105 research outputs found

    Equivalence of renormalized covariant and light-front perturbation theory: I. Longitudinal divergences in the Yukawa model

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    Light-front perturbation theory has been proposed as an alternative to covariant perturbation theory. Light-front perturbation theory is only acceptable if it produces invariant S-matrix elements. Doubts have been raised concerning the equivalence of light-front and covariant perturbation theory. One of the obstacles to a rigorous proof of equivalence is the occurrence of longitudinal divergences not present in covariant perturbation theory. We show in the case of the Yukawa model of fermions interacting with scalar bosons at the one-loop level how to deal with the longitudinal divergences. Invariant S-matrix elements are obtained using our method.Comment: 11 pages, epsf, revtex, contains more elaborate explanation of Forced Instantaneous Loops (FILs

    Identification of a heparin-releasable hepatic lipase binding protein from rat liver

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    Hepatic lipase (HL) plays a key role in the metabolism of several lipoproteins. Metabolically active HL is bound in liver parenchymal cells to specific binding sites. We studied the nature of the HL binding in rat liver. Rat livers were perfused with heparin, which lead to a loss of 80% of the HL binding capacity of the liver. The heparin-containing perfusates possessed HL binding capacity, determined by slot-blot assay. The perfusates were loaded on to a heparin-Sepharose column and eluted with a linear salt gradient (0.2-1 M). HL binding activity, assessed by a slot-blot binding assay, eluted both at 0.3 M and at 0.8 M NaCl. A 0.5 M NaCl eluate was used to further characterize the HL binding activity. In this fraction the major protein had a molecular mass of 70 kDa. The fraction showed saturable HL binding in a solid-phase binding assay

    Hepatic lipase is localized at the parenchymal cell microvilli in rat liver

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    Hepatic lipase (HL) is thought to be located at the vascular endothelium in the liver. However, it has also been implicated in the binding and internalization of chylomicron remnants in the parenchymal cells. In view of this apparent discrepancy between localization and function, we re-investigated the localization of HL in rat liver using biochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. The binding of HL to endothelial cells was studied in primary cultures of rat liver endothelial cells. Endothelial cells bound HL in a saturable manner with high affinity. However, the binding capacity accounted for at most 1% of the total HL activity present in the whole liver. These results contrasted with earlier studies, in which non-parenchymal cell (NPC) preparations had been found to bind HL with a high capacity. To study HL binding to the different components of the NPC preparations, we separated endothelial cells, Kupffer cells and blebs by counterflow elutriation. Kupffer cells and endothelial cells showed a relatively low HL-binding capacity. In contrast, the blebs, representing parenchymal-cell-derived material, had a high HL-binding capacity (33 m-units/mg of protein) and accounted for more than 80% of the total HL binding in the NPC preparation. In contrast with endothelial and Kupffer cells, the HL-binding capacity of parenchymal cells could account for almost all the HL activity found in the whole liver. These data strongly suggest that HL binding occurs at parenchymal liver cells. To confirm this conclusion in situ, we studied HL localization by immunocytochemical techniques. Using immunofluorescence, we confirmed the sinusoidal localization of HL. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that virtually all HL was located at the microvilli of parenchymal liver cells, with a minor amount at the endothelium. We conclude that, in rat liver, HL is localized at the microvilli of parenchymal cells

    Compactification near and on the light front

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    We address problems associated with compactification near and on the light front. In perturbative scalar field theory we illustrate and clarify the relationships among three approaches: (1) quantization on a space-like surface close to a light front; (2) infinite momentum frame calculations; and (3) quantization on the light front. Our examples emphasize the difference between zero modes in space-like quantization and those in light front quantization. In particular, in perturbative calculations of scalar field theory using discretized light cone quantization there are well-known ``zero-mode induced'' interaction terms. However, we show that they decouple in the continuum limit and covariant answers are reproduced. Thus compactification of a light-like surface is feasible and defines a consistent field theory.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    The Rotation Average in Lightcone Time-Ordered Perturbation Theory

