64 research outputs found

    On the Nature of the Peculiar Hot Star in the Young LMC Cluster NGC1818

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    The blue star reported in the field of the young LMC cluster NGC1818 by Elson et al. (1998) has the wrong luminosity and radius to be a "luminous white dwarf" member of the cluster. In addition, unless the effective temperature quoted by the authors is a drastic underestimate, the luminosity is much too low for it to be a cluster member in the post-AGB phase. Other possibilities, including that of binary evolution, are briefly discussed. However, the implication that the massive main sequence turnoff stars in this cluster can produce white dwarfs (instead of neutron stars) from single-star evolution needs to be reconsidered.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, Ap J Letters in pres

    Defining the Termination of the Asymptotic Giant Branch

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    I suggest a theoretical quantitative definition for the termination of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase and the beginning of the post-AGB phase. I suggest that the transition will be taken to occur when the ratio of the dynamical time scale to the the envelope thermal time scale, Q, reaches its maximum value. Time average values are used for the different quantities, as the criterion does not refer to the short time-scale variations occurring on the AGB and post-AGB, e.g., thermal pulses (helium shell flashes) and magnetic activity. Along the entire AGB the value of Q increases, even when the star starts to contract. Only when a rapid contraction starts does the value of Q start to decrease. This criterion captures the essence of the transition from the AGB to the post AGB phase, because Q is connected to the stellar effective temperature, reaching its maximum value at T~4000-6000 K, it is related to the mass loss properties, and it reaches its maximum value when rapid contraction starts and envelope mass is very low.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letter

    Synthetic post-Asymptotic Giant Branch evolution: basic models and applications to disk populations

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    We explore the realm of post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) stars from a theoretical viewpoint, by constructing synthetic population of transition objects, proto-Planetary Nebulae, Planetary Nebulae Nuclei, and post-Planetary Nebulae objects. We use the Montecarlo procedure to filter out the populations accordingly to a given set of assumptions. We explore the parameter space by studying the effects of the Initial Mass Function (IMF), the Initial Mass-Final Mass Relation (IMFMR), the transition time (t_tr), the envelope mass at the end of the envelope ejection (Me_r), the planetary nebula lifetime t_PN, the hydrogen- and helium-burning phases of the central stars. The results are discussed on the basis of the HR diagram distributions, on the Mv-t plane, and with mass histograms. We found that: (1) the dependence of the synthetic populations on the assumed IMF and IMFMR is generally mild; (2) the Me_r indetermination produces very high indeterminations on the t_tr and thus on the resulting post-AGB populations; (3) the synthetic models give a test check for the ratio of He- to H-burning PNNi. In this paper, disk post-AGB populations are considered. Future applications will include Magellanic Clouds PNe, and populations of bulges and elliptical galaxies.Comment: 2 tables, 27 figures (gif format) The Astrophysical Journal, accepte

    The evolutionary time scale of Sakurai's object: A test of convection theory?

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    Sakurai's object (V4334 Sgr) is a born again AGB star following a very late thermal pulse. So far no stellar evolution models have been able to explain the extremely fast evolution of this star, which has taken it from the pre-white dwarf stage to its current appearance as a giant within only a few years. A very high stellar mass can be ruled out as the cause of the fast evolution. Instead the evolution time scale is reproduced in stellar models by making the assumption that the efficiency for element mixing in the He-flash convection zone during the very late thermal pulse is smaller than predicted by the mixing-length theory. As a result the main energy generation from fast proton capture occurs closer to the surface and the expansion to the giant state is accelerated to a few years. Assuming a mass of V4334 Sgr of 0.604Msun -- which is consistent with a distance of 4kpc -- a reduction of the mixing length theory mixing efficiency by a factor of ~ 100 is required to match its evolutionary time scale. This value decreases if V4334 Sgr has a smaller mass and accordingly a smaller distance. However, the effect does not disappear for the smallest possible masses. These findings may present a semi-empirical constraint on the element mixing in convective zones of the stellar interior.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, ApJ Letter, in press; some additional information as well as modifications as a result of the refereeing process, improved layout of prev. Fig.1 (now Fig.1 and Fig.2

    Discovery of a [WO] central star in the planetary nebula Th 2-A

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    % context About 2500 planetary nebulae are known in our Galaxy but only 224 have central stars with reported spectral types in the Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker et al. 1992; Acker et al. 1996) % aims We have started an observational program aiming to increase the number of PN central stars with spectral classification. % methods By means of spectroscopy and high resolution imaging, we identify the position and true nature of the central star. We carried out low resolution spectroscopic observations at CASLEO telescope, complemented with medium resolution spectroscopy performed at Gemini South and Magellan telescopes. % results As a first outcome of this survey, we present for the first time the spectra of the central star of the PN Th 2-A. These spectra show emission lines of ionized C and O, typical in Wolf-Rayet stars. % conclusions We identify the position of that central star, which is not the brightest one of the visual central pair. We classify it as of type [WO 3]pec, which is consistent with the high excitation and dynamical age of the nebula.Comment: 3 pages and 2 figures. Paper recommended for publication in A&

