49 research outputs found

    Intent to leave nursing in the Netherlands

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    Epidemiology of injuries, treatment (costs) and outcome in burn patients admitted to a hospital with or without dedicated burn centre (Burn-Pro)

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    INTRODUCTION: The Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB) referral criteria have been implemented for optimal triaging of burn patients. Admission to a burn centre is indicated for patients with severe burns or with specific characteristics like older age or comorbidities. Patients not meeting these criteria can also be treated in a hospital without burn centre. Limited information is available about the organisation of care and referral of these patients. The aims of this study are to determine the burn injury characteristics, treatment (costs), quality of life and scar quality of burn patients admitted to a hospital without dedicated burn centre. These data will subsequently be compared with data from patients with<10% total bodysurface area (TBSA) burned who are admitted (or secondarily referred) to a burn centre. If admissions were in agreement with the EMSB, referral criteria will also be determined. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: In this multicentre, prospective, observational study (cohort study), the following two groups of patients will be followed: 1) all patients (no age limit) admitted with burn-related injuries to a hospital without a dedicated burn centre in the Southwest Netherlands or Brabant Trauma Region and 2) all patients (no age limit) with<10% TBSA burned who are primarily admitted (or secondarily referred) to the burn centre of Maasstad Hospital. Data on the burn injury characteristics (primary outcome), EMSB compliance, treatment, treatment costs and outcome will be collected from the patients' medical files. At 3 weeks and at 3, 6 and 12 months after trauma, patients will be asked to complete the quality of life questionnaire (EuroQoL-5D), and the patient-reported part of the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS). At those time visits, the coordinating investigator or research assistant will complete the observer-reported part of the POSAS. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study has been exempted by the medical r

    Vuurwerkletsel in Zuidwest-Nederland rond de jaarwisseling 2017-2018

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    OBJECTIVE: To report the number of patients with firework-related injuries treated in December 2017 and January 2018 in a hospital in the south-west Netherlands trauma region, and to provide details about the types of firework used and the specific injuries. DESIGN: A prospective multicentre cohort study (NTR6793). METHODS: Patients of all ages with firework-related injuries were eligible for inclusion. The injury had to have been sustained between 1 December 2017 and 31 January 2018, and treated at a hospital in the south-west Netherlands trauma region (approximately 2.5 million inhabitants). Data were extracted from patients' medical files and additional information was obtained from patient interviews. RESULTS: Fifty-four patients were included. The majority were male (93%) and the median age was 15 years. Twenty-five (46%) patients were bystanders and 12 (22%) were injured by illegal fireworks. Fifty patients were injured by bangers (n=22) or decorative fireworks (n=28). The patients had a total of 79 injuries, of which 29 (37%) were localised to the upper extremity and 19 (24%) to the eyes. Most upper extremity injuries were burns (69%), primarily partial thickness. Of the eye injuries, 14 were caused by blunt trauma, seven by chemical trauma, and one by penetrating trauma. Three patients sustained indirect firework-related injuries. CONCLUSION: Between 1 December 2017 and 31 January 2018 in the south-west Netherlands trauma region mainly teenage males and bystanders sustained firework-related injuries. Most injuries were upper extremity burns and eye injuries, mainly due to legal fireworks and bangers or decorative fireworks. The extent of the sample indicatDoel Een volledig overzicht geven van het aantal vuurwerkslachtoffers dat in december 2017 en januari 2018 behandeld werd in een ziekenhuis in de traumaregio Zuidwest-Nederland, het gebruikte soort vuurwerk en de specifieke letsels. Opzet Een prospectieve, multicentrische cohortstudie (NTR6793). Methode Patiënten van alle leeftijden met vuurwerkletsel kwamen in aanmerking voor inclusie. Het letsel moest zijn ontstaan in de periode 1 december 2017-31 januari 2018 en zijn behandeld in een ziekenhuis in de traumaregio Zuidwest-Nederland (circa 2,5 miljoen inwoners). Gegevens werden verzameld vanuit het patiëntendossier en aanvullende gegevens werden verkregen tijdens een interview. Resultaten Er werden 54 patiënten geïncludeerd. Het overgrote deel betrof mannen (93%) en de mediane leeftijd was 15 jaar. 25 gewonden (46%) waren omstander en 12 mensen (22%) raakten gewond door illegaal vuurwerk. Van de 54 patiënten raakten er 50 gewond door knalvuurwerk (n = 22) of siervuurwerk (n = 28). De 54 geïncludeerde patiënten hadden 79 letsels; het letsel was 29 keer (37%) gelokaliseerd aan armen of handen en 19 keer (24%) aan de ogen. Letsel aan de arm of hand bestond voornamelijk uit brandwonden (69%), met name tweedegraads. Oogletsel werd 14 keer door stomp inwerkend geweld veroorzaakt, 7 keer door chemisch letsel en 1 keer werd het oog gepenetreerd. Er raakten 3 patiënten indirect gewond door vuurwerk. Conclusie In de traumaregio Zuidwest-Nederland raakten in de 2 maanden rond de jaarwisseling 2017-2018 vooral minderjarige mannen en omstanders gewond. Slachtoffers liepen met name brandwonden aan armen of handen of oogletsel op. De verwondingen waren met name het gevolg van legaal knal- en siervuurwerk. Door de omvang van de steekproef lijken de studiebevindingen goed te extrapoleren naar het gehele land

    The influence of the curriculum, individual characteristics, recruitment policies and the labour market on graduate employability

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    Nowadays, graduates need to cope with an increasing diversity and complexity of care situations in healthcare organisations. For this reason, it has been decided to broaden curricula. So far, research on the development and effects of broad curricula has been restricted. This is remarkable, given the fact that over the last 20 years significant investments have been made in developing curricula that supposedly fulfil the requirements of the labour market. This article describes an empirical study in which the main focus has been on the influence of the curriculum on the employability of nursing and healthcare graduates in the Netherlands. From comparable studies it is known that other factors – such as the individual characteristics of graduates, the recruitment policies of healthcare organisations and labour market factors - also influence the position of graduates in the labour market. For this reason, these factors have also been included in this study