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    We present a rotation average of the two-body scattering amplitude in the lightcone time(Ď„\tau)-ordered perturbation theory. Using a rotation average procedure, we show that the contribution of individual time-ordered diagram can be quantified in a Lorentz invariant way. The number of time-ordered diagrams can also be reduced by half if the masses of two bodies are same. In the numerical example of Ď•3\phi^{3} theory, we find that the higher Fock-state contribution is quite small in the lightcone quantization.Comment: 25 pages, REVTeX, epsf.sty, 69 eps file

    Infinite Nuclear Matter on the Light Front: Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations

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    A relativistic light front formulation of nuclear dynamics is developed and applied to treating infinite nuclear matter in a method which includes the correlations of pairs of nucleons: this is light front Brueckner theory. We start with a hadronic meson-baryon Lagrangian that is consistent with chiral symmetry. This is used to obtain a light front version of a one-boson-exchange nucleon-nucleon potential (OBEP). The accuracy of our description of the nucleon-nucleon (NN) data is good, and similar to that of other relativistic OBEP models. We derive, within the light front formalism, the Hartree-Fock and Brueckner Hartree-Fock equations. Applying our light front OBEP, the nuclear matter saturation properties are reasonably well reproduced. We obtain a value of the compressibility, 180 MeV, that is smaller than that of alternative relativistic approaches to nuclear matter in which the compressibility usually comes out too large. Because the derivation starts from a meson-baryon Lagrangian, we are able to show that replacing the meson degrees of freedom by a NN interaction is a consistent approximation, and the formalism allows one to calculate corrections to this approximation in a well-organized manner. The simplicity of the vacuum in our light front approach is an important feature in allowing the derivations to proceed. The mesonic Fock space components of the nuclear wave function are obtained also, and aspects of the meson and nucleon plus-momentum distribution functions are computed. We find that there are about 0.05 excess pions per nucleon.Comment: 39 pages, RevTex, two figure

    Electromagnetic form factors in the light-front formalism and the Feynman triangle diagram: spin-0 and spin-1 two-fermion systems

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    The connection between the Feynman triangle diagram and the light-front formalism for spin-0 and spin-1 two-fermion systems is analyzed. It is shown that in the limit q+ = 0 the form factors for both spin-0 and spin-1 systems can be uniquely determined using only the good amplitudes, which are not affected by spurious effects related to the loss of rotational covariance present in the light-front formalism. At the same time, the unique feature of the suppression of the pair creation process is maintained. Therefore, a physically meaningful one-body approximation, in which all the constituents are on their mass-shells, can be consistently formulated in the limit q+ = 0. Moreover, it is shown that the effects of the contact term arising from the instantaneous propagation of the active constituent can be canceled out from the triangle diagram by means of an appropriate choice of the off-shell behavior of the bound state vertexes; this implies that in case of good amplitudes the Feynman triangle diagram and the one-body light-front result match exactly. The application of our covariant light-front approach to the evaluation of the rho-meson elastic form factors is presented.Comment: corrected typos in the reference

    Light-Front Bethe-Salpeter Equation

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    A three-dimensional reduction of the two-particle Bethe-Salpeter equation is proposed. The proposed reduction is in the framework of light-front dynamics. It yields auxiliary quantities for the transition matrix and the bound state. The arising effective interaction can be perturbatively expanded according to the number of particles exchanged at a given light-front time. An example suggests that the convergence of the expansion is rapid. This result is particular for light-front dynamics. The covariant results of the Bethe-Salpeter equation can be recovered from the corresponding auxiliary three-dimensional ones. The technical procedure is developed for a two-boson case; the idea for an extension to fermions is given. The technical procedure appears quite practicable, possibly allowing one to go beyond the ladder approximation for the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. The relation between the three-dimensional light-front reduction of the field-theoretic Bethe-Salpeter equation and a corresponding quantum-mechanical description is discussed.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figure
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