphincteric fistulas passing through the upper or middle third of the external anal sphincter. It is not clear whether previous attempts at repair adversely affect the outcome of TAFR. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the success rate of a repeat TAFR and to assess the impact of such a second procedure on the overall healing rate of high transsphincteric fistulas and on fecal continence. METHODS: Between January 2001 and January 2005, a consecutive series of 87 patients (62 males; median age, 49 (range, 27-73) years) underwent TAFR. Median follow-up was 15 (range, 2-50) months. Patients in whom the initial operation failed were offered two further treatment options: a second flap repair or a long-term indwelling seton drainage. Twenty-six patients (male:female ratio, 5:2; median age, 51 (range, 31-72) years) preferred a repeat repair. Continence status was evaluated before and after the procedures by using the Rockwood Faecal Incontinence Severity Index (RFISI). RESULTS: The healing rate after the first TAFR was 67 percent. Of the 29 patients in whom the initial procedure failed, 26 underwent a repeat TAFR. The healing rate after this second procedure was 69 percent, resulting in an overall success rate of 90 percent. Both before and after the first attempt of TAFR, the median RFISI was 7 (range, 0-34). In patients who underwent a second TAFR, the median RFISI before and after this procedure was 9 (range, 0-34) and 8 (range, 0-34), respectively. None of these changes were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Repeat TAFR increases the overall healing rate of high transsphincteric fistulas from 67 percent after one attempt to 90 percent after two attempts without a deteriorating effect on fecal continence

    Isolated ileal blind loop inflammation after intestinal resection with ileocolonic anastomosis in Crohn's disease: an often neglected endoscopic finding with an unfavorable outcome

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    OBJECTIVE: Postoperative endoscopic recurrence in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) is commonly classified using the Rutgeerts score. Ulcerations in the ileal blind loop are not taken into account in the Rutgeerts score, and the clinical relevance of these lesions is unknown. This study aimed to assess the outcome of isolated ileal blind loop inflammation (IBLI) in postoperative CD patients. METHODS: Adult CD patients who underwent intestinal surgery with ileocolonic anastomosis between 1997 and 2017 were included and postoperative endoscopy reports were retrospectively reviewed. IBLI was defined as isolated inflammation of the ileal blind loop with or without ulcera confined to the anastomosis. Outcome was assessed using endoscopic recurrence (Rutgeerts >i2) and surgical recurrence (re-resection). RESULTS: A total of 341 CD patients were included. In 125 out of 341 (37%) patients, the ileal blind loop was described in the endoscopy reports. IBLI was reported in 43 of 341 (13%) patients. Start or step-up drug therapy was initiated in 10 of 32 (31%) IBLI patients with abdominal symptoms within a median of 0.9 months [interquartile range (IQR) 0.7-1.4] after ileocolonoscopy. Endoscopic recurrence occurred in 4 out of 38 (11%) IBLI patients without re-resection, within a median of 12.4 months (IQR 6.8-13.3). Intestinal re-res

    Sentiment analysis of multiple implicit features per sentence in consumer review data

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    With the rise of e-commerce, online consumer reviews have become crucial for consumers' purchasing decisions. Most of the existing research focuses on the detection of explicit features and sentiments in such reviews, thereby ignoring all that is reviewed implicitly. This study builds, in extension of an existing implicit feature algorithm that can only assign one implicit feature to each sentence, a classifier that predicts the presence of multiple implicit features in sentences. The classifier makes its prediction based on a custom score function and a trained threshold. Only if this score exceeds the threshold, we allow for the detection of multiple implicit feature. In this way, we increase the recall while limiting the decrease in precision. In the more realistic scenario, the classifier-based approach improves the F1-score from 62.9% to 64.5% on a restaurant review data set. The precision of the computed sentiment associated with the detected features is 63.9%