    An analysis of ultraviolet spectra of Extreme Helium Stars and new clues to their origins

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    Abundances of about 18 elements including the heavy elements Y and Zr are determined from Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph ultraviolet spectra of seven extreme helium stars (EHes): LSE 78, BD+10 2179, V1920 Cyg, HD 124448, PV Tel, LS IV -1 2, and FQ Aqr. New optical spectra of the three stars -- BD+10 2179, V1920 Cyg, and HD 124448 were analysed. The abundance analyses is done using LTE line formation and LTE model atmospheres especially constructed for these EHe stars. The stellar parameters derived from an EHe's UV spectrum are in satisfactory agreement with those derived from its optical spectrum. Adopted abundances for the seven EHes are from a combination of the UV and optical analyses. Published results for an additional ten EHes provide abundances obtained in a nearly uniform manner for a total of 17 EHes, the largest sample on record. The initial metallicity of an EHe is indicated by the abundance of elements from Al to Ni; Fe is adopted to be the representative of initial metallicity. Iron abundances range from approximately solar to about one-hundredth of solar. Clues to EHe evolution are contained within the H, He, C, N, O, Y, and Zr abundances. Two novel results are (i) the O abundance for some stars is close to the predicted initial abundance yet the N abundance indicates almost complete conversion of initial C, N, and O to N by the CNO-cycles; (ii) three of the seven stars with UV spectra show a strong enhancement of Y and Zr attributable to an s-process. The observed compositions are discussed in light of expectations from accretion of a He white dwarf by a CO white dwarf.Comment: 126 pages, 15 figures, 20 Tables, accepted for publication in the Ap

    On the Origin of X-ray Emission From Millisecond Pulsars in 47 Tuc

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    The observed spectra and X-ray luminosities of millisecond pulsars in 47 Tuc can be interpreted in the context of theoretical models based on strong, small scale multipole fields on the neutron star surface. For multipole fields that are relatively strong as compared to the large scale dipole field, the emitted X-rays are thermal and likely result from polar cap heating associated with the return current from the polar gap. On the other hand, for weak multipole fields, the emission is nonthermal and results from synchrotron radiation of e±e^{\pm} pairs created by curvature radiation. The X-ray luminosity, LxL_x, is related to the spin down power, LsdL_{sd}, expressed in the form Lx∝LsdÎČL_x \propto L^{\beta}_{sd} with ÎČ∌0.5\beta \sim 0.5 and ∌1\sim 1 for strong and weak multipole fields respectively. If the polar cap size is of the order of the length scale of the multipole field, ss and ÎČ∌0.5\beta \sim 0.5, the polar cap temperature is ∌3×106K(Lsd1034ergs−1)1/8(s3×104cm)−1/2\sim 3 \times 10^6 K (\frac{L_{sd}}{10^{34}erg s^{-1}})^{1/8} (\frac{s}{3\times 10^4 cm})^{-1/2}. A comparison of the X-ray properties of millisecond pulsars in globular clusters and in the Galactic field suggests that the emergence of relatively strong small scale multipole fields from the neutron star interior may be correlated with the age and evolutionary history of the underlying neutron star.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The UV Upturn in Elliptical Galaxies as an Age Indicator

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    We show that the UV flux of old stellar systems can tell us about their ages. Two independent populations synthesis groups that have had wildly different views have here worked together and generated two solutions that can be easily tested using space telescopes. Proposed tests will constrain the ages of giant Es, that are often considered the oldest populations in the universe, and thus cosmology.Comment: LaTeX and 11 eps figures Accepted for publication in Ap

    Formation and evolution of a 0.242 Msun helium white dwarf in presence of element diffusion

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    A 0.242 Msun object that finally becomes a helium white dwarf is evolved from Roche lobe detachment down to very low luminosities. In doing so, we employ our stellar code to which we have added a set of routines that compute the effects due to gravitational settling, and chemical and thermal diffusion. Initial model is constructed by abstracting mass to a 1 Msun red giant branch model up to the moment at which the model begins to evolve bluewards. We find that element diffusion introduces noticeable changes in the internal structure of the star. In particular, models undergo three thermonuclear flashes instead of one flash as we found with the standard treatment. This fact has a large impact on the total mass fraction of hydrogen left in the star at entering the final cooling track. As a result, at late stages of evolution models with diffusion are characterized by a much smaller nuclear energy release, and they evolve significantly faster compared to those found with the standard treatment. We find that models in which diffusion is considered predict evolutionary ages for the white dwarf companion to the millisecond pulsar PSR B1855+09 in good agreement with the spin-down age of the pulsar.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 12th European Workshop on White Dwarf
